Patient Care Exam 2 Part 2 Flashcards
Diabetes hyperglycemia
- Polyuria
- Polydipsia
- Polyphagia
- Dry,warm skin
- Kussmaul’s respiration’s
- Fruity breath odor
- Rapid weak pulse
- Altered level of consciousness
Blood sugar and A1c
-HbA1c measures the average amount of sugar in your blood over the past 2-3 months
Asthma management
- Terminate procedure
- Position patient upright
- Calm patient
- Administer bronchodilator- ventolin
- Administer O2
- Administer epinephrine bronchodilator and antispasmodic
Chest pain can cause
- Angina pectoris (most common)
- Hyperventilation
- Acute M.I (least common)
MI and Dental Treatments
- Can’t have dental treatment within 8 weeks of MI
- more than 8 weeks, dental treatment possible but need medical consultation
Questions to ask: Patient’s cardiac status? Is the condition stable? Any heart failure? What’s ejection fraction?
Diabetes Mellitus
Chronic systemic disease characterized by a disorder in glucose metabolism
- 4-6 hours so permanent damage
An acute reaction involving smooth muscle of the bronchi —> antigen IgE antibody complexes —> mast cells in surface —> release histamine from cells —> results in acute respiratory compromise and cardiovascular collapse
Patient preventions for asthma
- Get vaccinated for influenza and pneumonia
- Know the triggers]
- Take meds
Angina pectoris treatment
- Place patient sitting up with head elevated
- Ensure open airways and breathing is adequate
- Check vitals
- Administer nitroglycerine
- Repeat every 5 mins up to 3 doses in a 15 min time period
- Always check BP between does (if drops below 100mm/HG no more nitroglycerin)
- If pain not relieved give one aspirin 325mg and call 911
Orthostatic Hypotenstion
Seen in elderly patients Decrease in systolic BP of 20 mmHG OR Decrease in diastolic BP of 10 mmHG within 3 minutes of standing when compared to baseline Increases with age
Medical history
All patients get a medical history even if healthy
Patients do not recognize the significance of it but its very important
Fluid retention
Can be mild or severe
Hyperventilation Symptoms
- Tightness in chest: suffocation
- Rapid respiration:rapid pulse
-Light headedness: apprehension - Lump in throat: precocial pain (thinking having heart attack)
-Rapid and shallow breathing
-Cold hands - carpal pedal spasms; can lead to seizures
-Tingling or numbness of hands or lips - Patients between 15-40
Insulin shock
-If fail to eat with their diabetic management plan but continue to take regular insulin injections maybe —> hypoglycemic reaction by of excess insulin
Shock has 3 stages
Minor risks for CVD
- Excessive alcohol use
- Stress
- Age
Delayed allergic reaction
- Onset greater than an hour
- Non-life threatening usually
- Antibiotics
- Analgesics
- Narcotics
- Preservatives in anesthetics
Insulin shock stage 1
- Mild
- Characterized by hunger, weakness, trembling, tachycardia, pollor and sweating
- Maybe before meals, during exercise or when food has been omitted or delayed
- Can be corrected with giving patient something sweet- fruit juice, cake icing
Risk factors for heart disease
- Heredity
- Sex (men develop earlier than women)
- Race (African Americans are more at risk)
- Age
- Factors that cannot be changed
Asthma causes/triggers
- Emotional or physical stress
- Allergy to foods or drugs
- Air pollution or irritating vapors
- upper respiratory infections
- Exercise induced
Delayed management
- Terminate procedure
- Position patient upon comfort
- Benadryl 50 mg PO or IM q 4 h depending upon severity of symptoms
How common is asthma
- 1 out of 250 deaths worldwide
- @US affecting 23 million people
Diabetes hypoglycemia
- Pale moist skin
- weakness, dizziness
- Shallow respiration’s
- Headache
- Altered level of consciousness
- Onset very sudden
- Glucose values <50mg/100ml
Warning signs and symptoms
- Extreme fatigue
- Nasea
- Chest pain
- Difficulty breathing
- Constant dizziness or lightheadednesss
- Fast HR
- Irregular heart beat
- Pitting edema (edema in ankles sign for venous insufficiency, press down on swollen areas and if indentation remains)
HbA1c stats
- Diabetics level should be 6.5% or below
- If at risk for type 2 level should be 6%
- If patient doesn’t know their HbA1c, test with a glucometer