PCA Q's 1-100 Flashcards


Your company has decided to make a major revision of their API in order to create better expenences for their developers They need to keep the old version of the API available and deployable, while allowing new customers and testers to try out the new API They want to keep the same SSL and DNS records in place to serve both APIs.
What should they do?

A Configure a new load balancer for the new version of the API

B Reconfigure old clients to use a new endpoint for the new API

C. Have the old API forward traffic to the new API based on the path

D Use separate backend pools for each API path behind the load balancer


Use separate backend pools for each API path behind the load balancer

D is the answer because HTTP(S) load balancer can direct traffic reaching a single IP to different backends based on the incoming URL. A is not correct because configuring a new load balancer would require a new or different SSL and DNS records which conflicts with the requirements to keep the same SSL and DNS records. B is not correct because it goes against the requirements. The company wants to keep the old API available while new customers and testers try the new API. C is not correct because it is not a requirement to decommission the implementation behind the old API. Moreover, it introduces unnecessary risk in case bugs or incompatibilities are discovered in the new API

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Your company plans to migrate a multi-petabyte data set to the cloud The data set must be available 24hrs a day. Your business analysts have experience only with using a
SQL interface.

How should you store the data to optimize it for ease of analysis?

A Load data into Google BigQuery
B Insert data into Google Cloud SQL
C Put flat files into Google Cloud Storage
D Stream data into Google Cloud Datastore


A. Load data into Google BigQuery

This question could go either way for A or B. But Big Query was designed with this in mind, according to numerous Google presentation and videos. Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL database (https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/overview)
Cloud Storage does not have an SQL interface. The previous two sentences eliminate options C and D. So I’d pick “A”.

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The operations manager asks you for a list of recommended practices that she should consider when migrating a J2EE application to the cloud Which three practices should you recommend? (Choose three.)

A Port the application code to run on Google App Engine

B Integrate Cloud Dataflow into the application to capture real-time metrics

C. Instrument the application with a monitoring tool like Stackdriver Debugger

D Select an automation framework to reliably provision the cloud infrastructure

E Deploy a continuous integration tool with automated testing in a staging environment

F Migrate from MySQL to a managed NoSQL database like Google Cloud Datastore or Bigtable

References: https //cloud Qooole com/appenaine/docs/standard/|ava/tools/uploadinQanapp
https //cloud google com/appengine/docs/standard/java/building-app/cloud-sql tvt_vn/ebay


A, C E

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A news feed web service has the following code running on Google App Engine. During peak load, users report that they can see news articles they already viewed
What is the most likely cause of this problem?

import news
from flask, import: Flask, redirect, request
from flask.ext.api import status
from google.appengine.api import users

app =  Flask( _name_ )
sessions =  { }

@app.route (“/”)
def homepage():
user — users.get_current_user()
if not user:
return “Invalid login”,

if user not in sessions:
sessions[user] = {“viewed”: [ ] }

news_articles = news.get new news (user, sessions [user]
sessions [user] [“viewed”] +— [n[“id”] for n in news_articles]

     return news.render(news articles) if name " main ": app.run( )

A. The session variable is local to just a single instance

B The session variable is being overwritten in Cloud Datastore

C. The URL of the API needs to be modified to prevent caching

D The HTTP Expires header needs to be set to -1 stop caching


A. The session variable is local to just a single instance

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An application development team believes their current logging tool will not meet their needs for their new cloud-based product. They want a better tool to capture errors and
help them analyze their historical log data You want to help them find a solution that meets their needs.
What should you do?

A Direct them to download and install the Google StackDriver logging agent

B Send them a list of online resources about logging best practices

C. Help them define their requirements and assess viable logging tools

D Help them upgrade their current tool to take advantage of any new features


Correct: A
Reason: This is a GCP exam lol. Besides, stackdriver is the GCP solution for logging

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You need to reduce the number of unplanned rollbacks of erroneous production deployments in your company’s web hosting platform. Improvement to the QA/Test processes
accomplished an 80% reduction.
Which additional two approaches can you take to further reduce the rollbacks? (Choose two.)

A. Introduce a green-blue deployment model

B. Replace the QA environment with canary releases

C. Fragment the monolithic platform into microservices

D. Reduce the platform’s dependency on relational database systems
E Replace the platform’s relational database systems with a NoSQL database tvt_vn/ebay


A, C

“D) and E) are pointless in this context.
C) is certainly a good practice.
Now between A) and B)
A) Blue green deployment is an application release model that gradually transfers user traffic from a previous version of an app or microservice to a nearly identical new release—both of which are running in production.
c) In software, a canary process is usually the first instance that receives live production traffic about a new configuration update, either a binary or configuration rollout. The new release only goes to the canary at first. The fact that the canary handles real user traffic is key: if it breaks, real users get affected, so canarying should be the first step in your deployment process, as opposed to the last step in testing in production. “
While both green-blue and canary releases are useful, B) suggests “replacing QA” with canary releases - which is not good. QA got the issue down by 80%. Hence A) and C)”

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To reduce costs, the Director of Engineering has required all developers to move their development infrastructure resources from on-premises virtual machines (VMs) to
Google Cloud Platform. These resources go through multiple start/stop events during the day and require state to persist. You have been asked to design the process of running a development environment in Google Cloud while providing cost visibility to the finance department

Which two steps should you take? (Choose two.)

A. Use the - -no-auto-delete flag on all persistent disks and stop the VM

B. Use the - -auto-delete flag on all persistent disks and terminate the VM

C. Apply VM CPU utilization label and include it in the BigQuery billing export

D. Use Google BigQuery billing export and labels to associate cost to groups

E. Store all state into local SSD. snapshot the persistent disks, and terminate the VM

F. Store all state in Google Cloud Storage, snapshot the persistent disks, and terminate the VM tvt_vn/ebay


A, D

he correct answer is 100% A / D and here is why. On the sample question, the “F” option is gone. “A” is there but slightly reworked, it now says: “Use persistent disks to store the state. Start and stop the VM as needed” which makes much more sense. The practice exam says A and D are correct. Given the wording of this question, if A and B, where there then both would be correct because of the word “persistent” and not because of the flag. The “no-auto-delete” makes A slightly safer than B, but it is the “persistent disk” that makes them right, not the flag. Hope that helps! F is not right because that is a complex way of solving the issue that by choosing Persistent Disk solves it up front. HTH

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  1. Your company wants to track whether someone is present in a meeting room reserved for a scheduled meeting There are 1000 meeting rooms across 5 offices on 3 continents.Each room is equipped with a motion sensor that reports its status every second. The data from the motion detector includes only a sensor ID and several
    different discrete items of information Analysts will use this data, together with information about account owners and office locations.
    Which database type should you use?

