Patient evaluation Flashcards
What are the goals for ‘safe anesthesia?’
- Allow surgical/medical procedures to be performed with minimal risk to life or HEALTH to the paitent
- Lack of mortality and lack of morbidity (impaired organ function; other complications)
What is safe anesthesia (5)?
- Good pre-anesthetic evaluation
- Adequate preparation and anticipation of possible problems
- Vigilant monitoring through recovery
- Knowledge of the physiologic parameters of the cardiovascular/respiratory systems
- Knowledge of the pharmacodynamic effects of the agents used
T/F: There is no safe anesthetic; only safe anesthetists.
What are the 5 main mortality/morbidity risk factors in anesthesia?
- Concurrent disease
- Advanced age
- Extreme weight
- Emergency procedures and after hours
- Human error (poor pre-op and post-op patient care, inadequate monitoring, inadequate teamwork, disorganization/poor communication)
T/F: Over half of anesthesia-related deaths occur within 0-3 hours post-op.
What 6 things are included in the pre-anesthetic patient evaluation?
- Signalment and general appearance and attitude
- Pertinent history
- Physical exam and accurate wt.
- Risk assessment (ASA physical status)
- Pre-anesthetic work-up
- Preparation
What does the pre-anesthetic work-up depend on? What is included?
Physical status
Reason for anesthesia Blood work; radiology; ECG or echo if necessary
How much fat does ideal weight contain?
What must you do to avoid overdosing an overweight animal?
Estimate ideal weight for drug dosages–esp. IV induction drugs; central compartment close to ‘normal’
T/F: Thiopental, propofol are very lipophilic–slowly redistributed–>decreased Vd in obese
FALSE–they are rapidly redistributed–>increased Vd in obese
T/F: Premeds are best given IM rather than IV.
FALSE–best given IV rather than IM (low blood flow in fat)
What are some concerns in overweight/obese animals?
- Cardiac output increased–increased blood volume; contributes to volume overload with cardiac disease
- Decreased lung and chest wall compliance
- Decreased functional residual capacity (FRC) excess fat and volume impinging thorax–involved in gas exchange –> resp. depression (low tidal vol; inc. CO2; mechanical ventilation necessary)
T/F: Certain positions can compromise pulmonary function.
TRUE–it can impede adequate ventilation even in lean patients
What should you do before anesthetizing an extremely thin/cachectic patient? What concerns exist?
- Investigate for underlying disease
- IV anesthetics–distributed from the plasma to VRG, then to muscle and fat
- No fat = drugs stay in VRG longer
- Careful administration–titrate to effect
- Prone to severe hypothermia

Why is size important when anesthetizing tiny patients (4)?
- The tiny can get very cold
- Accurate weight to avoid overdose of drugs/fluids (use fluid pump to avoid accidental overdose)
- Use appropriate size syringes–think about dilution of induction drugs for titration
- Patient difficult/impossible to access under drapes
- Make sure catheter is accessible
- May often be prone to hypoglycemia
Why does size matter when anesthetizing large breeds (3)?
- Giant breeds–profound response to sedatives (acepromzaine)–slower metabolic rate
- Smaller body surface area (BSA) to body weight ratio–reduce dosage rate or dose to BSA
- Senescence occurs earlier so life expectancy lower

How does age affect anesthesia (specifically young/old)?
- Neonatal (anesth common in large animals)–weeks/month–pediatric (depends on breed)
- Increased sensitivity to drug effects
- Hypothermia
- Avoid hypoglycemia (BBB less developed)
- Geriatric (~>75% of life span)
- Generally, decreased organ reserves; sub-clinical dysfunction
- In general; dosages will be altered and certain drugs might be avoided
What must you keep in mind when anesthetizing brachycephalics?
- Elongated soft palate, everted saccules; obstructed nares–> prone to upper airway obstruction
- Vigilant observation when sedated and after extubation
- High vagal tone predisposes to bradycardia

