Patient Care, week 6: Evaluating And Meeting The Patients Neds Flashcards
What is I and O?
Input and output
What do you do when patient says they are thirsty?
Check with the nurse. May be on I an O or NPO (nihil pro ora- nothing by mouth)
When helping a patient with a bedpan…
- wash hands– use gloves
- use clean bedpan
- toilet tissue
- is bed pan cold?
- privacy!
- position bedpan under patient
- remove pan, discard contents, and put pan into appropriate place
- remove gloves and wash hands
- give patient wet wash cloth and clean towel to wash and dry hands
When assisting a patient with a urinal…
- wash hands–wear gloves
- use clean urinal
- privacy!
- check for stones? How?
- discard contents, and place urinal in the location provided for soiled items
- remove gloves–wash hands
- give the patient a wash cloth and towel to dry their hands
What is a symptom?
Symptoms are subjective signals and cannot be measured
Examples: Pain Coughing Vertigo Loss of appetite Weakened condition Nausea
What are signs?
Objective signals
By examination, observation and tests
Examples: Visual inspection Lab tests Palpation Tapping Auscultation
Vital signs include
Temperature Pulse Oxygen level Respiration Blood pressure
Vital signs indicate
- General health status
- Physiologically constant within normal range
- relative to sex, age, physical size, occupation, activity
- deviations can indicate a threat to patients safety
Vital signs include…
- temperature
- pulse
- oxygen level
- respiration
- blood pressure
What is temperature?
• balance of heat maintained between that which is produced from metabolism and that which is lost
Body heat is normally lost through
Deviations in temperature happen due to…
- time of day
- age
- menstrual cycle and pregnancy
- weight
- physical exercise
- injury
- disease
What is fever?
Abnormal increase of body temperature; usually a sign of an infectious process
Known as pyrexia
Signs and symptoms of fever
- increase of body temperature
- increased pulse rate
- increased respirations
- aching
- flushed, hot skin
- chills
- anorexia
What is the normal temperature for the oral method of taking temperature?
98.6 F
37 C
What is the normal temperature for the rectal method of temperature taking?
99.6 F
38 C
What is the normal temperature for auxiliary method of temperature taking?
- 6 F
36. 7 C
What is the pulse?
Alternate contraction and expansion of the wall of an artery corresponding to heart beat
What is the pulse affected by?
- sex
- age
- physical size
- weight
- activity
- disease process
- fever
- emotion
What are the normal parameters when reading pulse?
• adult male: 60-70 BPM
• adult female: 65-80
* children: 110-130
• elderly: 50-60
What are the characteristics or qualities of the pulse?
• amplitude: “force of pulse(volume)
- full(bounding)
- normal
- weak
- thready (feeble and rapid)
- rhythm: relative equality of the interval between beats
- regular vs irregular
- count irregular pulse for one full minute
Pulse sites
- radial (most accessible)
- temporal
- carotid
- femoral
- apical
- pedal(arch of foot)
- popliteal
- brachial
What is tachycardia?
> 100 BPM
What is bradycardia?
<60 BPM
What is arrhythmia?
Irregular pulse
What is respiration
Exchange of gases (o2 and co2) between organism and environment
Purpose is to maintain adequate oxygenation of body cells
Terms; hypoxia, anoxia
Characteristics of respiration
• normal: rhythmic and effortless • respiration rate: -adult male/female 12-16/min -child 30-50/min • note: each inspiration and expiration counts as one respiration
Influencing factors in respiration
- slow: CNS depression secondary to drugs, anesthesia, brain disease
- fast: pain, anxiety, fear, hypoxia, diabetic coma, brain tumors, activity
What is blood pressure?
Force of pressure within arterial walls during each phase of cardiac action (represented as a fraction)
• purpose: aids in evaluation of circulatory status and fluid balance
First phase of blood pressure
- systole (systolic)
- contraction of left ventricle
- greatest force on arterial walls
Second phase of blood pressure
- diastole (diastolic)
- relaxation of the left ventricle
- least pressure on arterial walls
Factors influencing BP
- time of day
- body position
- pathology
- gender
- age
- physical development
Readings for BP
Normal adult range: 100-140/60-90
Children 90mm hg indicates hypertension; <50 may indicate shock
Pulse oximetry normal values
Normal values: 95-100%
<95% means inadequate oxygen perfusion