A. Flat file
C. Relational
D. Blobstore



A does not seem reasonable because a flat file is not easy to query and analyze.
B seems reasonable because this accommodates unstructured data.
C seems unreasonable because we have no idea on the structure of the data.
D seems unreasonable beacause there is no such Google database type.

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You set up an autoscaling instance group to serve web traffic for an upcoming launch After configuring the instance group as a backend service to an HTTP(S) load balancer,
you notice that virtual machine (VM) instances are being terminated and re-launched every minute. The instances do not have a public IP address. You have verified the appropriate web response is coming from each instance using the curl command. You want to ensure the backend is configured correctly.
What should you do?

A. Ensure that a firewall rules exists to allow source traffic on HTTP/HTTPS to reach the load balancer

B. Assign a public IP to each instance and configure a firewall rule to allow the load balancer to reach the instance public IP.

C. Ensure that a firewall rule exists to allow load balancer health checks to reach the instances in the instance group.

D. Create a tag on each instance with the name of the load balancer Configure a firewall rule with the name of the load balancer as the source and the instance tag as
the destination


C. Ensure that a firewall rule exists to allow load balancer health checks to reach the instances in the instance group.

A” and “B” wouldn’t turn the VMs on or off, it would jsut prevent traffic. “C” would turn them off if the health check is configured to terminate the VM is it fails. “D” is the start of a pseudo health check without any logic, so it also isn’t an answer because it is like “A” and “B”. Correct Answer: “C”

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You write a Python script to connect to Google BigQuery from a Google Compute Engine virtual machine The script is printing errors that it cannot connect to BigQuery.
What should you do to fix the script?

A. Install the latest BigQuery API client library for Python

B. Run your script on a new virtual machine with the BigQuery access scope enabled

C. Create a new service account with BigQuery access and execute your script with that user

D. Install the bq component for gcloud with the command gcloud components install bq


C. Create a new service account with BigQuery access and execute your script with that user

A - If client library was not installed, the python scripts won’t run - since the question states the script reports “cannot connect” - the client library must have been installed. so it’s B or C.

B - https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/authorization an access scope is how your client application retrieve access_token with access permission in OAuth when you want to access services via API call - in this case, it is possible that the python script use an API call instead of library, if this is true, then access scope is required. client library requires no access scope (as it does not go through OAuth)

C - service account is Google Cloud’s best practice. Access scopes are the legacy method of specifying permissions for your instance. read from > https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/access/service-accounts
So prefer C.

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Your customer is moving an existing corporate application to Google Cloud Platform from an on-premises data center. The business owners require minimal user disruption There are strict secunty team requirements for storing passwords.
What authentication strategy should they use?

A. Use G Suite Password Sync to replicate passwords into Google

B. Federate authentication via SAML 2 0 to the existing Identity Provider

C. Provision users in Google using the Google Cloud Directory Sync tool

D Ask users to set their Google password to match their corporate password


B. Federate authentication via SAML 2 0 to the existing Identity Provider

The correct answer is B.
GCDS tool only copies the usernames, not the passwords. And more over strict security requirements for the passwords. Not allowed to copy them onto Google, I think.

Federation technique help resolve this issue. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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  1. Your company has successfully migrated to the cloud and wants to analyze their data stream to optimize operations They do not have any existing code for this analysis, so they are exploring all their options. These options include a mix of batch and stream processing, as they are running some hourly jobs and live-processing some data as it comes in.

Which technology should they use for this?

A. Google Cloud Dataproc
B. Google Cloud Dataflow
C. Google Container Engine with Bigtable
D. Google Compute Engine with Google BigQuery


B. Google Cloud Dataflow

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  1. Your customer is receiving reports that their recently updated Google App Engine application is taking approximately 30 seconds to load for some of their users This behavior was not reported before the update.
    What strategy should you take?

A. Work with your ISP to diagnose the problem

B. Open a support ticket to ask for network capture and flow data to diagnose the problem, then roll back your application

C. Roll back to an earlier known good release initially, then use Stackdriver Trace and Logging to diagnose the problem in a development/test/staging environment

D. Roll back to an earlier known good release, then push the release again at a quieter period to investigate Then use Stackdriver Trace and Logging to diagnose the


C. Roll back to an earlier known good release initially, then use Stackdriver Trace and Logging to diagnose the problem in a development/test/staging environment

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A production database virtual machine on Google Compute Engine has an ext4-formatted persistent disk for data files. The database is about to run out of storage space.
How can you remediate the problem with the least amount of downtime?

A. In the Cloud Platform Console, increase the size of the persistent disk and use the resize2fs command in Linux.

B. Shut down the virtual machine, use the Cloud Platform Console to increase the persistent disk size, then restart the virtual machine

C. In the Cloud Platform Console, increase the size of the persistent disk and verify the new space is ready to use with the fdisk command in Linux

D. In the Cloud Platform Console, create a new persistent disk attached to the virtual machine, format and mount it. and configure the database service to move the files
to the new disk
E. In the Cloud Platform Console, create a snapshot of the persistent disk restore the snapshot to a new larger disk, unmount the old disk, mount the new disk and
restart the database service



In the Cloud Platform Console, increase the size of the persistent disk and use the resize2fs command in Linux.

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Your application needs to process credit card transactions. You want the smallest scope of Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance without compromising the ability to
analyze transactional data and trends relating to which payment methods are used.
How should you design your architecture?

A. Create a tokenizer service and store only tokenized data

B. Create separate projects that only process credit card data

C. Create separate subnetworks and isolate the components that process credit card data

D. Streamline the audit discovery phase by labeling all of the virtual machines (VMs) that process PCI data
E Enable Logging export to Google BigQuery and use ACLs and views to scope the data shared with the auditor

https://wwwsans orq/readina-room/whiteDaDers/comDliance/wavs-reduce-Dci-dsstvt_vn/ebay -audit-scoDe-tokenizinq-cardholder-data-33194



Create a tokenizer service and store only tokenized data

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You have been asked to select the storage system for the click-data of your company’s large portfolio of websites This data is streamed in from a custom website analytics
package at a typical rate of 6.000 clicks per minute With bursts of up to 8.500 clicks per second It must have been stored for future analysis by your data science and user
experience teams.
Which storage infrastructure should you choose?

