Pattern Short Field Flashcards
Downwind Altitude
900’ AGL
Downwind Airspeed
before power reduction
85 mph
74 kts
(2000 - 2200 RPM)
Downwind Carb Heat
ON after level off at 900’ AGL
Downwind Throttle
1700 RPM abeam long line
Downwind Flaps
20 deg. immediately after power reduction
Downwind technique
Hold altitude until 70 mph. Maintain 70 mph until turning base
Base Altitude
As required (100 - 150' below downwind)
Base Airspeed
65 mph
57 kts
Base Flaps
30 deg. after rollout onto base
Base Technique
Reduce speed to 65 mph/57 kits. in turn to base. Hold 65 mph/57 kts. until final
Final Airspeed
60 mph
52 kts.
Final Flaps
40 deg. after rollout onto final
Final Technique
Reduce speed to 60 mph/52 kts. in turn to final
Final Flare
In order to minimize float, your airspeed will need to be slower than 60 mph/52 kts. Listen for the horn. Work with vets on this to reduce airspeed and keep aiming point
Ground Roll Carb Heat
ON as power is advanced SMOOTHLY, then off