PC Quiz 1 Flashcards
All basic human rights are:
Universal; present in each person
Inviolable; must not be assaulted or violated because they come directly from God
Inalienable; cannot be taken away
“Rights and responsibilities”
Every person has individual human rights but correspondingly has responsibilities toward society and oneself
Fundamental human rights
Right to Life, moral and cultural rights, right to worship God, Right to choose freely one’s state of life, economic rights, rights of meeting and association, right to immigrate and emigrate, political rights
Essential to all human rights is…
The right to religious freedom
Civil society
Sum of relationships and resources independent from the political sphere and economic sector
The promotion of justice and common good is best achieved at the most immediate level
Original cell of life, lowest social level
The family
The principle of subsidiarity protects people from…
Abuses by higher-level social authority
It is also a grave evil to…
Assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and subordinate organizations can do
Under the principle of subsidiarity, people should…
Work to take responsibility to provide for their own welfare
Legitimate Authority
Authority must be guided by moral law.
Authority must recognize, respect, and promote essential human rights.
Authority must enact just laws.
All authority is ultimately from…
Civil allegiance
Duty of respect and obedience owed by every person to the state of which he is a member
You must be obedient to all authority. This duty is only binding when…
The authority is legitimate
Divine Law
Is sourced in the trinity, it can be natural or revealed