A Google Cloud SQL
B Google Cloud Bigtable
C Google Cloud Storage
D Google Cloud Datastore


B Google Cloud Bigtable

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  1. You are creating a solution to remove backup files older than 90 days from your backup Cloud Storage bucket. You want to optimize ongoing Cloud Storage spend
    What should you do?

A. Write a lifecycle management rule in XML and push it to the bucket with gsutil

B. Write a lifecycle management rule in JSON and push it to the bucket with gsutil

C. Schedule a cron script using gsutil Is -lr gs://backups/ * * to find and remove items older than 90 days

D. Schedule a cron script using gsutil Is -1 gs://backups/ * * to find and remove items older than 90 days and schedule it with cron


B. Write a lifecycle management rule in JSON and push it to the bucket with gsutil

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  1. Your company is forecasting a sharp increase in the number and size of Apache Spark and Hadoop jobs being run on your local datacenter You want to utilize the cloud to help you scale this upcoming demand with the least amount of operations work and code change
    Which product should you use?

A Google Cloud Dataflow
B Google Cloud Dataproc
C. Google Compute Engine
D Google Kubernetes Engine


B Google Cloud Dataproc

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  1. The database administration team has asked you to help them improve the performance of their new database server running on Google Compute Engine The database is for
    importing and normalizing their performance statistics and is built with MySQL running on Debian Linux They have an n1-standard-8 virtual machine with 80 GB of SSD
    persistent disk.
    What should they change to get better performance from this system?

A. Increase the virtual machine’s memory to 64 GB

B. Create a new virtual machine running PostgreSQL

C. Dynamically resize the SSD persistent disk to 500 GB

D. Migrate their performance metrics warehouse to BigQuery
E Modify all of their batch jobs to use bulk inserts into the database


C. Dynamically resize the SSD persistent disk to 500 GB

Answer is C because persistent disk performance is based on the total persistent disk capacity attached to an instance and the number of vCPUs that the instance has. Incrementing the persistent disk capacity will increment its throughput and IOPS, which in turn improve the performance of MySQL.

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  1. You want to optimize the performance of an accurate,real-time,weather-charting application. The data comes from 50.000 sensors sending 10 readings a second, in the format of a timestamp and sensor reading.
    Where should you store the data?

A Google BigQuery
B Google Cloud SQL
C. Google Cloud Bigtable
D Google Cloud Storage


C. Google Cloud Bigtable

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  1. Your company’s user-feedback portal comprises a standard LAMP stack replicated across two zones. It is deployed in the us-central1 region and uses autoscaled managed
    instance groups on all layers, except the database. Currently, only a small group of select customers have access to the portal. The portal meets a 99,99% availability SLA
    under these conditions. However next quarter, your company will be making the portal available to all users, including unauthenticated users. You need to develop a
    resiliency testing strategy to ensure the system maintains the SLA once they introduce additional user load
    What should you do?

A Capture existing users input and replay captured user load until autoscale is triggered on all layers At the same time, terminate all resources in one of the zones

B Create synthetic random user input, replay synthetic load until autoscale logic is triggered on at least one layer, and introduce * chaosr to the system by terminating random resources on both zones

C Expose the new system to a larger group of users, and increase group size each day until autoscale logic is triggered on all layers At the same time, terminate random resources on both zones

D Capture existing users input and replay captured user load until resource utilization crosses 80% Also, derive estimated number of users based on existing user’s
usage of the app. and deploy enough resources to handle 200% of expected load tvt_vn/ebay


B Create synthetic random user input, replay synthetic load until autoscale logic is triggered on at least one layer, and introduce *chaosr to the system by terminating random resources on both zones

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One of the developers on your team deployed their application in Google Container Engine with the Dockerfile below They report that their application deployments are taking
too long
FROM ubuntu:16.04
COPY . /src
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python python-pip
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
You want to optimize this Dockerfile for faster deployment times without adversely affecting the app’s functionality.
Which two actions should you take? (Choose two.)

A. Remove Python after running pip

B. Remove dependencies from requirements txt

C. Use a slimmed-down base image like Alpine Linux

D. Use larger machine types for your Google Container Engine node pools

E. Copy the source after he package dependencies (Python and pip) are installed


C, E

C: Smaller the base image with minimum dependency faster the container will start

E: Docker image build uses caching. Docker Instructions sequence matter because
application’s dependencies change less frequently than the Python code which will help to reuse the cached layer of dependency and only add new layer for code change for Python Source code.

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Your solution is producing performance bugs in production that you did not see in staging and test environments. You want to adjust your test and deployment procedures to
avoid this problem in the fature.
What should you do?

A. Deploy fewer changes to production
B. Deploy smaller changes to production
C. Increase the load on your test and staging environments
D Deploy changes to a small subset of users before rolling out to production


C. Increase the load on your test and staging environments

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  1. A small number of API requests to your microservices-based application take a very long time. You know that each request to the API can traverse many services. You want
    to know which service takes the longest in those cases.
    What should you do?

A. Set timeouts on your application so that you can fail requests faster

B. Send custom metrics for each of your requests to Stackdriver Monitoring

C. Use Stackdriver Monitoring to look for insights that show when your API latencies are high

D. Instrument your application with Stackdriver Trace in order to break down the request latencies at each microservice


D. Instrument your application with Stackdriver Trace in order to break down the request latencies at each microservice

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Dunng a high traffic portion of the day, one of your relational databases crashes, but the replica is never promoted to a master. You want to avoid this in the future.
What should you do?

A. Use a different database
B. Choose larger instances for your database
C. Create snapshots of your database more regularly
D. Implement routinely scheduled failovers of your databases


D. Implement routinely scheduled failovers of your databases

“I agree the question i s not clear. In GCP larger instances have larger number of CPUs, Memory and come with their own private network. So increases the instance size would help prevent the need for failover during high traffic times. However, routinely scheduled failovers would allow the team to test the failover when it is not required. This would make sure it is working when it is required.”

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Your organization requires that metrics from all applications be retained for 5 years for future analysis in possible legal proceedings
Which approach should you use?

