PATTERNS Flashcards
I admire his ABILITY __ listen.
ABILITY to do sth
Ex.: I admire his ability to listen.
I’ve always wanted to BE ABLE ___ speak Japanese.
I haven’t BEEN ABLE ___ read that report yet.
be ABLE to do sth
a) to have the skill, strength, knowledge etc needed to do something
Ex.: I’ve always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.
b) to be in a situation in which it is possible for you to do something
Ex.: I haven’t been able to read that report yet.
She will be in charge __/____ my ABSENCE.
in/during sb’s ABSENCE
Ex.: She will be in charge during my absence (= while I am away).
Her work involved repeated ABSENCES ___ home.
ABSENCE from sw/sth
Ex.: Her work involved repeated absences from home.
Water and salts are ABSORBED ___ our bloodstream.
We were soon ABSORBED ___ local village life.
ABSORB sth into sth
1) to take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around sth
Ex.: Water and salts are absorbed into our bloodstream.
2) to become part of something larger
Ex.: We were soon absorbed into local village life.
Judith lay on the sofa, ABSORBED ___ her book.
be ABSORBED in sth
= to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things
Ex.: Judith lay on the sofa, absorbed in her book.
He ACCEPTED a glass of water ___ Helen.
ACCEPT sth from sb
= to take sth that sb offers you, or to agree to do sth that sb asks you to do
Ex.: He accepted a glass of water from Helen.
OBS.: In everyday English, when talking about accepting a job, accepting responsibility or blame, or accepting a method of payment, people usually use take:
They offered me the job and I accepted. → They offered me the job and I took it.
They have ACCEPTED him __ the representative of the company.
Random House ACCEPTED the book __ publication.
ACCEPT sb/sth as sth
= to decide that someone has the necessary skill or intelligence for a particular job, course etc or that a piece of work is good enough
They have accepted him as the representative of the company.
Random House accepted the book for publication.
The children gradually began to ACCEPT her ___ one of the family.
It often takes years for immigrants to be ACCEPTED ___ the host community.
ACCEPT sb/sth as sth
ACCEPT sb into sth
= to allow someone to become part of a group, society, or organization, and to treat them in the same way as the other members
Ex.: The children gradually began to accept her as one of the family. It often takes years for immigrants to be accepted into the host community.
Let’s vote for sth ACCEPTABLE __ all/both sides.
Ex.: acceptable to all/both sides
ACCESS to the papers is restricted __ senior management.
Cats should always have ACCESS __ fresh, clean water.
ACCESS to sth/sw
Ex.: Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.
Cats should always have access to fresh, clean water.
We’re trying to improve ACCESS __ disabled visitors.
The hotel has rooms with ACCESS __ wheelchairs.
ACCESS for sb
Ex.: We’re trying to improve access for disabled visitors. The hotel has rooms with access for wheelchairs.
It is seen as an effective means of business communication where relevant staff have ACCESS __ a computer network.
have ACCESS to a car/computer etc
= to have a car, a computer etc that you can use
Ex.: It is seen as an effective means of business communication where relevant staff have access to a computer network.
I met her quite __ ACCIDENT.
= It is seen as an effective means of business communication where relevant staff have access to a computer network.
I met her quite by accident (=completely by accident).
The pilot, WHETHER BY _____ __ DESIGN, made the plane do a sharp turn.
= whether it was planned or not planned
Ex.: The pilot, whether by accident or design, made the plane do a sharp turn.
ACCORDING __ the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument.
You will be paid ACCORDING __ the amount of work you do.
The game will be played ACCORDING __ rules laid down for the 1992 Cup.
Everything went ACCORDING __ plan, and we arrived on time.
1) as shown by sth or stated by sb
Ex.: According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument.
2) in a way that depends on differences in situations or amounts
Ex.: You will be paid according to the amount of work you do.
3) in a way that agrees with a system or plan, or obeys a set of rules
Ex.: The game will be played according to rules laid down for the 1992 Cup.
Everything went according to plan, and we arrived on time.
