Patient Safety, Planning and Audits Flashcards
How is healthcare driven?
By need, demand and supply
What is need, demand and supply?
Need = what people could benefit from (can be expressed need which is where pt seeks help, normative needs which is what HCP thinks pt needs, felt need is when pt thinks they need help but haven’t taken action)
Supply = what is provided
Demand = what people want
What impacts need, supply and demand?
Politic and public pressure
medical knowledge
What is a health needs assessment?
This is a systematic method of identifying the public health needs of a population and making recommended changes in order to tailor to and meet needs
we do this by
examining population
idenffitying needs
examining current servvice
identifying how to fill gaps
What are some examples of special health boards in the NHS?
NHS 24
NHS education Scotland
Public Health Scotland
Scotland Ambulance Service
How are NHS dentists getting money back for NHS tx?
completion of a GP17 form
What its the delivery of dental services?
GENERAL DENTAL SERVICES = largely demand led, high street dental service that provides majority of care
PUBLIC DENATL SERVICE = provides bespoke and specialised tx such as sedation, special care, domiciliary care, prison service
DENTAL HOSPITAL/HOSPITAL = specialists, consultants, training grades to provide OMFS, ortho, restorative etc
How do we define dental participation?
This is defined as someone who has attended dental service in last two years for registration, exam or tx (can be emergency tx) - we dont count pts who are unregistered and seek emergency care then dont return
What is contained in the practise support manual?
Record Keeping
Risk Management
Medical Emergency and Life Support
What is clinical governance?
This is where NHS organisations are held accountable for ensuring maintenance and improvement of clinical care and safeguarding high standard of care by creating an environment in which excellent care can flourish
What are the dimensions of healthcare?
Timely - appropriate tx and services provided at right time and place
Efficent - benefit maximised
Effective - most appropriate tx and intervention provided using EBC
Equitable - pts fairly treated, care based on need
Person Centred - respectful, partnership between pt family and HCP
Safe - no avoidable harm/ijnjury
What are the components of clinical governance?
Clinical Audit
Clinical Effectiveness
Research and development
Risk Management
Education and training
How do we delivery quality healthcare?
we set quality standards (with use of evidence based practices - guidelines etc)
deliver quality standards - educate and train staff, ensure openness when things dont go right, risk damage
Monitor quality standards
How is dentistry monitored ?
National Service Scotland Practitioner Services will monitor GDPs and ensure tx is being carried out properly and fairly
any tx over £410 has to be approved
post tx plan assessment - often of new dentists and dentists requiring training
if necessary can refer to GDC, posecute or issue warning
What is the aim of clinical guidelines?
Improve our practise and quality of healthcare
used for training an education
develop standards for an audit
provide care