A. Grant the security team access to the logs in each Project

B. Configure Stackdriver Monitoring for all Projects, and export to BigQuery

C. Configure Stackdriver Monitoring for all Projects with the default retention policies

D. Configure Stackdriver Monitoring for all Projects and export to Google Cloud Storage


D. Configure Stackdriver Monitoring for all Projects and export to Google Cloud Storage

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Your company has decided to build a backup replica of their on-premises user authentication PostgreSQL database on Google Cloud Platform. The database is 4 TB. and
large updates are frequent Replication requires private address space communication.
Which networking approach should you use?

A. Google Cloud Dedicated Interconnect
B. Google Cloud VPN connected to the data center network
C. A NAT and TLS translation gateway installed on-premises
D. A Google Compute Engine instance with a VPN server installed connected to the data center network


A. Google Cloud Dedicated Interconnect

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Auditors visit your teams every 12 months and ask to review all the Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM) policy changes in the previous 12 months.
You want to streamline and expedite the analysis and audit process.
What should you do?

A. Create custom Google Stackdriver alerts and send them to the auditor

B. Enable Logging export to Google BigQuery and use ACLs and views to scope the data shared with the auditor

C. Use cloud functions to transfer log entries to Google Cloud SQL and use ACLs and views to limit an auditor’s view

D. Enable Google Cloud Storage (GCS) log export to audit logs into a GCS bucket and delegate access to the bucket


B. Enable Logging export to Google BigQuery and use ACLs and views to scope the data shared with the auditor

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You are designing a large distributed application with 30 microservices Each of your distributed microservices needs to connect to a database back-end You want to store
the credentials securely.
Where should you store the credentials?

A. In the source code
B. In an environment variable
C. In a secret management system
D. In a config file that has restricted access through ACLs


C. In a secret management system

  1. A lead engineer wrote a custom tool that deploys virtual machines in the legacy data center. He wants to migrate the custom tool to the new cloud environment. You want to
    advocate for the adoption of Google Cloud Deployment Manager.

What are two business risks of migrating to Cloud Deployment Manager? (Choose two.)

A. Cloud Deployment Manager uses Python

B. Cloud Deployment Manager APIs could be deprecated in the future

C. Cloud Deployment Manager is unfamiliar to the company’s engineers

D. Cloud Deployment Manager requires a Google APIs service account to run

E. Cloud Deployment Manager can be used to permanently delete cloud resources

F. Cloud Deployment Manager only supports automation of Google Cloud resources



E, F

E. Cloud Deployment Manager can be used to permanently delete cloud resources
F. Cloud Deployment Manager only supports automation of Google Cloud resources


A development manager is building a new application He asks you to review his requirements and identify what cloud technologies he can use to meet them The application

  1. Be based on open-source technology for cloud portability
  2. Dynamically scale compute capacity based on demand
  3. Support continuous software delivery
  4. Run multiple segregated copies of the same application stack
  5. Deploy application bundles using dynamic templates
  6. Route network traffic to specific services based on URL

Which combination of technologies will meet all of his requirements?

A. Google Kubernetes Engine, Jenkins, and Helm

B. Google Kubernetes Engine and Cloud Load Balancing

C. Google Kubernetes Engine and Cloud Deployment Manager

D. Google Kubernetes Engine, Jenkins, and Cloud Load Balancing


Google Kubernetes Engine, Jenkins, and Helm

it should be A .. helm is needed for “Deploy application bundles using dynamic templates”

Load Balancing should be part of GKE Already

Kubernetes Engine offers integrated support for two types of Cloud Load Balancing (Ingress and External Network Load Balancing) , hence Option A

  1. You have created several pre-emptible Linux virtual machine instances using Google Compute Engine. You want to properly shut down your application before the virtual
    machines are preempted.
    What should you do?

A. Create a shutdown script named kS9.shutdown in the /etc/rc.6.d/ directory

B. Create a shutdown script registered as a xinetd service in Linux and configure a Stackdriver endpoint check to call the service

C. Create a shutdown script and use it as the value for a new metadata entry with the key shutdown-script in the Cloud Platform Console when you create the new virtual machine instance

D. Create a shutdown script, registered as a xinetd service in Linux, and use the gcloud compute instances add-metadata command to specify the service
URL as the value for a new metadata entry with the key shutdown-script-url


Create a shutdown script and use it as the value for a new metadata entry with the key shutdown-script in the Cloud Platform Console when you create the new virtual machine instance

A startup script, or a shutdown script, is specified through the metadata server, using startup script metadata keys
Reference: httos //cloud google com/compute/docs/startupscript


  1. Your organization has a 3-tier web application deployed in the same network on Google Cloud Platform. Each tier (web, API. and database) scales independently of the
    others. Network traffic should flow through the web to the API tier and then on to the database tier Traffic should not flow between the web and the database tier.
    How should you configure the network?

A. Add each tier to a different subnetwork

B. Set up software based firewalls on individual VMs

C. Add tags to each tier and set up routes to allow the desired traffic flow

D. Add tags to each tier and set up firewall rules to allow the desired traffic flow


D. Add tags to each tier and set up firewall rules to allow the desired traffic flow

  1. Your development team has installed a new Linux kernel module on the batch servers in Google Compute Engine (GCE) virtual machines (VMs) to speed up the nightly batch
    process. Two days after the installation. 50% of the batch servers failed the nightly batch run. You want to collect details on the failure to pass back to the development
    Which three actions should you take? (Choose three.)

A. Use Stackdriver Logging to search for the module log entries

B. Read the debug GCE Activity log using the API or Cloud Console

C. Use gcloud or Cloud Console to connect to the serial console and observe the logs

D. Identify whether a live migration event of the failed server occurred, using in the activity log

E. Adjust the Google Stackdriver timeline to match the failure time, and observe the batch server metrics

F. Export a debug VM into an image, and run the image on a local server where kernel log messages will be displayed on the native screen tvt_vn/ebay


A, C, E

A. Use Stackdriver Logging to search for the module log entries = Check logs
C. Use gcloud or Cloud Console to connect to the serial console and observe the logs = Check grub messages, remember new kernel module was installed.
E. Adjust the Google Stackdriver timeline to match the failure time, and observe the batch server metrics = Zoom into the time window when problem happened.

