PC-21 Aircraft Introduction Flashcards
What type of structure is the PC-21 fuselage?
What material is the canopy made from? Are the front and rear canopies of different thickness?
Acrylic. Yes.
What is the front canopy transparency designed to withstand?
Bird of 1 kg at a speed of 300 kt.
What make and model are the ejection seats?
Martin Baker 0-0 ejection seats
What does the Canopy Fracturing System consist of?
Minature Detonating Cord (MDC) and an initiation mechanism.
What materials are the PC-21 primary structure made from?
Aluminum, steel and titanium
What aircraft components are made from carbon fibre?
1) Spinner
2) Winglets
3) Cowlings
What engine does the PC-21 have?
Pratt & Whitney PT6-68B turboprop engine.
What is the rated engine power of the engine?
1600 SHP
What are the details of the propeller?
Hartzell, constant speed, variable pitch propeller with 5 graphite composite blades.
What direction does the propeller rotate in and what keeps it at a constant speed of 2000 RPM?
Clockwise, Propeller Interface Unit (PIU) maintains the constant RPM.
What does the trim aid device do?
Compensated for torque and slipstream effects arising from the propeller.
What is the internal usable fuel capacity and where are the wing tanks located?
- 1200 lb
- Located in the structure of the left and right wing.
What is the aerobatic tank and what is is capacity and purpose?
Secondary fuel storage that ensures a continuous supply of fuel to the engine under negative g conditions for a max of 45s.
What are the sections of the general cockpit layout?
- Glare Shield
- Instrument panel
- Left/right console
- Pedestal
What is red used for in the cockpit?
Used for warnings and indicates danger or a hazardous situation or range. It requires immediation action to ensure the safety of the aircraft and aircrew.
What is amber used for in the cockpit?
Cautions which may need future correction action
What is green used for in the cockpit?
Positive or normal indication as well as VOR related indications
What is white used for in the cockpit?
Denotes titles, display segregation or panel markings.
What is magenta used for in the cockpit?
Displays calculated data, auto data or information regarding the ILS
What is cyan used for in the cockpit?
Denotes crew entered data, through soft keys or crew selected state of a system.
What is yellow used for in the cockpit?
Fixed reference point on all display scales.
What is the aircraft length?
11.2 m
What is the aircraft height?
3.75 m
What is the aircraft wingspan?
9.11 m
What is the prop diameter?
2.39 m
How is directional control of the aircraft on the ground achieved?
Through differential braking or nose wheel steering or both.
Can the aircraft be turned on a locked main wheel? If so, how? Is it recommended.
Yes. Through moderate braking and engine power. Not recommended due to excessive engine wear.
Which direction is turning radius larger and why is that the case?
Larger to the right due to propeller slipstream and torque effects.
What is the Maximum Ramp Weight (MRW)?
3120 kg
What is the Max Take Off Weight (MTOW)?
3100 kg
What is the minimum flying weight?
2330 kg
What is the Max Landing Weight?
3100 kg
What is the Max Zero Fuel Weight?
2750 kg
What is the max weight of baggage comparment?
25 kg.
What is the Max Operating Speed (Vmo) and Max Operating Mach Number (Mmo)
- 370 KIAS
- 0.72 M
What is the max maneuvering speed(Vo) for ailerons?
370 KIAS
What is the max maneuvering speed for rudder and elevator? What does this mean?
220 KIAS
Do no make abrupt control movements above this speed.
What is max speed with flaps/landing gear/in transit extended? (Vle, Vfe, Vlo)
180 KIAS
What is the stall speed in clean configuration (Vs) at idle power and 0 angle of bank?
What is the stall speed in landing configuration (Vso) at idle power and 0 angle of bank?
What are load factor limits with flaps and landing gear retracted?
+8 and -4 g
What are load factor limits with flaps not retracted?
+4 g and 0 g
What are the load factor limits with landing gear in transition?
+2 g and 0 g.
What is not allowed at load factors > +5 g or lower than -1 g?
Abrupt movement (less than 1 second) of the aileron from neutral to full deflection
What is the maximum flight time below 0 g?
45 seconds.
What is the maximum operating altitude for the PC-21?
25,000 ft
What is the temperature limit for operating the aircraft?
- 55 C to + 55 C
Assuming standing start, brakes released at full power, flaps in T/O position, no wind and OAT of +30 C, what is take off run distance?
2000 ft.
Assuming ISA conditions at fuel reserve of 200 lb at destination, what is max range of the aircraft?
500 NM at 10,000 ft
620 NM at 20,000 ft
660 NM at 25000 ft
When should the seat pin only be removed?
After the aircrew is correctly strapped in and the canopy is closed and latched.
How is the ejection seat made live?
By removing the pin, which is then inserted into the stowage in the left hand side of the glare shield.
What must the flight crew observed before closing the canopy with the CFS pin removed?
- Visually verify that the CFS striker plate is unobstructed, and the MDC trip lever has no yellow area visible.
2 Wear gloves, helmet and mask with at least one visor lowered. - There are no personnel within CFS blast area
What is the CFS blast area?
10 meters radius forward to the wing trailing edge.
What is the prop danger area?
3 m radius from the propeller
What is the hot exhaust area?
25 to the rear of the wing
What is the prop/exhaust back wash area?
40 m back from the A/C.
What safety precaution should be taken before establishing electrical power on the A/C?
Ares near flight controls, flaps and airbrake are clear of any personnel.
What is caution advised in the handling of the following areas after engine shutdown?
- AOA vane
- Exhaust outlets
- Prop de-icing strips
- Pitot Tube
- Left and right-hand static ports
- Landing and taxi lights
What does Volume 1 of the Flight Manual contain?
Aircraft Systems and Operation.
What does Volume 2 of the FM contain?
Mission Systems, Nav and Comms
What are BOLDFACE items?
Items that must be performed immediately in the event of an emergency to avoid aggravating the system.
What is contained in FM Volume 1, Section 5?
PC-21 Operating Limitations including speed, weight and balance limits
What does FM Volume 1, Appendix 1 - Performance Data contain?
Charts and information to determine take-off, cruise control, fuel planning, approach and landing data necessary to complete the flight.
What air inlet is at the top of the nose cowl?
OBOGS and generators cooling air inlet