Paul's Missionary Journey Flashcards
Where did the name Antioch came from?
Named after Anthiochus, father of Seleucid I
The 3rd largest city in Rome and the capital of the province of Syria.
Antioch in Acts 13
The big city in Syria where the Holy Spirit singled out Paul and Barnabas and sent them on their First Missionary Journey.
Paul’s first journey took him by boat to what Roman province? It is a Mediterranean island south of Syria.
The modern name of Cyprus
Republic of Cyprus
A port city at Cyprus where Paul and Barnabas arrived and where John Mark helped them share the gospel in Jewish synagogues.
Who was possibly Barnabas’ cousin
John Mark
From Salamis, they moved across the island and went here where they met Bar-Jesus.
Bar-Jesus, a Jewish sorcerer was also known?
Elymas the sorcerer
The governor who sent Bar-Jesus because he wanted to hear the Word of God
Sergius Paulus
What did Paul call Elymas when he opposed them and tried to turn Sergius from the faith?
“child of the devil”
After Paphos, they set sail to his Roman province which is now located in modern day Turkey.
The city they arrived at Pamphylia where John Mark left them and returned to Jerusalem.
Paul and Barnabas travelled where local synagogue leaders invited them to speak.
Pisidian Antioch
Because the Jewish people in Pisidian Antioch resisted the message of the gospel, what important pivot did Paula and Barnabas make?
They began preaching to the Gentiles
The traditional author of Acts
Because they were driven out of Pamphylia, P and B travelled where?
Iconium is the eastern city of what region?
Modern existance of Iconium
Turkish city Konya
Fleeing the threat in Iconium, P and B left Phrygia altogether and travelled to where?
Lystra is a city in what province?
What miracle did Paul do that was witnessed by locals that made them think they were gods in human form?
Paul healed a man who was lame
What god was Barnabas thought of?
What god was Paul thought of?
Who riled up the crowd in Lystra and convinced them to stone Paul?
The Jews (from Antioch and Iconium)
What province where Paul was stoned, believed he was dead so they dragged him outside the city but he just got back up and went back inside the city?