Your company wants to try out the cloud with low risk. They want to archive approximately 100 TB of their log data to the cloud and test the analytics features available to them there, while also retaining that data as a long-term disaster recovery backup.
Which two steps should you take? (Choose two.)

A. Load logs into Google BigQuery

B. Load logs into Google Cloud SQL

C. Import logs into Google Stackdriver

D. Insert logs into Google Cloud Bigtable

E. Upload log files into Google Cloud Storage


A, E

Answers: A is correct because BigQuery is the fully managed cloud data warehouse for analytics and supports the analytics requirement.
E is correct because Cloud Storage provides the Coldline storage class to support long-term storage with infrequent access, which would support the long-term disaster recovery backup requirement.

You created a pipeline that can deploy your source code changes to your infrastructure in instance groups for self-healing One of the changes negatively affects your key
performance indicator. You are not sure how to fix it. and investigation could take up to a week.
What should you do?

A. Log in to a server, and iterate on the fox locally

B. Revert the source code change, and rerun the deployment pipeline

C. Log into the servers with the bad code change and swap in the previous code

D. Change the instance group template to the previous one. and delete all instances


D. Change the instance group template to the previous one. and delete all instances


Your organization wants to control IAM policies for different departments independently, but centrally.
Which approach should you take?

A. Multiple Organizations with multiple Folders

B. Multiple Organizations, one for each department

C. A single Organization with Folders for each department

D. A single Organization with multiple projects, each with a central owner


C. A single Organization with Folders for each department


You deploy your custom Java application to Google App Engine It fails to deploy and gives you the following stack trace
What should you do?

java.lang.SecurityException: SHAl digest error for
at com.google- appengine- runtime.Reguest.process


B. Digitally sign all of your JAR files and redeploy your application

  1. You are designing a mobile chat application. You want to ensure people cannot spoof chat messages, by providing a message were sent by a specific user.
    What should you do?

A. Tag messages client side with the originating user identifier and the destination user

B. Encrypt the message client side using block-based encryption with a shared key.

C. Use public key infrastructure (PKI) to encrypt the message client side using the originating user’s private key.

D. Use a trusted certificate authority to enable SSL connectivity between the client application and the server.


C. Use public key infrastructure (PKI) to encrypt the message client side using the originating user’s private key.

  1. As part of implementing their disaster recovery plan, your company is trying to replicate their production MySQL database from their private data center to their GCP project
    using a Google Cloud VPN connection. They are experiencing latency issues and a small amount of packet loss that is disrupting the replication. What should they do?

A. Configure their replication to use UDP

B. Configure a Google Cloud Dedicated Interconnect

C. Restore their database daily using Google Cloud SQL.

D. Add additional VPN connections and load balance them

E. Send the replicated transaction to Google Cloud Pub/Sub


B. Configure a Google Cloud Dedicated Interconnect

  1. Your customer support tool logs all email and chat conversations to Cloud Bigtable for retention and analysis. What is the recommended approach for sanitizing this data of personally identifiable information or payment card information before initial storage?

A. Hash all data using SHA256

B. Encrypt all data using elliptic curve cryptography

C. De-identify the data with the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API

D. Use regular expressions to find and redact phone numbers, email addresses, and credit card numbers


C. De-identify the data with the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API

  1. You are using Cloud Shell and need to install a custom utility for use in a few weeks. Where can you store the file so it is in the default execution path and persists across

A. ‘/bin

B. Cloud Storage

C. /google/scripts

D. /usr/local/bin


A. ‘/bin


You want to create a private connection between your instances on Compute Engine and your on-premises data center. You require a connection of at least 20 Gbps You
want to follow Google-recommended practices. How should you set up the connection?

A. Create a VPC and connect it to your on-premises data center using Dedicated Interconnect

B. Create a VPC and connect it to your on-premises data center using a single Cloud VPN

C. Create a Cloud Content Delivery Network (Cloud CDN) and connect it to your on-premises data center using Dedicated Interconnect

D. Create a Cloud Content Delivery Network (Cloud CDN) and connect it to your on-premises datacenter using a single Cloud VPN.


A. Create a VPC and connect it to your on-premises data center using Dedicated Interconnect


You are analyzing and defining business processes to support your startup’s trial usage of GCP. and you don’t yet know what consumer demand for your product will be
Your manager requires you to minimize GCP service costs and adhere to Google best practices. What should you do?

A. Utilize free tier and sustained use discounts Provision a staff position for service cost management

B. Utilize free tier and sustained use discounts Provide training to the team about service cost management

C. Utilize free tier and committed use discounts. Provision a staff position for service cost management

D. Utilize free tier and committed use discounts. Provide training to the team about service cost management


B. Utilize free tier and sustained use discounts Provide training to the team about service cost management


You are building a continuous deployment pipeline for a project stored in a Git source repository and want to ensure that code changes can be verified before deploying to
production. What should you do?

A. Use Spinnaker to deploy builds to production using the red/black deployment strategy so that changes can easily be rolled back

B. Use Spinnaker to deploy builds to production and run tests on production deployments

C. Use Jenkins to build the staging branches and the master branch. Build and deploy changes to production for 10% of users before doing a complete rollout

D . Use Jenkins to monitor tags in the repository Deploy staging tags to a staging environment for testing After testing, tag the repository for production and deploy that to the production environment


D . Use Jenkins to monitor tags in the repository Deploy staging tags to a staging environment for testing After testing, tag the repository for production and deploy that to the production environment

“I believe the best answer is D, because the tagging is a best practice that is recommended on Jenkins/Spinnaker to deploy the right code and prevent accidentally (or intentionally) push of wrong code to production environments.



You have an outage in your Compute Engine managed instance group: all instances keep restarting after 5 seconds. You have a health check configured, but autoscaling is
disabled Your colleague, who is a Linux expert, offered to look into the issue. You need to make sure that he can access the VMs What should you do?

A. Grant your colleague the IAM role of project Viewer

B. Perform a rolling restart on the instance group

C. Disable the health check for the instance group Add his SSH key to the project-wide SSH Keys

D. Disable autoscaling for the instance group Add his SSH key to the project-wide SSH Keys


C. Disable the health check for the instance group Add his SSH key to the project-wide SSH Keys

  1. Your company is migrating its on-premises data center into the cloud. As part of the migration, you want to integrate Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for workload
    orchestration. Parts of your architecture must also be PCI DSS-compliant Which of the following is most accurate?

