PCR and its roles in diagnostics Flashcards
What is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?
The polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is an enzyme-based method to specifically amplify segments of DNA using a thermal DNA polymerase in a cyclical process.
What 2 aspects of PCR control the specificity of the technique?
- The complementarity of the primers to the specific sequence of DNA you want to amplify
- The uniqueness of the primer sequences used.
Why is the specificity of PCR dependent on the complementarity of the primers to the target DNA sequence?
Because if the primers used weren’t complementary to the target DNA sequence you wouldn’t be able to amplify the target sequence because they wouldn’t be able to bind meaning DNA polymerase wouldn’t have a template to use to amplify the target sequence.
Why is the specificity of PCR also dependent on the uniqueness of the primers used?
Because if the sequence of the primers used is not unique then you get complementary to lots of different sequences within the DNA sample which means you will amplify loads of different sequences of DNA.
How is the target sequence for PCR identified?
Within the target molecule you identify a sequence that flanks the sequence you want to amplify - this sequence is called the flanking sequence
Within the flanking sequence you then identify a segment of DNA that has the same Tm as that of the primers.
Within the target DNA sequence how do the primers orientate themselves and why is this the case?
The primers are oriented in opposite directions to each other so that the DNA polymerase moves towards the opposing primer as it amplifies one of the primer sequences.
What type of DNA polyermase is used during PCR?
DNA-dependent DNA polyermase
In PCR once the DNA duplex has been denatured what are the 2 possibilties that can happen? Which one of these 2 processes is favoured during PCR
- Annealing of the primers to the template strand
- Renaturation of the 2 denatured strands to reform the DNA duplex
- Annelaing of the primers to the template starnd is favoured during PCR
Why is the anneling of the primers to the template strand favoured over the renaturation of the 2 denaturated strands after the DNA has been denatured during PCR?
Because you have a high molar excess of the primer within the reaction mixture compared to the original strand of the duplex. This means there is a much higher chance of the primer forming hydrogen bonds with the template strand then there is the original strand of DNA reforming hydrogen bonds with the template strand and reforming the original duplex.
What conditions are needed for the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase to be able to synthesise the non-template strand?
- A template strand with a primer (usually 20-30 bases long) annealed to it
- Deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP) to form the elongating strand
- Mg2+ ions (required as a cofactor for the enzyme)
- Roughly neutral pH
PCR involves the transition between 3 different states, what are they?
- Denatured - where the DNA duplex becomes single stranded
- Annealed - reaction mixture cooled which allows for the formation of a partial duplex with the primer and template strand
- Native state – optimal conditions for the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase to form an initiation complex with the partial duplex and then extend the elongate the non-template strand.
Why must the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase have high thermostability?
For PCR to work the reaction must go through multiple rounds of extreme heating and cooling which means the DNA-dependent polymerase must be able to retain activity even at temperatures that would denature most enzymes.
Describe the steps involved in the polymerase chain reaction?
- Add into reaction mixture DNA template, DNA dependent DNA polymerase, 2 oppositely oriented primers and other reactants (Mg2+ ions, deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, dNTPs, and a buffer).
- Raise the temperature of the reaction mixture in order to break hydrogen bonds within the DNA duplex causing it to denature and form 2 single strands.
- Cool the reaction mixture to temperature of the Tm of the primers allowing them to anneal to template strand and form a partial duplex.
- Change the temperature again so now it is at the optimal temperature for the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase which results in it forming an initiation complex with the partial duplex. It then goes on to efficiently elongate the non-template strand.
- Repeat these steps multiple times to produce millions of copies of the amplified section of DNA - PCR usually involves around 30 to 40 cycles.
What 2 factors affect the kinetics of the polyermase chain reaction?
- The depletion of reactants - removal dTNPs from reaction mixture as well as incorporating primers into the elongated strand
- The acidification of the reaction
How does the reaction mixture become more acidic over the course of a PCR recation?
As the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase adds deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates to the non-template strand they become monophosphates and as a result pyrophosphate and H+ ions are produced. The accumulation of H+ ions eventually overcomes the effect of the buffer within the reaction mixture causing it to acidify.