He was too shocked to ____ an ACCOUNT __ what had happened.
give/provide/write/read an ACCOUNT of sth
give a good/poor ACCOUNT of sth
= a written or spoken description that says what happens in an event or process
Exs.: He was too shocked to give an account of what had happened.
Can you ACCOUNT __ your movements on that night?
Recent pressure at work may ACCOUNT __ his behaviour.
ACCOUNT for sth
= to give a satisfactory explanation of why something has happened or why you did something; to be the reason why sth happens
Ex.: Can you account for your movements on that night?
Recent pressure at work may account for his behaviour.
It has, ___ all ACCOUNTS, been a successful marriage.
by/from all ACCOUNTS
= according to what a lot of people say
Ex.: It has, from all accounts, been a successful marriage.
Carrie decided to do a little research __ her ___ ACCOUNT.
Please don’t change your plans __ __ ACCOUNT.
on one own ACCOUNT
= according to what you say yourself
Ex.: Carrie decided to do a little research on her own account.
on sb’s ACCOUNT
= because of what you think somebody wants
Please don’t change your plans on my account.
There needn’t be any more worries ___ that ACCOUNT.
on that/this ACCOUNT
= concerning a particular situation
Ex.: There needn’t be any more worries on that account.
__ no ACCOUNT must you disturb me.
on no ACCOUNT/not on any ACCOUNT
= used when saying that someone must not, for any reason, do something
Ex.: On no account must you disturb me.
As she grew up, her father was of __ ACCOUNT __ her.
of no/little ACCOUNT
= formal: not important
Ex.: As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.
The people responsible for the accident have never been _____ to ACCOUNT.
bring/call sb to ACCOUNT
= formal to force someone who is responsible for a mistake or a crime to explain publicly why they did it and punish them for it if necessary
Ex.: The people responsible for the accident have never been brought to account.
Perhaps she could put some of her talents __ good ACCOUNT by helping us.
put/turn sth to good ACCOUNT
= formal to use something for a good purpose
Ex.: Perhaps she could put some of her talents to good account by helping us.
He was ACCUSED __ murder.
Smith ACCUSED her __ lying.
ACCUSE sb of doing sth
Ex.: He was accused of murder.
Smith accused her of lying.
The test measures children’s ACHIEVEMENTS __ reading, spelling, and maths.
sb’s ACHIEVEMENT in (doing) sth
Ex.: The test measures children’s achievements in reading, spelling, and maths.
We try to celebrate the ACHIEVEMENTS __ our students.
Ex.: We try to celebrate the achievements of our students.
The alleys were steep and there were steps at intervals but there was a ____ of ACHIEVEMENT __ reaching the top.
A ____ of ACHIEVEMENT can be a really effective turn-on.
a sense of ACHIEVEMENT
Ex.: The alleys were steep and there were steps at intervals but there was a sense of achievement in reaching the top.
A sense of Achievement can be a really effective turn-on.
The Brazilian coach ACKNOWLEDGED the talent of his players.
The film festival is ACKNOWLEDGED ___ an event of international importance.
Many of the poor ACKNOWLEDGED him ___ their spiritual leader.
The Brazilian coach acknowledged the talent of his players.
The film festival is acknowledged as an event of international importance.
Many of the poor acknowledged him as their spiritual leader.
The ACT __ writing a list can help to calm you down.
Lindsay paused __ the ACT __ putting down the phone.
ACT of sth/doing sth
Exs.: an act of violence
The act of writing a list can help to calm you down.
in the ACT of doing something
= at the moment that you are doing sth
Ex.: Lindsay paused in the act of putting down the phone.
Environmental groups want tougher ACTION __ pollution from cars.
ACTION on sth
= the process of doing something, especially in order to achieve a particular thing
Ex.: Environmental groups want tougher action on pollution from cars.
The government must ___ ACTION __ control inflation.
= to do sth to deal with a problem
Ex.: The government must take action to control inflation.
Voters are dem_______ tougher ACTION __ gun crime.