A. App Engine is the only compute platform on GCP that is certified for PCI DSS hosting

B. GKE cannot be used under PCI DSS because it is considered shared hosting

C. GKE and GCP provide the tools you need to build a PCI DSS-compliant environment

D. All Google Cloud services are usable because Google Cloud Platform is certified PCI-compliant


C. GKE and GCP provide the tools you need to build a PCI DSS-compliant environment

  1. Your company has multiple on-premises systems that serve as sources for reporting. The data has not been maintained well and has become degraded overtime. You want
    to use Google-recommended practices to detect anomalies in your company data. What should you do?

A. Upload your files into Cloud Storage Use Cloud Datalab to explore and clean your data ,

B. Upload your files into Cloud Storage Use Cloud Dataprep to explore and clean your data

C. Connect Cloud Datalab to your on-premises systems. Use Cloud Datalab to explore and clean your data

D. Connect Cloud Dataprep to your on-premises systems Use Cloud Dataprep to explore and clean your data


B. Upload your files into Cloud Storage Use Cloud Dataprep to explore and clean your data

A & C - incorrect; Datalab does not provide anomaly detection OOTB. It is used more for data science scenarios like interactive data analysis and build ML models.
B - CORRECT; DataPrep OOTB provides for fast exploration and anomaly detection and lists cloud storage as an ingestion medium. Refer to ELT pipeline architecture here = https://cloud.google.com/dataprep
D - incorrect; At this time DataPrep cannot connect to SaaS or on-premise source. Not to be confused for DataFlow which can!


Google Cloud Platform resources are managed hierarchically using organization, folders, and projects When Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies exist at these different levels, what is the effective policy at a particular node of the hierarchy?

A. The effective policy is determined only by the policy set at the node

B. The effective policy is the policy set at the node and restricted by the policies of its ancestors

C. The effective policy is the union of the policy set at the node and policies inherited from its ancestors

D. The effective policy is the intersection of the policy set at the node and policies inherited from its ancestors


C. The effective policy is the union of the policy set at the node and policies inherited from its ancestors

“The effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set at that resource and the policy inherited from its parent.”


  1. You are migrating your on-premises solution to Google Cloud in several phases. You will use Cloud VPN to maintain a connection between your on-premises systems and
    Google Cloud until the migration is completed. You want to make sure all your on-premise systems remain reachable during this period How should you organize your
    networking in Google Cloud?

A. Use the same IP range on Google Cloud as you use on-premises

B. Use the same IP range on Google Cloud as you use on-premises for your primary IP range and use a secondary range that does not overlap with the range you use on-premises

C. Use an IP range on Google Cloud that does not overlap with the range you use on-premises

D. Use an IP range on Google Cloud that does not overlap with the range you use on-premises for your primary IP range and use a secondary range with the same IP
range as you use on-premises


C. Use an IP range on Google Cloud that does not overlap with the range you use on-premises

  1. You have found an error in your App Engine application caused by missing Cloud Datastore indexes. You have created a YAML file with the required indexes and want to
    deploy these new indexes to Cloud Datastore What should you do?

A. Point gcloud datastore create-indexes to your configuration file

B. Upload the configuration file to App Engine’s default Cloud Storage bucket, and have App Engine detect the new indexes

C. In the GCP Console, use Datastore Admin to delete the current indexes and upload the new configuration file

D. Create an HTTP request to the built-in python module to send the index configuration file to your application


A. Point gcloud datastore create-indexes to your configuration file

  1. You have an application that will run on Compute Engine. You need to design an architecture that takes into account a disaster recovery plan that requires your application to
    fail over to another region in case of a regional outage. What should you do?

A. Deploy the application on two Compute Engine instances in the same project but in a different region. Use the first instance to serve traffic and use the HTTP load balancing service to fail over to the standby instance in case of a disaster

B. Deploy the application on a Compute Engine instance Use the instance to serve traffic, and use the HTTP load balancing service to fail over to an instance on your
premises in case of a disaster

C. Deploy the application on two Compute Engine instance groups, each in the same project but in a different region. Use the first instance group to serve traffic, and use
the HTTP load balancing service to fail over to the standby instance group in case of a disaster.

D. Deploy the application on two Compute Engine instance groups, each in a separate project and a different region Use the first instance group to serve traffic and use
the HTTP load balancing service to fail over to the standby instance group in case of a disaster tvt_vn/ebay


Deploy the application on two Compute Engine instance groups, each in the same project but in a different region. Use the first instance group to serve traffic, and use
the HTTP load balancing service to fail over to the standby instance group in case of a disaster.

“Groups are better for management that non-groups so A and B are eliminated. Keeping the the instances in the same project will help maintain consistency, so C is better than D.”


You are deploying an application on App Engine that needs to integrate with an on-premises database. For security purposes, your on-premises database must not be
accessible through the public internet. What should you do?

A. Deploy your application on App Engine standard environment and use App Engine firewall rules to limit access to the open on-premises database

B. Deploy your application on App Engine standard environment and use Cloud VPN to limit access to the on-premises database

C. Deploy your application on App Engine flexible environment and use App Engine firewall rules to limit access to the on-premises database

D. Deploy your application on App Engine flexible environment and use Cloud VPN to limit access to the on-premises database


D. Deploy your application on App Engine flexible environment and use Cloud VPN to limit access to the on-premises database

  1. You are working in a highly secured environment where public Internet access from the Compute Engine VMs is not allowed You do not yet have a VPN connection to
    access an on-premises file server. You need to install specific software on a Compute Engine instance. How should you install the software?

A. Upload the required installation files to Cloud Storage Configure the VM on a subnet with a Private Google Access subnet Assign only an internal IP address to the VM Download the installation files to the VM using gsutil.

B. Upload the required installation files to Cloud Storage and use firewall rules to block all traffic except the IP address range for Cloud Storage Download the files to the
VM using gsutil.

C. Upload the required installation files to Cloud Source Repositories Configure the VM on a subnet with a Private Google Access subnet Assign only an internal IP
address to the VM Download the installation files to the VM using gcloud

D. Upload the required installation files to Cloud Source Repositories and use firewall rules to block all traffic except the IP address range for Cloud Source Repositories
Download the files to the VM using gsutil


Upload the required installation files to Cloud Storage Configure the VM on a subnet with a Private Google Access subnet Assign only an internal IP address to the VM Download the installation files to the VM using gsutil.

