Paths Flashcards
Path 11
Title: The Holy Ghost
Intelligence: Scintillating (sparkling or shining brightly)
Place: 1-2
Hebrew Name: Aleph; Ox
Number: 1
Demons of Hidden Paths: Amprodias
Angel: Raphael
Qlippoth (Demons): Oriens; Air Demon
Godforms: Odhinn, Matt, The Maruts, Dionysus, Jupiter, Bacchus
Incense: Galbanum (a bitter aromatic resin produced from kinds of ferula-a tall large-leaved Eurasian plant w/ small yellow flowers)
Animals: Eagle Human Ox
Legendary Beings: Sylphs
Stones: Topaz (typically colorless, yellow, or pale blue) Chalcedony (a microcrystalline type of quartz occurring in several different forms, including onyx, agate, and jasper.)
Plants: Aspen, Grasses, Peppermint, Chamomile
Tree: Spruce (a widespread coniferous tree that has a distinctive conical shape and hanging cones, widely grown for timber, pulp, and Christmas trees.)
Zodiac/Element: Air
Tarot Card: Fool, Spirit of Aethyr
Correspondence to Human Body: Respiratory Organs, Lungs
Disease: Fluxes
Magickal Powers: Divination
Magickal Symbols: Dagger
Rituals Involving: Reaching and using the superconscious
Color Atziluth: Bright Pale Yellow
Color Briah: Sky Blue
Color Yetzirah: Blue-Emerald Green
Color Assiah: Emerald Flecked with Gold
Path 0
Title: Intelligence: Place: Hebrew Name: Number: God-Name: Archangel: Order of Angels: Qlippoth (Demons): Arch-Demons: Virtue: Vice: Godforms: Incense: Animals: Legendary Beings: Stones: Plants: Tree: Zodiac/Element: Tarot Card: Symbols: Correspondence to Human Body: Consciousness: Power: Disease: Magickal Powers: Magickal Symbols: Rituals Involving: Color Atziluth: Color Briah: Color Yetzirah: Color Assiah:
Title: The Messenger
Intelligence: Transparant Intelligence
Place: 1-3
Hebrew Name: Beth; House
Number: 2
Demons of Hidden Paths: Baratchial
Angel: Michael
Qlippoth (Demons): Samael; the Decievers
Godforms: Odhinn, Thoth, Vishnu, Hermes, Mercury
Incense: Sandalwood Mastic Storax
Animals: Swallow (a migratory swift-flying songbird with a forked tail and long pointed wings, feeding on insects in flight) Ape Ibis
Legendary Beings: Disembodied voices Witches Wizards
Stones: Opal (a gemstone consisting of hydrated silica, typically semitransparent and showing varying colors against a pale or dark ground) Agate (an ornamental stone consisting of a hard variety of chalcedony, typically banded in appearance)
Plants: Vervain, Palm, Confrey (a Eurasian plant of the borage family, with large hairy leaves and clusters of purplish or white bell-shaped flowers) , Marjoram (an aromatic southern European plant of the mint family, the leaves of which are used as a culinary herb) , Herb Mercury (Eurafrican annual naturalized in America as a weed; formerly dried for use as a purgative, diuretic or antisyphilitic)
Tree: Ash (a tree with silver-gray bark and compound leaves. The ash is widely distributed throughout north temperate regions where it can form forests)
Zodiac/Element: Mercury
Tarot Card: The Magician, Magus of Power
Correspondence to Human Body: Cerebral and Nervous System, Right Eye
Disease: Ataxia (the loss of full control of bodily movements)
Magickal Powers: Healing, Language, Knowledge, Sciences
Magickal Symbols: Wand, Caduceus
Rituals Involving: Auto-Suggestion; Controlling forces below the self-conscious level
Color Atziluth: Yellow
Color Briah: Purple
Color Yetzirah: Grey
Color Assiah: Indigo rayed with violet
Title: The Virgin
Intelligence: Uniting
Place: 1-6
Hebrew Name: Gimel
Number: 3
Demons of Hidden Paths: Gargophias
Angel: Gabriel