Voters are _______ for tougher ACTION __ gun crime.
demand/call for ACTION on sth
= ask forcefully
ex.: Voters are demanding tougher action on gun crime.
She was looking forward to putting her plans ___ ACTION.
The committee uses the expertise of local organisations to put these ideas ___ ACTION.
put sth into ACTION
= start doing sth you have planned to do
Ex.: She was looking forward to putting her plans into action.
The committee uses the expertise of local organisations to put these ideas into action.
The Bureau is ACTIVE __ promoting overseas investment.
be ACTIVE in (doing) something
Ex.: The Bureau is active in promoting overseas investment.
Encourage students to ___ an ACTIVE part __ discussions.
She ___ an ACTIVE interest __ local charities.
take/play an ACTIVE part/role in something
Ex.: Encourage students to take an active part in discussions. She took an active interest in local charities.
He doesn’t __ a lot of physical ACTIVITY.
The men were involved __ terrorist ACTIVITIES.
The children were encouraged to ___ part __ several different ACTIVITIES.
We should participate __ the opening ACTIVITIES.
Police suspect he may have engaged __ criminal ACTIVITIES.
He doesn’t do a lot of physical activity.
be involved in an ACTIVITY
The men were involved in terrorist activities.
take part in an ACTIVITY (informal)
The children were encouraged to take part in several different activities.
participate in an ACTIVITY (formal)
We should participate in the opening activities.
engage in an ACTIVITY (formal)
Police suspect he may have engaged in criminal activities.
Do you want to ADD your name __ the list?
ADD sth to sth
Ex.: Do you want to add your name to the list?
Add 7 __ 5 to ___ 12.
For tax purposes, your pension and earnings are ADDED ____.
ADD something and something (together)
Ex.: Add 7 and 5 to make 12.
For tax purposes, your pension and earnings are added together.
Don’t forget to ADD __ the cost of your time.
ADD sth in sth
Ex.: Don’t forget to add in the cost of your time.
The private chapel was ADDED __ to the church much later.
They will show us their proposals to ADD a penny __ income tax.
ADD sth on sth
Ex.: The private chapel was added on to the church much later.
They will show us their proposals to add a penny on income tax.
These figures don’t ADD __.
He was troubled by a feeling that things just didn’t ADD __.
do(es) not ADD (sth) up
= if sums, numbers etc do not add up, there is a mistake in them
= if a set of facts does not add up, it does not provide a reasonable explanation for a situation
Ex.: These figures don’t add up.
He was troubled by a feeling that things just didn’t add up.
Without her earnings, and with the ADDITION __ Charlotte, money seemed to have dwindled to nothing.
Despite the ADDITION __ fertilizer, flowers are still unable to grow in the soil.
with/despite the ADDITION of sth
Ex.: Without her earnings, and with the addition of Charlotte, money seemed to have dwindled to nothing.
Despite the addition of fertilizer, flowers are still unable to grow in the soil.
The company provides cheap Internet access. __ ADDITION, it makes shareware freely available.
= used to add another piece of information to what you have just said
Ex.: The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.
__ ADDITION __ his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes.
in ADDITION to sth
Ex.: In addition to his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes.
That letter was ADDRESSED __ me.
ADDRESS sth to sb
Ex.: That letter was addressed to me.
Our products ADDRESS the n_ _ _ s of real users.
ADDRESS the/a(n)/some problem/question/issue/needs, etc.
= if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it
Ex.: Our products address the needs of real users.
He ADDRESSED an a_ _ _ _ _ _e of 10,000 supporters.
= to speak to someone directly
Ex.: She turned to address the man on her left.
ADDRESS a(n) meeting/conference/audience, etc. = to make a formal speech to a large group of people
Ex.: He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.
The president should be ADDRESSED __ ‘Mr. President’.
ADDRESS sb as sth
= to use a particular title or name when speaking or writing to someone
Ex.: The president should be addressed as ‘Mr. President’.
I ADMIRE him __ his courage.
Lewis was much ADMIRED __ his work on medieval literature.