“Note: Even though the IP addresses for Google APIs and services are public, the traffic path from instances that are using Private Google Access to the Google APIs remains within Google’s network.”


Your company is moving 75 TB of data into Google Cloud. You want to use Cloud Storage and follow Google-recommended practices. What should you do?

A. Move your data onto a Transfer Appliance Use a Transfer Appliance Rehydrator to decrypt the data into Cloud Storage

B. Move your data onto a Transfer Appliance Use Cloud Dataprep to decrypt the data into Cloud Storage

C. Install gsutil on each server that contains data Use resumable transfers to upload the data into Cloud Storage

D. Install gsutil on each server containing data Use streaming transfers to upload the data into Cloud Storage


A. Move your data onto a Transfer Appliance Use a Transfer Appliance Rehydrator to decrypt the data into Cloud Storage

“Transfer Appliance lets you quickly and securely transfer large amounts of data to Google Cloud Platform via a high capacity storage server that you lease from Google and ship to our datacenter. Transfer Appliance is recommended for data that exceeds 20 TB or would take more than a week to upload.”


You have an application deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine using a Deployment named echo-deployment. The deployment is exposed using a Service called echo-
service. You need to perform an update to the application with minimal downtime to the application. What should you do?

A. Use Icubectl set image deployment/echo-deployment

B. Use the rolling update functionality of the Instance Group behind the Kubernetes cluster

C. Update the deployment yaml file with the new container image Use Icubectl delete deployment/echo-deployment and Icubectl create -f

D. Update the service yaml file which the new container image. Use Icubectl delete service/echo-service and Icubectl create -f


A. Use Icubectl set image deployment/echo-deployment


Your company is using BigQuery as its enterprise data warehouse. Data is distributed over several Google Cloud projects All queries on BigQuery need to be billed on a
single project. You want to make sure that no query costs are incurred on the projects that contain the data Users should be able to query the datasets, but not edit them.
How should you configure users’ access roles?

A. Add all users to a group Grant the group the role of BigQuery user on the billing project and BigQuery dataViewer on the projects that contain the data

B. Add all users to a group Grant the group the roles of BigQuery dataViewer on the billing project and BigQuery user on the projects that contain the data

C. Add all users to a group. Grant the group the roles of BigQuery jobUser on the billing project and BigQuery dataViewer on the projects that contain the data

D. Add all users to a group Grant the group the roles of BigQuery dataViewer on the billing project and BigQuery jobUser on the projects that contain the data


C. Add all users to a group. Grant the group the roles of BigQuery jobUser on the billing project and BigQuery dataViewer on the projects that contain the data

“A is wrong because bq User Permission will allow you to edit the dataset, which is something that we don’t want in this scenario.
B and D is wrong because “You want to make sure that no query costs are incurred on the projects that contain the data” so you don’t want users to fire quires on the Project that contains the dataset , hence the “dataViewer” permission”


You have developed an application using Cloud ML Engine that recognizes famous paintings from uploaded images. You want to test the application and allow specific people to upload images for the next 24 hours. Not all users have a Google Account. How should you have users upload images?

A. Have users upload the images to Cloud Storage Protect the bucket with a password that expires after 24 hours

B. Have users upload the images to Cloud Storage using a signed URL that expires after 24 hours

C. Create an App Engine web application where users can upload images. Configure App Engine to disable the application after 24 hours Authenticate users via Cloud

D. Create an App Engine web application where users can upload images for the next 24 hours Authenticate users via Cloud Identity


B. Have users upload the images to Cloud Storage using a signed URL that expires after 24 hours

“When should you use a signed URL? In some scenarios, you might not want to require your users to have a Google account in order to access Cloud Storage” “Signed URLs contain authentication information in their query string, allowing users without credentials to perform specific actions on a resource”


Your web application must comply with the requirements of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You are responsible for the technical
architecture of your web application. What should you do?

A. Ensure that your web application only uses native features and services of Google Cloud Platform, because Google already has various certifications and provides
Jpass-on’compliance when you use native features

B. Enable the relevant GDPR compliance setting within the GCPConsole for each of the services in use within your application

C. Ensure that Cloud Security Scanner is part of your test planning strategy in order to pick up any compliance gaps

D. Define a design for the security of data in your web application that meets GDPR requirements


D. Define a design for the security of data in your web application that meets GDPR requirements

  1. You need to set up Microsoft SQL Server on GCP Management requires that there’s no downtime in case of a data center outage in any of the zones within a GCP region.

What should you do?

A. Configure a Cloud SQL instance with high availability enabled

B. Configure a Cloud Spanner instance with a regional instance configuration

C. Set up SQL Server on Compute Engine, using Always On Availability Groups using Windows Failover Clustering Place nodes in different subnets

D. Set up SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using Windows Failover Clustering Place nodes in different zones.


A. Configure a Cloud SQL instance with high availability enabled

A seems correct.
“… high availability (HA) configuration for Cloud SQL instances… A Cloud SQL instance configured for HA is also called a regional instance and is located in a primary and secondary zone within the configured region.
In the event of an instance or zone failure, this configuration reduces downtime, and your data continues to be available to client applications.”

  1. The development team has provided you with a Kubernetes Deployment file. You have no infrastructure yet and need to deploy the application. What should you do?

A. Use gcloud to create a Kubernetes cluster. Use Deployment Manager to create the deployment

B. Use gcloud to create a Kubernetes cluster. Use kubectl to create the deployment’

C. Use kubectl to create a Kubernetes cluster Use Deployment Manager to create the deployment

D. Use kubectl to create a Kubernetes cluster Use kubectl to create the deployment


B. Use gcloud to create a Kubernetes cluster. Use kubectl to create the deployment’


You need to evaluate your team readiness for a new GCP project. You must perform the evaluation and create a skills gap plan which incorporates the business goal of cost optimization. Your team has deployed two GCP projects successfully to date. What should you do?

A. Allocate budget for team training Set a deadline for the new GCP project

B. Allocate budget for team training Create a roadmap for your team to achieve Google Cloud certification based on job role

C. Allocate budget to hire skilled external consultants Set a deadline for the new GCP project

D. Allocate budget to hire skilled external consultants. Create a roadmap for your team to achieve Google Cloud certification based on job role.


