Arterial Blood Gases
- pH - 7.35 - 7.45
- PaCO2 - 35 - 45 mmHg
- PaO2 - 80 - 100 mmHg
- HCO3 - 22 - 26 mEq/L
Ventilation Parameters
- VT (spont) - > 5 mL/kg
- VC - 10 mL/kg
- MIP - > -20 cm H2O
- MEP - > +40 cm H2O
- RSBI - < 106
- Resp rate - 8-20/min
- VD/VT ratio - 20-40% (off vent); < 60% (on vent)
Oxygenation Parameters
- SpO2 - >94%
- A-aDO2 25-65 mmHg
- CaO2 - 17-20 vol%
- CvO2 - 14-16 vol%
- C(a-v)O2 - 4-5 vol%
- P/F ratio - > 380
- Qs/Qt (shunt) - 3 - 5%
- PetCO2 - 25-35 mmHg
- PetCO2% - 2 - 5%
- PAO2 - 100 mmHg (room air)
- Pulse - 60 - 100 bpm
- BP - 120-80 mmHg
- Temp (oral) - 37ºC
Pulmonary Function
- Fev1 - > 80% of predicted
- Fev1 /FVC% - 70% or greater
- DLCO - 20 - 25 mL/CO/min/mmHg
- SVC - > 80% of predicted
- FVC - > 80% of predicted
- RAW - 0.6 - 2.4 cmH2O/L/sec
- C.O. - 4 - 8 L/min
- C.I. - 2 - 4 L/min/m2
- CVP - 2 - 6 mmHg
- mPAP - 14 mmHg or 25/8 mmHg
- PCWP - 7 - 9 mmHg
- SVR - 1440 dynes
- PVR - 160 - 200 dynes
- MAP - 93 mmHg
- K+ - 3.5 - 4.5 mEq/L
- Na+ - 135 - 145 mEq/L
- Cl- - 80 - 100 mEq/L
Other Laboratory Values
- Creatinine - 0.7 - 1.3 mg/dL
- BUN - 8 - 25 mg/dL
- WBC - 4,000 - 12,000 cu mm
- Hb - 12 - 16 gm/dL
- RBC - 4 - 6 mill/cu mm
- HCT - 45%
- PT - 23 - 32 seconds
- APTT - 12 - 15 seconds
- Platelet cnt - 150,000 - 400,000 units
- Theophylline - 10 - 20 ug/L
ICP - 5 - 10 mmHg
Arterial Blood Gases
- pH - 7.35 - 7.45
- PaCO2 - 35 - 45 mmHg
- PaO2 - 60 - 80 mmHg
- HCO3 - 22 - 26 mEq/L
Ventilation Parameters
- Resp rate - 30 - 60/min
- Apnea - up to 10 seconds
Oxygenation Parameters
SpO2 - > 90%
- Pulse - 110 - 160 bpm
- Temp - 36 - 37ºC
- BP - 60/40 mmHg (term), 55/35 mmHg (preterm)
APGAR Assessment
1 & 5 minute - 7 - 10
- Birth weight - 3000 grams or more
- Gestation - 38-42 weeks
- L/S ratio - 2:1
- New Ballard - 40
- Silverman - 0 - 1
Other Laboratory Values
- WBC - 4500 - 10000 cu mm
- Hb - 17 - 22 gm/dL
- Glucose - 35 mg/dL (term), 30 mg/dL (preterm)
Wheezing (Bilateral)
bronchoconstriction - treat with bronchodilator
Wheezing (Unilateral)
foreign body aspiration
secretions in the large airway - treat by suctioning or cough instruction
Rales (crackles) (medium)
secretions in middle sized airways - treat with CPT, PEP therapy, (anything to mobilize secretions)
Rales (crackles) (fine)
atelectasis - hyperinflation therapy
Rales (crackles) (fine moist)
fluid overload, pulmonary edema, CHF
upper air inflammation
Stridor (mild)
treat with cool mist
Stridor (moderate)
racemic epinephrine
Stridor (marked or severe)
intubate or send to surgery for tracheostomy
Deviation TOWARD the problem
pulmonary fibrosis, atelectasis, lobectomy
Deviation AWAY from the problem
pneumothorax, pleural effusion, tension pneumothorax
Types of X-rays
- AP - for non-ambulatory pts
- PA - for ambulatory pts only (preferred perspective)
- Lateral - facilitates 3D view
- Lateral decubitus - detect pleural effusions
- Lateral neck - used to detect inflammation above or below the epiglottis
Normal Placements
- ET tube - 2 - 5 cm above carina level with aortic knob level with 4th rib or T4
- Central venous catheter - in right atrium or vena cava
- Pulmonary artery catheter - tip in right lower lung field
Other Radiological Procedures
- V/Q scan - detect pulmonary emboli
- MRI - no metal, used for 3D visualization
Tracheal shift from midline
- pneumothorax
- hemothorax
- significant atelectasis
Obliterated costophrenic angles
- pleural effusion
Flattened diaphragm
- significant air trapping
Fluffy infiltrates
- pulmonary edema
Wedge-shaped infiltrates
- pulmonary embolism
Butterfly or bat wing pattern
- pulmonary edema
Plate-like or patchy infiltrates
- ARDS or atelectasis
Scattered patchy infiltrates