ADMIRE sb for (doing) sth
Ex.: I admire him for his courage.
Lewis was much admired for his work on medieval literature.
You say:
I admire him for his courage (=I respect and like him).
✗Don’t say: I am admiring him.
You say:
He was admiring himself in the mirror (=he was looking at himself).
You can also say:
He admired himself in the mirror.
Many girls fell in love with him but could only ADMIRE him from __.
The long grass was so wet that I decided to ADMIRE the castle __ afar.
ADMIRE sb from afar
= to be attracted to someone, without letting them know
Ex.: Many girls fell in love with him but could only admire him from afar.
The long grass was so wet that I decided to admire the castle from afar.
= LOOK ___ ___ sb
= THINK _____ ___ sb
look up to sb
= to admire sb who is older or who has more experience than you
Ex.: All the young comedians look up to him.
think highly of sb
= to think that sb is good at what they do
Ex.: His teachers seem to think very highly of him.
You may not like her, but you have to ADMIT ___ she’s good at her job.
have to/must ADMIT that
Ex.: You may not like her, but you have to admit that she’s good at her job.
Paul ADMITTED __ me ___ he sometimes feels jealous of my friendship with Stanley.
ADMIT to sb (that)
Ex.: Paul admitted to me that he sometimes feels jealous of my friendship with Stanley.
Dana ADMITTED (\_\_) feeling hurt by what I had said. A quarter of all workers ADMIT \_\_ taking time off when they are not ill.
ADMIT (to) doing sth
Ex.: Dana admitted (to) feeling hurt by what I had said. A quarter of all workers admit to taking time off when they are not ill.
Only ticket-holders will be ADMITTED ___ the stadium. Drake was ADMITTED ___ the club in 1997.
ADMIT sb (in)to sth = to allow someone to enter a public place or to join
Ex.: Only ticket-holders will be admitted into the stadium. Drake was admitted into the club in 1997.
In everyday English, people usually say let sb in rather than admit someone:
They won’t let you in without a ticket.
be ADMITTED __ hospital (BrE)
be ADMITTED __ __ hospital (AmE)
be admitted to hospital (British English)
be admitted to the hospital (American English)
> You admit that you did something:
He admitted that he had made a mistake.
> You admit to someone that you did something:
He admitted to me that he had made a mistake.
> You admit (to) doing something:
He admitted making a mistake.
> You admit that you did something:
He admitted that he had made a mistake.
> You admit to someone that you did something:
He admitted to me that he had made a mistake.
> You admit doing something:
He admitted making a mistake.
synonyms for/of "advanced" > sop\_\_\_\_\_\_\_d > high-\_\_\_\_h > state-of-\_\_e -\_\_t > cutting-\_\_\_e
advanced sophisticated high-tech state-of-the-art cutting-edge
= using very modern technology and ideas
technologically advanced nations
Their equipment isn’t as advanced as ours.
= very advanced, and working in a better but often more complicated way than other things
highly sophisticated weapons
As machines become more sophisticated, they become more likely to break down.
= using very advanced technology, especially electronic equipment and computers
high-tech industries in Silicon Valley
High-tech listening equipment was used to find survivors in the rubble.
= using the newest and most advanced features, ideas, and materials that are available
The football club has invested £40 million in state-of-the-art training facilities.
The sound system is state-of-the-art.
= cutting-edge technology or research is the most advanced that there is at this time
The system uses cutting-edge technology to identify and eliminate viruses.
cutting-edge medical research
Recent ADVANCES __ genetics have raised moral questions.
ADVANCE in sth
Ex.: Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.
> technological advance
scientific advance
medical advance
There is an ADVANCE __ the existing techniques…
The enemy’s ADVANCE __ St. Petersburg wreaked havoc.
ADVANCE on sth
Ex.: an advance on the existing techniques;
the enemy’s advance on St. Petersburg
Will they ADVANCE you some money until you get your first paycheck?
I ADVANCED $1,500 __ Kramer last Thursday.
Krebs decided to ask for an ADVANCE __ his salary.
