Payengcha Flashcards
Bacterial Disease
waterproof protein that is found in epitheal cells
outer layer of skin nourished by diffusion and renewed every 15-30 days
on skin surface that makes it hard for colonization of pathogens
acidic skin pH
normal skin is acidic and this helps discourage pathogenic growth of bacteria
from sudoriferous glands. Contributes to organic substances and salts that lowers the skins pH and increase salinity which inhibits the growth of some pathogens especially in armpit and groin
sebaceous gland
produce oil (sebum) made up of organic acids and lipids
staphylococcus aureus
causes pimples, sty, abscess, boils, carbuncle
scalded skin syndrome
caused by exfoliantins: exotoxins produced by S. aureus. Most common in infants and can produce high fever and bacterium even death.
scarlet fever
caused by S. pyogenes- a strain that has been infected by a temperate phage that allows them to produce erythrogenic toxin (scarlet rash)
pus producing infection caused by staph, strept or corynebacteria
a pyoderma extremely contagious common in infants
acne lesions
caused by S. aureus and Propionibacterium (the more serious acne causing bacteria)
dead crusty scab that forms over burns and can seal in deadly infection caused by burns. DEBRIDEMENT is treatment
nosocomial infections
infections picked up from being in hospital
burn infection
caused by Pseudomonas aeurginosa, serriata marcescen and providentia species
most common of all infections and is seen mostly in females and older women due to incomplete emptying of bladder
E. coli
causative agent in 80% of cases of UTI due to wiping back to front
inflammation of the prostate also 80% caused by E.coli and can lead to sterility
when UTI spreads to the nephron tubes of the kidney and causes a kidney infection. often requires antibiotics
immune complex disease that sometimes follow streptococcal or viral infections. may result in permanent residual kidney damage.
caused by spirochete Leptopspira interrogens. Contracted when humans come into contact with contaminated urine from rats, dogs, cats
toxic shock syndrome
caused by S. aureus occurs with abrasive tampons left in too long.
caused by intracellular diplococci and usually remains asymptomatic
caused by spirochete treponema pallidum transfered by sti but can be passed by saliva. develop lesions on hands and lips as well as genitals.
congenital syphilis
occurs when spirochete crosses from mom to baby
chlamydia trachomatis
most common STI in the US. can be asymptomatic, cause sterility and blindness in newborns
Healthy lower respiratory tract
mucocilary escalator
cilia that help move microbes up and out of your lungs