Qlippoth (Demons): Gamaliel; The obscene ones
Godforms: Odhinn, Isis, Chandra, Artemis, Hecate, Diana
Incense: Camphor
Animals: Dog, Camel
Legendary Beings: Lemures, Ghosts
Stones: Pearl, Moonstone (a pearly white semiprecious stone consisting of alkali feldspar)
Plants: Hazel (Australian tree grown especially for ornament and its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts), Buttercup, Bay
Tree: Alder (a widely distributed tree of the birch family that has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones)
Zodiac/Element: Moon
Tarot Card: The High Priestess, Priestess of the Silver Star
Correspondence to Human Body: Lymphatic System, Left Eye
Disease: Menstrual disorders
Magickal Powers: Clairvoyance, Dream Control, Dream Divination
Magickal Symbols: Bow and Arrow, Crystal Ball, Magick Mirror
Rituals Involving: Seeing Beyond the Veil, Delving into the Deep Mysteries
Color Atziluth: Blue
Color Briah: Silver
Color Yetzirah: Early Spring Green
Color Assiah: Silver Rayed with Sky Blue
Title: The Wife
Intelligence: Illuminating
Place: 2-3
Hebrew Name: Daleth; Door
Number: 4
Demons of Hidden Paths: Dagdagiel
Angel: Haniel
Qlippoth (Demons): A’arab Zaraq; The Dispensers
Godforms: Freyja, Hathor, Aphrodite, Venus
Incense: Sandalwood
Animals: Sparrow, Dove, Swan, Lynx, Leopard
Legendary Beings: Succubi
Stones: Emerald, Turquoise
Plants: Rose, Clover, Cowslip (a European primula with clusters of drooping fragrant yellow flowers in spring, growing on dry grassy banks and in pasture), Myrtle (an evergreen shrub that has glossy aromatic foliage and white flowers followed by purple-black oval berries)
Tree: Pine
Zodiac/Element: Venus
Tarot Card: The Empress; Daughter of the Mighty One
Correspondence to Human Body: Genital System
Disease: Sex Diseases (VD)
Magickal Powers: Love Philters and Love Magick
Magickal Symbols: Girdle
Rituals Involving: Enervating the Creative Imagination; Seeking the Great Mother
Color Atziluth: Emerald Green
Color Briah: Sky Blue
Color Yetzirah: Early Spring Green
Color Assiah: Bright Rose Rayed with Pale Green
Title: The Mother
Intelligence: Natural
Place: 2-6
Hebrew Name: Heh; Window
Number: 5
Demons of Hidden Paths: Tzuflifu
Angel: Camael
Qlippoth (Demons): Bahimoron, the Bestial Ones
Godforms: Mares, Ares, Minerva, Athene, Horus-Ra
Incense: Dragons Dlood
Animals: Ram, Owl
Legendary Beings: Mania, Erinyes, Furies
Stones: Ruby
Plants: Geranium (a herbaceous plant or small shrub bearing a long narrow fruit that is said to be shaped like the bill of a crane the flowers have five petals and are coloured white, pink, purple or blue, often with distinctive veining.), Tiger Lily (a tall lily that has orange flowers spotted with black or purple)
Tree: Yew, Ash
Zodiac/Element: Mars
Tarot Card: The Emperor, The Sun of the Morning, Chief among the Mighty
Correspondence to Human Body: Head, Face, Stomach
Disease: Cystitis
Magickal Powers: Understanding Esoteric Astrology
Magickal Symbols: Censer, Star Charts
Rituals Involving: Seeking the Great Father; Bringing Reason and Will into Balance
Color Atziluth: Scarlet
Color Briah: Red
Color Yetzirah: Brilliant Flame
Color Assiah: Glowing Red
Title: The Son, The Priest
Intelligence: Triumphal
Place: 2-4
Hebrew Name: Vau; Nail
Number: 6
Demons of Hidden Paths: Uriens
Angel: Asmodel
Qlippoth (Demons): Adimiron, the Bloody Ones
Godforms: The Vanir, Osiris, Shiva, Hera, Venus
Incense: Storax
Animals: Bull
Legendary Beings: Gorgons, Minotaurs
Stones: Topaz (a precious stone, typically colorless, yellow, or pale blue, consisting of a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate)
