Patterns (Gimme a sentence) Flashcards
All patterns given to us by sensei (use in extended response)
本を読んで、音楽を聞きます。(I read a book and listen to music)| Used to connect actions, make requests, give commands and describe ongoing actions.
日本に行ったことがあります (I have been to Japan)| Expresses having done something in the past or having experience.
音楽を聞きながら、勉強します。(I study while listening to music) | Used to express two actions happening simultaneously
明日雨が降るかもしれません (It might rain tomorrow) | Expresses uncertainty or possibility
天気予報によると、明日は寒いそうです (According to the weather forecast, it will be cold tomorrow) | Used to convey hearsay or appearance.
彼はここに来るはずです (He is supposed to come here.) | Expresses expectation or something that should happen.
これはいいアイデアだと思います (I think that is a good idea) | Used to express thought, opinions or beliefs
今日は疲れたから、早く寝ます。(I am tired today, so I will go to bed early.) | Provides a reason or cause for something.
このケーキはおいしけど、少し高いです. (This cake is delicious, but it’s a bit expensive.) | Used to connect ideas.
宿題をしなくてはいけません (I must do my homework.) | Expresses obligation or necessity
映画を見に行きましょう (Let’s go watch a movie) | Used to make a suggestion or invitation
来年、日本に行くつもりです (I plan to go to Japan next year.) | Expresses intention or plan.
私は「ボーブ」といういぬが好きです (I like a dog called ‘Bob’) | Used to define or introduce something by name.
日本語を勉強するために、日本へ行きました (I went to Japan to study Japanese) | Expresses purpose or reason
学校で数学や英語などを勉強します (I study math, english and so on at school) | Used to list examples among other things