What should be kept in mind when anesthetizing greyhounds?
- High energy/highly stressed
- Susceptible to stress hyperthermia
- Temp can go up to 105 post-surgery
- Good sedation desirable
- Susceptible to stress hyperthermia
- Lack of fat–> IV anesthetics stay in VRG longer
- Avoid thiobarbiturates
- Sleep times longer (propofol) and pharmacokinetics differ from non-grehyounds–not just because of lack of fat
- Thiobarbiturates (NOT oxybarb or methylatedoxybarb)
- Decreased ability to metabolize drugs via P450 family of enzyme pathways

What should be kept in mind when anesthetizing herding breeds?
- Multidrug resistance gene (MRDI) mutation
- MDRI gene code for p-glycoprotein (drug transport pump that limits drug absorption, distribution/excretion–particularly from brain which may lead to drug toxicity): some breeds have mutation
- Ivermectins; anti-cancer; anti-diarrhea
- Acepromazine; butorphanol
- Avoid large dosages to avoid prolonged effects

Which breeds have a predisposition for cardiomyopathy? What should you do?
- Boxer
- Doberman pincher
- Giant breeds
- Maine coon cat
- Careful ascultation–if murmur or dysrhythmia heard further workup warrented (radiography/echocardiogram/ECG)
What cardiac/renal disease medications potentiate anesthesia-related C/V depression?
- Angiotensin converting Enz inhibitors
- Maybe best to avoid acepromazine
- Beta or Ca channel blockers
What conditions/medications cause an impediment to the patients’ ability to handle stress response?
- Hypoadrenalcorticism (Addison’s)
- Treatment for Cushing’s (mitotane, trilostane) or sudden termination of long-term corticosteroids
What are some common drug interactions that should be considered before anesthetizing patients?
- Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants; MAO inhibitors
- Interactions with tramadol
- Some opioids (serotonin syndrome)
- Phenobarbitol–P450 inducer–increases metabolism of other drugs metabolized similarly
- Herbal medicines
Why is the anesthesia history of a patient important?
- Previous anesthesia problems?
- If available, always review previous anesthesia record
- Prolonged or stormy recovery
- Hypotension; bradycardia; dysrhythmia?
- If available, always review previous anesthesia record
- Patient may/may not repeat–may/may not use the same protocol
- May give sedative before recovery to avoid another stormy recovery
Physical exam before anesthesia
- Need not be as complete as the general exam if already performed by the primary clinician
- Still, anesthetist must perform own PE
- Should be done the day of/before anesthesia
- Can be done in less than 5 minutes
What is included in the physical exam by the anesthetist?
- Attitude–BAR or depressed?
- MM–color/refill
- Hydration–dry/moist mm; skin turgor
- Cardiac/thoracic auscultation–normal or heart murmur?
- Dysrhythmia?
- Brady/tachycardia?
- Character of breathing–normal or polypneic?
- Abdominal component?
- Lung sounds–clear or crackles?
- Evidence of pain?
- Determine ASA physical status
Risk assessment–ASA physical status
- Based on the classification set by the American Society of Anesthesiologists
- Based on the physical status of the patient at the time of presentation for anesthesia
- Somewhat objective
- Some consider surgical/procedural risk–highly invasive procedures (lung, cardiac, or neuro)
- Emergency and after hours increase risk (personnel may be diminished in quantity/quality)
What are the different ASA physical status classifications?