Plants: Mallow (a herbaceous plant with hairy stems, pink or purple flowers, and disk-shaped fruit. Several kinds are grown as ornamentals, and some are edible), Moss, Archangel (a Eurasian herbaceous plant that has yellow helmet-shaped flowers), Figs
Tree: Birch (a slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark (often peeling) and bears catkins. Birch trees grow chiefly in north temperate regions, some reaching the northern limit of tree growth)
Zodiac/Element: Taurus
Tarot Card: Hierophant, Magus of the Eternal
Correspondence to Human Body: Shoulders, Arms, Left Hand, Heart
Disease: Indigestion
Magickal Powers: Secret of Physical Strength
Magickal Symbols: Energised Sweat
Rituals Involving: Intuition, Inner Hearing, Revelation
Color Atziluth: Red-Orange
Color Briah: Deep Indigo
Color Yetzirah: Deep Warm Olive
Color Assiah: Rich Brown
There are many methods of avoiding strong excitation, such as holding the breath, controlling sounds, controlling movements, or engaging in rapid, jerky movements, arching the back, straightening or stiffening the legs, and holding the anal sphincter.
This energy is built up in the organism by the intake of food, fluid, and air. It is also absorbed directly through the skin. It is discharged by activity, excretion, emotional expression, the process of thinking, and by conversion into body heat, which radiates to the environment. Also it is used up in growth.
Title: The Twins Emerging
Intelligence: Disposing
Place: 3-6
Hebrew Name: Zain; Sword
Number: 7
Demons of Hidden Paths: Zamradiel
Angel: Ambriel
Qlippoth (Demons): Tzalaimiron, Clangers
Godforms: Freyja, all Twins, Castor and Pollux, Janus
Incense: Wormwood
Animals: Magpie, all Hybrids
Legendary Beings: Banshees((in Irish legend) a female spirit whose wailing warns of an impending death in a house), Apparitions
Stones: Alexandrite (a gem variety of chrysoberyl that appears green in daylight and red in artificial light), Tourmaline (a typically black or blackish mineral that occurs as prismatic crystals in granitic and other rocks. It consists of a boron aluminosilicate and has pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties), Iceland Spar (a transparent variety of calcite, showing strong double refraction)
Plants: Orchids (a plant with complex flowers that are typically showy or bizarrely shaped, having a large specialized lip (labellum) and frequently a spur. Orchids occur worldwide, esp. as epiphytes in tropical forests, and are valuable hothouse plants), Ragwort (a yellow-flowered plant of the daisy family that is a common weed of grazing land. It is toxic to livestock, esp. when dried), all Hybrids
Tree: Oak (a tree that bears acorns as fruit, and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. Oaks are common in many north temperate forests and are an important source of hard and durable wood used chiefly in construction, furniture, and (formerly) shipbuilding), Ash (a tree with silver-gray bark and compound leaves. The ash is widely distributed throughout north temperate regions where it can form forests)
Zodiac/Element: Gemini
Tarot Card: The Lovers; Children of the Voice
Correspondence to Human Body: Lungs, Right Leg
Disease: Pneumonia (An acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs and caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants)
Magickal Powers: Control of the Double, Prophecy
Magickal Symbols: Tripod
Rituals Involving: Messages from the Superconcious; Discrimination.
