Patient Care & Management Flashcards
who is under medical care or treatment
a sick, injured, wounded or other person requiring medical treatment
the services rendered by members of the health profession and non-professionals…
patient care
to provide safety for the patient and for those who work with patients in the radiology dept.
patient care and management
care of patients by a multidisciplinary team usually organized under the leadership of a physician
patient care team
very important in providing accurate treatment to prevent confusion and mistaken identity that may lead to complication even death to the patient
patient identification
provide fro repeated checking and review order to prevent automated multiplication of a computer error
patient identification
typpes of patients
- seriously ill and traumatic patients
- visually impaired patients
- speech and hearing impaired patients
- none English speaking patients
- mentally impaired patients
- substance abusers
- in patient
- out patient
these patients may act differently
seriously ill and traumatic patients
optically injured patients
visually impaired patients
who have impaired hearing
speech and hearing impaired patients
ways to communicate when you don’t speak the patient’d language:
- use pictures, to get message across
- use simulations, to show what you are trying to communicate
- use audiotapes made in the language of your px
requires a thorough knowledge of equipment & immobilization technique
mentally impaired patients
how to communicate with mentally challenged person?
- use your normal tone of voice.
- speak in a manner
- be patient
- speak naturally
- show interest and pay attention
these px may not be really aware of what they are and may need to restrained from leaving the room
substance abusers
who was admitted to the hospital for diagnostic studies
who comes to the hospital for diagnosis but does not occupy a bed
made-up of spoken and unspoken messages
msgs. without the use of words
non-verbal communication
communication includes actions, gestures, body movement or facial expressions.
non-verbal communication
6 components of communication
- message
- sender
- channel
- receiver
- referent/stimulus
- feedback
info. that is sent by a sender
who initiates the interpersonal communication or msg.
sender (source, encoder)
means of conveying msgs. as through visual, auditory and tactile senses
channel (vehicle)
to whom the communication is sent.
receiver (decoder)
motivates a person to communicate with one another
help to reveal whether the meaning of the msg. received
becoming a successful communicator - all members of health care team must learn to
- communicate clearly
- effectively
- therapeutically with their patients
verbal and non verbal exchange of information bet. 2 or more people that is satisfactorily received and acted by all parties.
effective communication
demonstrated interest in the client’s needs, concerns, and problem.
listening attentively
demonstrates the interviewer’s willingness to listen to client’s beliefs, values and practices w/o being judgemental.
conveying acceptance
when asking questions, the interviewer use words within client’s socio-cultural context
asking related questions
it provides an opportunity to validate from the client w/o changing the meaning of the statement.
facilitated correct communication of info.
– ask the client to restate information by giving an example
allows the interviewer to clarify, initiate health teaching and identify and correct misconception
offering information
eliminates vagueness in communication, limits the area of discussion and helps the interviewer direct attention to the pertinent aspects of a client’s msg.
it is helpful in making observations
provides the client’s feedback about the interviewer observes behavior, action facial expressions
stating observations
7 barriers to effective communication
- giving an opinion
- offering false reassurance
- being defensive
- showing a approval and disapproval
- stereotyping
- asking why
- changing the topic inappopriately
it inhibits spontaneity stalls problem-solving and creates doubt.
giving an opinion
a pleasant lie.
– telling sick people that they’re doing good when they’re not.
offering false reassurance
defensiveness in response to criticisms
being defensive
expressing excessive approval can be as harmful to an interviewer relationship as stating disapproval
showing a approval and disapproval
stereotype are generalized beliefs held about people.
the use of stereotypes inhibit communication and can threaten an interviewee-interviewer relationship
“why” question can cause resentment insecurity and mistrust
asking why
abruptly interrupting conversation is rude and shown lack of empathy.
changing the topic inappopriately
info’s gathered from interviewee should be documented and recorded in app. place
recording and documentation
the info’s should be complete, accurate, relevant and in factual manner
recording and documentation
4 special communication circumstances
- diversity factors
- sensory alterations
- chemicals
- patient with terminal illness
race, gender, age and educ. level and belief system may influence the way illness is perceived and approached.
diversity factors
blindness or physical impairment, may later px perception and require various methods of communication.
sensory alterations
drugs, alcohol. or medication can alter px cognition and require unique supervision
need effective interaction with health care professionals
patient with terminal illness
11 communication techniques that the RT student should cultivate that will help him to become a therapeutic member of the health tem
- establishing communication guidelines
- reducing distance
- physical barriers or a noisy environment should be avoided
- listening
- using therapeutic silence
- responding to underlying message
- restating the main idea
- reflecting the main idea
- seeking and providing clarification
- making observations
- exploring
- introduction of yourself to the px
- explanation of the examination
establishing communication guidelines
physical distance bet. the RT and the px should be reduced
reducing distance
- listening in a therapeutic manner is vital
- our goal is to gather the accurate info
silence give the px a chance to arrange his thought and consider what he wants to say
using therapeutic silence
restating or repeating the main idea expressed b your px is useful communication technique
restating the main idea
reflecting or directing back the main idea that he stated is another useful communication technique
reflecting the main idea
it indicated to the px that the RT is listening to what is being said but is not sure that he has receive the msg. clearly
seeking and providing clarification
making observations to your feeling is another useful communication technique
making observations
the px may offer info about himself that you wish him to pursue more extensively