= to give someone money before they have earned it
ADVANCE sb sth
Ex.: Will they advance you some money until you get your first paycheck?
ADVANCE sth to sb
Ex.: I advanced $1,500 to Kramer last Thursday.
an ADVANCE on sb’s salary
Ex.: Krebs decided to ask for an advance on his salary.
Her experience meant that she __ a big ADVANTAGE ___ her opponent.
ADVANTAGE over sth/sb
Ex.: Her experience meant that she had a big advantage over her opponent.
One of the many ADVANTAGES __ living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.
Ex.: One of the many advantages of living in New York is that you can eat out at almost any time of day.
These terms will be ADVANTAGEOUS only __ foreign companies.
Immigrants presumably want to migrate because it is ADVANTAGEOUS __ them __ do so.
ADVANTAGEOUS for sb to do sth
These terms will be advantageous only to foreign companies.
Immigrants presumably want to migrate because it is advantageous for them to do so.
The DISADVANTAGE __ the material is that it fades in strong sunlight.
Ex.: The disadvantage of the material is that it fades in strong sunlight.
There are some big DISADVANTAGES __ marriage – you do lose a lot of your freedom.
Ex.: There are some big disadvantages to marriage – you do lose a lot of your freedom.
synonyms for/of “DISADVANTAGE”
> draw____
> bad ____
> down____
= a bad feature that sth has, which makes it less good or less useful than other things
Ex.: What do you think are the disadvantages of nuclear energy?
This car uses a lot of fuel, which is a major disadvantage.
= a bad feature that sth has, although it has advantages that are usually more important
Ex.: One of the main drawbacks is the price.
BAD POINT (especially spoken) = a bad feature that sth has Ex.: All of these designs have both their good points and bad points.
= the disadvantage of a situation that in most other ways seems good or enjoyable
Ex.: It’s a great job. The only downside is that I don’t get much free time.
go ___ an ADVENTURE
e____ on an ADVENTURE
be looking ___ ADVENTURE
Ex.: He’ll certainly have great adventures in New Zealand.
go on an ADVENTURE
Ex.: They fly around in their rocket ship and go on exciting adventures.
embark on an ADVENTURE
Ex.: Four members of our staff have embarked on the adventure of a lifetime.
be looking for an ADVENTURE
Ex.: I set out across the country looking for adventure.
ADVERTISE sth __ TV / __ a newspaper / __ a website
ADVERTISE sth on TV/in a newspaper/on a website
Ex.: Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper.
I see they’re ADVERTISING __ a new Sales Director.
Ex.: I see they’re advertising for a new Sales Director.
The inn is ADVERTISED __ being from the early 16th century.
be ADVERTISED as sth
Ex.: The inn is advertised as being from the early 16th century.
Colleges and universities have found that it p__ to ADVERTISE.
Ex.: Colleges and universities have found that it pays to advertise.
ADVERTISING (publicidade = atividade publicitária)
Ex.: Our advertising campaign has helped to increase our sales. Cigarette advertising is banned in this country.
ADVERTISEMENT (anúncio publicitário)
Ex.: Our local newspapers are full of advertisements for second-hand cars. Why don’t you put an advertisement in the newspapers to sell your car.
PUBLICITY (publicidade = atenção dada a algo ou alguém nos jornais, TV, rádio, etc.)
Ex.: There has been a lot of publicity surrounding the scandal. His behaviour during the election campaign attracted a lot of publicity.
You should have followed my ADVICE __/___ her.
ADVICE on/about sth
Ex.: You should have followed my advice on/about her.
My father ___ me some good ADVICE.
My father gave me a ___ of good ADVICE.
give sb some/a piece of ADVICE
» ADVICE is an UNcountable noun
My father gave me some good advice.
My father gave me a piece of good advice.
NOT: My father gave me a piece an advice.
__ her doctor’s ADVICE, Smith decided to take early retirement.
on sb’s ADVICE
Ex.: On her doctor’s advice (= because her doctor advised her) Smith decided to take early retirement.