Color Atziluth: Orange
Color Briah: Pale Mauve
Color Yetzirah: Yellow-Leather
Color Assiah: Reddish Grey to Mauve
Title: The Grail
Intelligence: Influencing
Place: 3-5
Hebrew Name: Cheth; Fence
Number: 8
Demons of Hidden Paths: Characith
Angel: Muriel
Qlippoth (Demons): Shichiron, Black Ones
Godforms: Valkyries, Krishna, Apollo, Mercury
Incense: Onycha
Animals: Crab, Turtle, Sphinx
Legendary Beings: Vampires
Stones: Amber (hard translucent fossilized resin produced by extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in color)
Plants: Lotus, Angelica (a tall aromatic plant of the parsley family, with large leaves and yellowish-green flowers. Native to both Eurasia and North America, it is used in cooking and herbal medicine), Watercress (grows in running water and whose pungent leaves are used in salad)
Tree: Yew (a coniferous tree that has red berrylike fruits, and most parts of which are highly poisonous. Yews are linked with folklore and superstition and can live to a great age; the timber is used in cabinetmaking and (formerly) to make longbows)
Zodiac/Element: Cancer
Tarot Card: the Chariot; Lord of Triumph of Light
Correspondence to Human Body: Stomach, Left Leg
Disease: Rheumatism (any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, esp. rheumatoid arthritis)
Magickal Powers: Enchantment
Magickal Symbols: Alchemical Furnace
Rituals Involving: Seeking the Inner Self
Color Atziluth: Amber
Color Briah: Maroon
Color Yetzirah: Rich Bright Russet
Color Assiah: Dark Greenish-Brown
Title: The Magickal Union
Intelligence: Spiritual
Place: 4-5
Hebrew Name: Teth; Serpent
Number: 9
Demons of Hidden Paths: Temphioth
Angel: Verchiel
Qlippoth (Demons): Shalehbiron, the Flaming Ones
Godforms: Freyr, Horus, Vishnu, Demeter, Venus
Incense: Olibanum (Frankincense)
Animals: Lion
Legendary Beings: Dragons
Stones: Cat’s Eye (a semiprecious stone, esp. chalcedony or chrysoberyl, with a chatoyant luster)
Plants: Sunflower, Flax(a blue-flowered herbaceous plant that is cultivated for its seed (linseed) and for textile fiber made from its stalks), Saffron (an autumn-flowering crocus with reddish-purple flowers, native to warmer regions of Eurasia. Enormous numbers of flowers are required to produce a small quantity of the large red stigmas used for the spice), Marigold(a plant of the daisy family, typically with yellow, orange, or copper-brown flowers, that is widely cultivated as an ornamental), Tonics
Tree: Ash (a tree with silver-gray bark and compound leaves. The ash is widely distributed throughout north temperate regions where it can form forests)
Zodiac/Element: Leo
Tarot Card: Strength; Daughter of the Flaming Sword (phallus)
Correspondence to Human Body: Heart, Liver
Disease: Heart Disorders
Magickal Powers: Power of Dialogue with Animals
Magickal Symbols: Heart
Rituals Involving: Work with the Chakras; Control Over the Biochemical Workings of the Body
Color Atziluth: Greenish-Yellow
Color Briah: Deep Purple
Color Yetzirah: Grey
Color Assiah: Reddish Amber
Title: The Secret Seed
Intelligence: Willful
Place: 4-6
Hebrew Name: Yod; Hand, Sperm
Number: 10
Demons of Hidden Paths: Yamatu
Angel: Hamaliel
Qlippoth (Demons): Tzaphirion, Scratchers
Godforms: Frigg, Hel, Gopis, Attis, Vesta, Adonis, Isis, Nepthys, Balder
Incense: Narcissus
Animals: Cat, Any Solitary Animal or Person
Legendary Beings: Mer-People
Stones: Peridot (a green semi-precious mineral, a variety of olivine)
Plants: Snowdrop (a widely cultivated bulbous European plant that bears drooping white flowers during the late winter), Lily (a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem. Lilies have long been cultivated, some kinds being of symbolic importance and some used in perfumery, tulip is part of lily family), Mint