B. Allocate budget for team training Create a roadmap for your team to achieve Google Cloud certification based on job role

“I think it’s B. “You must perform the evaluation and create a skills gap plan incorporates the business goal of cost optimization.” The goal is to cost optimize - they might have deployed 2 projects but are they cost optimized? I think the only way to evaluate the skills gap in cost optimization is to make them get certified and use the results to determine cost optimization skills gap. Quickly pushing another project deadline would not help with cost optimization.”

  1. You are designing an application for use only during business hours. For the minimum viable product release, you’d like to use a managed product that automatically ‘ scales to zero’ so you don’t incur costs when there is no activity.
    Which primary compute resource should you choose?

A. Cloud Functions
B. Compute Engine
C. Google Kubernetes Engine
D. AppEngine flexible environment



Cloud Functions


You are creating an App Engine application that uses Cloud Datastore as its persistence layer. You need to retrieve several root entities for which you have the identifiers.
You want to minimize the overhead in operations performed by Cloud Datastore. What should you do?

A. Create the Key object for each Entity and run a batch get operation

B. Create the Key object for each Entity and run multiple get operations, one operation for each entity

C. Use the identifiers to create a query filter and run a batch query operation

D. Use the identifiers to create a query filter and run multiple query operations, one operation for each entity


A. Create the Key object for each Entity and run a batch get operation

” Create the Key object for each Entity and run a batch get operation
Use batch operations for your reads, writes, and deletes instead of single operations. Batch operations are more efficient because they perform multiple operations with the same overhead as a single operation.
Firestore in Datastore mode supports batch versions of the operations which allow it to operate on multiple objects in a single Datastore mode call.
Such batch calls are faster than making separate calls for each individual entity because they incur the overhead for only one service call. If multiple entity groups are involved, the work for all the groups is performed in parallel on the server side.”


You need to upload files from your on-premises environment to Cloud Storage You want the files to be encrypted on Cloud Storage using customer-supplied encryption keys.
What should you do?

A. Supply the encryption key in a boto configuration file Use gsutil to upload the files.

B. Supply the encryption key using gcloud config Use gsutil to upload the files to that bucket

C. Use gsutil to upload the files, and use the flag -encryption-key to supply the encryption key.

D. Use gsutil to create a bucket, and use the flag -encryption-key to supply the encryption key. Use gsutil to upload the files to that bucket


A. Supply the encryption key in a boto configuration file Use gsutil to upload the files.

  1. Your customer wants to capture multiple GBs of aggregate real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) from their game servers running on Google Cloud Platform and
    monitor the KPIs with low latency. How should they capture the KPIs?

A. Store time-series data from the game servers in Google Bigtable. and view it using Google Data Studio.

B. Output custom metrics to Stackdriver from the game servers, and create a Dashboard in Stackdriver Monitoring Console to view them

C. Schedule BigQuery load jobs to ingest analytics files uploaded to Cloud Storage every ten minutes, and visualize the results

D. Insert the KPIs into Cloud Datastore entities, and run ad hoc analysis and visualizations of them in Cloud Datalab


B. Output custom metrics to Stackdriver from the game servers, and create a Dashboard in Stackdriver Monitoring Console to view them

  1. You have a Python web application with many dependencies that requires 0.1 CPU cores and 128 MB of memory to operate in production. You want to monitor and maximize machine utilization You also want to reliably deploy new versions of the application. Which set of steps should you take?

A. Perform the following:

  1. Create a managed instance group with f1-micro type machines
  2. Use a startup script to clone the repository, check out the production branch, install the dependencies, and start the Python app
  3. Restart the instances to automatically deploy new production releases.

B. Perform the following:

  1. Create a managed instance group with n1-standard-1 type machines.
  2. Build a Compute Engine image from the production branch that contains all of the dependencies and automatically starts the Python app
  3. Rebuild the Compute Engine image, and update the instance template to deploy new production releases.

C. Perform the following:
1. Create a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with n1-standard-1 type machines
2. Build a Docker image from the production branch with all of the dependencies, and tag it with the version number.
3. Create a Kubernetes Deployment with the imagePullPolicy set to TfNotPresent’ in the staging namespace, and then promote it to the production namespace after

D. Perform the following:
1. Create a GKE cluster with nl-standard-4 type machines
2. Build a Docker image from the master branch with all of the dependencies, and tag it with latest’
3. Create a Kubernetes Deployment in the default namespace with the imagePullPolicy set to ’
Always’ Restart the pods to automatically deploy new production



C. Perform the following:
1. Create a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with n1-standard-1 type machines
2. Build a Docker image from the production branch with all of the dependencies, and tag it with the version number.
3. Create a Kubernetes Deployment with the imagePullPolicy set to TfNotPresent’ in the staging namespace, and then promote it to the production namespace after


Your company wants to start using Google Cloud resources but wants to retain their on-premises Active Directory domain controller for identity management. What should
you do?

A. Use the Admin Directory API to authenticate against the Active Directory domain controller

B. Use Google Cloud Directory Sync to synchronize Active Directory usernames with cloud identities and configure SAML SSO.

C. Use Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy configured to use the on-premises Active Directory domain controller as an identity provider

D. Use Compute Engine to create an Active Directory (AD) domain controller that is a replica of the on-premises AD domain controller using Google Cloud Directory


B. Use Google Cloud Directory Sync to synchronize Active Directory usernames with cloud identities and configure SAML SSO.


You are running a cluster on Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to serve a web application. Users are reporting that a specific part of the application is not responding anymore. You
notice that all pods of your deployment keep restarting after 2 seconds. The application writes logs to standard output You want to inspect the logs to find the cause of the
issue. Which approach can you take?

A. Review the Stackdriver logs for each Compute Engine instance that is serving as a node in the cluster

B. Review the Stackdriver logs for the specific GKE container that is serving the unresponsive part of the application.

C. Connect to the cluster using gcloud credentials and connect to a container in one of the pods to read the logs

D. Review the Serial Port logs for each Compute Engine instance that is serving as a node in the cluster


B. Review the Stackdriver logs for the specific GKE container that is serving the unresponsive part of the application.

  1. You are using a single Cloud SQL instance to serve your application from a specific zone. You want to introduce high availability. What should you do?

A. Create a read replica instance in a different region

B. Create a failover replica instance in a different region

C. Create a read replica instance in the same region, but in a different zone

D. Create a failover replica instance in the same region, but in a different zone


D. Create a failover replica instance in the same region, but in a different zone