Why are ASA classifications important?
- To manage cases consistent with that classification
- ASA I or II likely will not require invasive monitoring, extra IV catheters, dif. kinds of drug protocol
- Generally, no drug contraindications
- ASA III-IV would likely not be managed with same protocol or dosages and management as a healthy OHE
- ASA I or II likely will not require invasive monitoring, extra IV catheters, dif. kinds of drug protocol
- Classifications allow for grouping of cases for scientific study
T/F: Additional information such as hematology and blood chemistries usually required but vary depending on condition, age of patient.
T/F: Studies have found that pre-anesthetic lab work is a good predictor of risk and often alters anesthetic protocol management
FALSE–pre-anesth lab work is NOT a predictor of risk and RARELY alters antesthetic protocol management
What are the lab/diagnostic general recommendations for the following:
Healthy (ASA I-II) ≤ 5-7 yr
Healthy > 5-7 yr; and especially aged
Systemic disease–any age
Thoracic rads; ultrasound; ECG; echocardio; etc.
- Healthy ≤ 5-7 yr
- PCV; TP; BUN or creat; glu; urine SpG
- Healthy > 5-7 yr
- CBC; chemistries
- Systemic disease
- CBC; chemistries +/- coag profile
- Thoracic rads, US, etc.
- Depends on disease
What are the fasting guidelines for dogs/cats?
- Generally 12 hr fast (no food after 10pm) but water always (some say fast 8 hrs)
- May be longer if endoscopy or GI sx
- Neonates/pediatrics should receive supplemental glucose-containing liquids or soupy food up to 4-6 hrs prior
- Diabetics require adjustment in insulin dose (usually half usual dosage) and procedure done early morning
What are the fasting requirements for large animals?
- Equine
- No grain for 12 hr
- Most recommend no hay 8-12 hr but some will allow hay 4-6 hr
- Water always
- Full stomach needs to be avoided
- Ruminants
- No food 18-24 hrs
- No water 12-18hr
- Smaller ruminants, calves
- No food 12-18 hrs
- No water 8-12 hrs
Which animals should not be fasted prior to anesthesia?
- Mice
- Rabbits
- Birds
- Guinea pigs
Why is fasting prior to anesthesia important?
- If patient vomits/regurgitates after/during induction–pulmonary aspiration of particulate material = BAD
- Liquid not good either
- Regurgitated or refluxed liquid during anesthesia not uncommon
- Reason for intubation with a cuffed and adequately inflated endotracheal tube
Vomiting w/ anesthesia
- Vomiting = active process (retching) expulsion of stomach contents–very common only after premed opioid administration
- Usually not a problem in healthy animals
- Avoid in animals at great risk for aspiration
- Ex: dilated esophagus; laryngeal paralysis; recumbent, somnolent
T/F: Post-operative nausea/vomiting (PONV) is very common in humans, but is not common in veterinary paitents–in the recovery period.
T/F: Fasting does NOT decrease incidence regurgitation or reflux.
Regurgitation/reflux during anesthesia
- Regurgitation = passive process–material from esophagus (or stomach) into oral cavity
- More common in animals with upper GI disease and other less common disease processes–dilated esophagus, etc.
- Rapid induction and intubation important
- More common in animals with upper GI disease and other less common disease processes–dilated esophagus, etc.
- Regurgitation during anesthesia is not uncommon–evident in mouth or on table
- Lavage esophagus with water then suction
- Silent reflux (into esophagus)
- ~38% healthy dogs reflux during anesthesia (detected w/ esophageal pH probe)–variety of drugs and fasting times
- May result in esophagitis (or worse–esophageal stricture)
During preparation, what should be done to anticipate possible complications/problems and be prepared to manage them?
- Pre-calculated dosage rates for emergency drugs
- Suspect difficult intubation? Prepare extra T tubes/stylets
- Suspect excessive blood loss? Blood available; extra IV catheter
- Make certain that catheter is accessible under drapes (extension tubing if necessary)
T/F: Device protocol is standardized across all patients
- One does not fit all
- Tailored to the patient based on physical signs and status
- Monitoring techniques may also depend on patient
What specific knowledge should you have in order to be fully prepared when anesthetizing your patient?
- Be knowledgeable of the drugs you are using
- Know what they do to the patient
- Are they appropriate for that patient?
- Working knowledge of the normal physiologic parameters–and recognize abnormal
Why have an anesthesia record?
- Allows trends of the parameters of vital signs to be followed
- Observed problems and any corrective measures are recorded
- Becomes permanent part of animal’s record–referred to for future anesthesia
- Legal document
- Fulfills the important requirements of good practice standards