Tree: Birch (a slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark (often peeling) and bears catkins. Birch trees grow chiefly in north temperate regions, some reaching the northern limit of tree growth)
Zodiac/Element: Virgo 8/22-9/22
Tarot Card: the Hermit; prophet of the Eternal
Correspondence to Human Body: Back, (“i”“y”)Left Kidney, (“j”)Diaphragm, (“i”-pin) pancreas
Disease: Spinal Disorders
Magickal Powers: Invisibility
Magickal Symbols: Lamp, Wand, Consecrated Bread
Rituals Involving: Seeking Silence of Meditation; Spiritual Search
Color Atziluth: Yellowish-Green
Color Briah: Slate Grey
Color Yetzirah: Green-Grey
Color Assiah: Plum
Title: The father of all
Intelligence: Conciliating intelligence
Place: 4-7
Hebrew Name: Kaph; Palm, Egg
Number: 20, 500
Demons of Hidden Paths: Kurgasiax
Angel: Tzadkiel
Qlippoth (Demons): Gha’agsheblah; the Breakers
Godforms: Heimdall, Amen Ra, Brahma, Indra, Zeus, Fortuna.
Incense: Saffron
Animals: Eagle
Legendary Beings: Incubi, nightmares.
Stones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli
Plants: Fig, Arnica, Thyme
Tree: Holly
Zodiac/Element: Jupiter
Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune; Lord of the Forces of Life
Correspondence to Human Body: Digestive System
Disease: Gout
Magickal Powers: Powers of Political and Social Control
Magickal Symbols: Scepter
Rituals Involving: The Study of Karma and Reincarnation
Color Atziluth: Violet
Color Briah: Blue
Color Yetzirah: Rich Purple
Color Assiah: Bright Blue Rayed with Yellow
Prince of Knowledge and Truth; Angel of the Presence; Flame of God; Regent of the Sun; Archangel of Salvation; Heavenly Interpreter; Divine Light. Israfil is his Arabic name. He rules the Element of Earth and the North; his color is Green. Angel of teaching, insight, stability, endurance bringer of knowledge of God.
Prince of Brightness, Beauty and Life. He also is of Chaldean origin. In Hebrew his name means “healing of God”. His Planet is the Sun, his color yellow. He rules the element of Air and the East. Angel of healing, harmony, balance, prosperity, success, honor, contacting your guardian angel.
Prince of Splendor and Wisdom;Disperser of the Forces of Darkness. Ranks as the greatest of all angels in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic writings; one of the four great archangels who surround the throne of God, he stands on the right; ruler of Mercury. The Chaldeans worshiped him as a god. Chief of the Order of Virtues and archangels; prince of presence; angel of repentance; righteousness; mercy; vengeance; sanctification, righteousness, mercy, vengeance, sanctification, destruction, and defense. He is called the ‘Prince of Light’ and the ‘leader of God’s hosts’. He rules the element of Fire and the South; his color is red. Angel of truthfulness, intelligence, knowledge, divination, tarot, philosophy.
Prince of Brightness, Beauty and Life. He also is of Chaldean origin In Hebrew his name means “healing of God.” His planet is the Sun, his color yellow. He rules the element of Air and the East. Angel of healing, harmony, balance, prosperity, success, honor, contacting your guardian angel.
Prince of Change, Alteration; Archangel of the Annunciation. One of the Two highest angels. The ruling prince of Paradise, he sits on the left hand of God. He is the angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, nuance, death, revelation, truth, hope. His planet is the Moon, hi color blue. He rules Water and the West. Angel of visions, magic, clairvoyance, scrying, astral travel, herbal medicine. See Jibril (Arabic version of Gabriel; most popular of the Islamic angels. Said to have revealed the Koran to Muhammad. Called the Faithful Spirit and the Supreme Spirit.)
