PD 2 Flashcards
initial stretching of cardiac myocytes prior to contraction
“load” that heart must eject blood against, closely related to aortic pressure
vent. cont. resulting in forceful flow of blood into system and pulm circ
between 2 contractions - relaxation - allowing vent to fill w blood
S1 heart sound
closure of mitral and tricuspid (AV) valves
S2 heart sound
closure of aortic & pulmonic valves
S3 gallop heart sound
at the end of ventricular filling, if the vol of blood being transferred is abnormally large (mitral regurg), the blood “sloshing” up against vent. walls causes S3 sound
S4 gallop heart sound
late stage diastole is marked by atrial contraction. if vent. is stiff and noncompliant, will cause “atrial kick” pushing the remaining blood into the vent.
abnormal turbulent flow of blood when a valve is stenotic or damaged.
unexpected, audible swishing sound or murmur over an artery or vascular organ (low pitched, best heart w bell of steth.)
point of max. impulse (PMI)
beat of L vent. during systole. usually generated by the apex. May be produced by enlarged or hypertrophied RV, a dilated aorta or plum. artery, or LV wall motion abnormality
palpable murmur - signifies turbulent blood flow, associated w congenital and valvular abnormalities
Heave/Lift: are sustained palpable movements of localized areas of the precordium due to increased intensity of systolic contraction of one or more cardiac chambers
Heave: a more pronounced lift
Lift: RV hypertrophy
situs inversus/dextrocardia
the inversion or transposition of the body viscera so that the heart is on the right and the liver is on the left; the chest and abdominal contents become mirror images of the usual.
gallop heart sounds
S3, S4
Rub heart sound
audible through stethoscope - resulting from rubbing of opposed, inflamed, serous surfaces(ex: pericarditis)
classic finding in mitral valve prolapse. Usually heard during mid or late systole. usually accompanied w a late systolic murmur indicative of mitral regurgitation.
associated w aortic stenosis. if thickening or deformities of the leaflets occur, a sound is generated in early diastole that corresponds to the opening of the valves.
ejection sounds
abnormal dilation or calcification of the aortic and pulmonic valves can cause an abnormal early systolic ejection sound as they open during systole.
Pain, burning, fatigue in legs/ buttocks, occurs w/ walking, better with rest, symptom of narrowing of artery or blockage, may be able to hear bruit (atherosclerosis is the most common cause of arterial blockage which can cause claudication)
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
sudden onset of SOB after sleeping
irregular shaped yellow lesions on periorbital tissues representing deposition of lipids indicating pt has abnormality of lipid metabolism
pulsus alternans
pulse has constant rate & rhythm but amplitude alternates between small/large - indicative of vent. dysfunction/failure.
pulsus bigeminus
normal pulse beat followed by a premature beat (due to premature vent. cont.) and a pause. Premature beat’s amp is less than the amp of the normal beat. indicative of heart disease
pulsus bisferiens
pulse has 2 peaks during systole - first is normal pulse during vent. cont., 2nd is an early diastole due to back flow of blood. best noted on carotid palpation.
pulsus paradoxus
atypical decrease in systolic BP and amp. during inspiration. Usually there is a slight decrease here, but should be <10mmHg. Can be indicative of emphysema, asthma, premature heart cont., tracheobronchoral obstruction, or effusion.
pulse deficit
difference between rates in pulse when auscultating heart’s apex vs palpating peripheral artery. Occurs when vent. contraction doesn’t eject a sufficient amount of blood to produce a pulse wave in arteries.
tracheal lung sounds
high pitched, harsh, heard over trachea/neck
bronchovesicular lung sounds
med pitched, heard mostly at 1st &2nd interspaces anteriorly and between scapulae
Bronchial lung sounds
relatively high pitched, heard over manubrium
vesicular lung sounds
soft, relatively low pitched sound heard over most of lungs
fine crackles lung sounds
heard during end of inspiration, high-pitched, discrete, crackling sound not cleared by cough
medium crackles - lung sounds
heard during mid-step of inspiration. lower, more moist, not cleared by cough
course crackles - lung sound
heard during inspiration, loud, bubbly, not cleared by cough
expiration>inspiration, musical, high-pitched, hissing, squeak, continuous
In lower airways is suggestive of narrowing of airways
a wheeze that is predominately inspiratory, indicating partial obstruction of trachea
continuous through inspiration&expiration, loud, low, course sound similar to snore or honk