Patrol Test Flashcards
What are the 5 steps of patrol planning?
- Evaluate intelligence
- Check local conditions
- Devolup a plan
- Conduct a briefing
- Check equipment
What equipment is needed when conducting a patrol?
- Veichle operation -fuel, lights, emergency equipment
- Recording equipment- tape recorders, cameras, notebooks
- Enforcement Kit - exhibit bags / vials
- Radio equipment
- Maps
What are the two types of stops or interventions?
- High risk interventions
- Unknown risk interventions
What are the 4 phases of contact for enforcement officers?
- Safety
- Control
- Defusion
- Problem Solving
What do you do if control can not be obtained?
Seek backup, or abandon the intervention
What are the 3 basic rules for unknown risk stops?
- Always give the subject ample and safe room to stop prior to signaling him or her to do so
- Execute the stop is such a manner as to provide protection from oncoming or following traffic
- Be alert and prepared for the driver to panic
What are the 3 principles of officer safety?
- Time (reaction time)
- Distance
- Cover
How far apart must officer’s vehicle be from a subjects vehicle be in a unknown risk situation?
15-18 feet behind the subjects vehicle and offset 3 feet to the left - tired should be turned out left
What are the 3 C’s of a high risk stop?
- Communication
- Control
- Coordination
What are the 4 basic rules of unknown risk stops?
-Crisis Zone
-Reach Zone
-Point Reflex Zone
-Target Zone
How far apart must officer’s vehicle be from a subjects vehicle be in a high risk situation?
The primary patrol vehicle should be no more than 30 - 50 ft behind the suspects. Vehicle should be directly behind the suspects- not offset.
Backup officers should be 10 - 12 ft to the left and directly facing the suspects.
How many officers are required for high risk stops?
At least 2
What are the elements of a tactical 8 step?
- Greetings
- Identify yourself
- Reason for stop
- Justification
- License / Permit
- Suspect ID (if necessary)
- Decision
- Closure
What are some of the trigger words that can escalate a situation?
- jail
What are the two roles an officer can have in an unknown situation?
- Control
- Cover
What is the inspection section of the wildlife act?
s 59
What is the search authority section of the wildlife act?
s 61
How do field notes help with memory recall?
Helps to recall the events that happened that day and recall can be used accurately with practice. Helps with event detail that could have been forgotten
What do field notes aid to enhance?
-The officers memory
-An independent recollection
What do field noted protect and prevents?
Protects the officers credibility and prevents facts from being distorted, made inaccurate and entirely forgotten or omitted.