PCM Key Terms - 6.1 Flashcards
Administered Vertical Marketing System
Vertical marketing system in which coordination is achieved at successive stages of production and distribution by the size and influence of one channel member rather than through ownership.
Buyer Requirements
The interests buyers might want fulfilled when they purchase a firm’s products or services. These fall into four broad categories: Information, Convenience, Variety, and Pre- or Postsale Services
Channel Conflict
Arises when one channel member believes another channel member is engaged in behavior that prevents it from achieving its goals
The consolidation of many items into a single, large container that is sealed at its point of origin and opened at its destination. The items may be transported by rail (piggyback), air (birdyback), ship (fishyback)
Contractual Vertical Marketing System
Vertical marketing system in which independent production and distribution firms integrate their efforts on a contractual basis to obtain greater functional economies and marketing impact than they could achieve alone
Corporate Vertical Marketing System
Vertical marketing system in which the successive stages of production and distribution are combined under a single ownership
Customer Service
The ability of logistics management to satisfy users in terms of time, dependability, communication, and convenience
Direct Marketing Channels
Marketing channels in which the producer and the ultimate consumers deal directly with each other
A type of reseller or marketing intermediary that resells manufactured products without significantly altering their form. Distributors often buy from manufacturers and sell to other businesses like retailers in a B2B transaction.
Dual Distribution
The use of two or more marketing channels to distribute the same products to the same target market
Exclusive Distribution
Distribution strategy in which only one retailer in a specified geographical area carries a firm’s products
A form of licensing in which a franchiser, in exchange for a financial commitment, grants a franchisee the right to market its product in accordance with the franchiserês standards
Indirect Marketing Channels
Marketing channels in which intermediaries are inserted between the producer and the consumer and perform numerous channel functions
Intensive Distribution
Distribution strategy in which a firm tries to place all its products and services in as many outlets as possible
Those who make possible the flow of products from producers to ultimate consumers by performing transactional, logistical, and facilitating functions