Prince of Countenances; the Messenger; the Great Teacher. His color is white Brilliance, and he rules the center or straight up, the Element of Spirit. The greatest of all the hierarchs; the first of the ten archangels of the Briatic world in Qabala. King of angels, prince of the presence, angel of the covenant, chief of the ministering angels. He is the link between human and divine. He appears as a pillar of fire, his face brighter than the Sun. His specialty is last minute intercession. Angel f completion of the Great Work, spiritual enlightenment, mystical illumination.
Title: The Sexually United Intelligence: Faithful Intelligence Place: 5-6 Hebrew Name: Lamed; Ox-Goad Number: 30 Demons of Hidden Paths: Lafcursiax Angel: Uriel/ Auriel Qlippoth (Demons): A'Abirion; the Clayey Ones Godforms: Tyr, Mani, Maat, Yama, Themis, Vulcan, Minerva Incense: Galbanum Animals: Elephant, Spider Legendary Beings: Fairies, Harpies Stones: Emerald Plants: Aloe, Tobacco, Sage Tree: Oak Zodiac/Element: Libra Tarot Card: Justice, Daughter of the Lords of Truth Correspondence to Human Body: Liver Disease: Kidney Disorders Magickal Powers: Power of Equilibrium and Balancing Magickal Symbols: Equal Armed Cross Rituals Involving: Justice, Equilibrium, Study of Metaphysical Law Color Atziluth: Emerald Green Color Briah: Blue Color Yetzirah: Deep Blue-Green Color Assiah: Pale Green
Title: The Water Redeemer
Intelligence: Stable Intelligence
Place: 5-8
Hebrew Name: Mem; Water
Number: 40, 600
Demons of Hidden Paths: Malkunofat
Angel: Gabriel
Qlippoth (Demons): Ariton; Water Demons
Godforms: Njord, Balder, Soma, Poseidon, Neptune
Incense: Myrrh, Onycha
Animals: Eagle, Scorpion, Snake
Legendary Beings: Nymphs, Undines, Nereids
Stones: Aquamarine, Green Beryl
Plants: Lotus, Waterlily, Leek
Tree: Willow
Zodiac/Element: Water
Tarot Card: Hanged Man; Spirit of the Mighty Waters
Correspondence to Human Body: Organs of Nutrition
Disease: Chills
Magickal Powers: Skrying, Creating, Talismans, Crystal Gazing
Magickal Symbols: Consecrated Wine
Rituals Involving: Meditation and Suspension of the Mind’s Activities
Color Atziluth: Deep Blue
Color Briah: Sea-Green
Color Yetzirah: Deep Olive-Brown
Color Assiah: White Flecked with Purple, like Mother of Pearl
Title: The Redeeming Belly
Intelligence: Imaginative Intelligence
Place: 6-7
Hebrew Name: Nun; Fish
Number: 50; 700
Demons of Hidden Paths: Niantiel
Angel: Barbiel
Qlippoth (Demons): Necheshthiron; the Brazen Ones
Godforms: Odhinn, Set, Yama, Cronus, Mars
Incense: Benzoin, Oppoponax.
Animals: Beetle, Wolf, Scorpion
Legendary Beings: Lamiae, Hags
Stones: Snakestone
Plants: Cactus, Mandrake
Tree: Yew
Zodiac/Element: Scorpio
Tarot Card: Death; Child of the Great Transformer
Correspondence to Human Body: Intestines
Disease: Cancer
Magickal Powers: Necromancy, Mediumistic Ability
Magickal Symbols: Scythe
Rituals Involving: Willed Transformation of the life; Astral Projection
Color Atziluth: Green-Blue
Color Briah: Dull Brown
Color Yetzirah: Very Dark Brown
Color Assiah: Indigo-Brown, like a Beetle
Title: The Pregnant Womb
Intelligence: Tentative Intelligence
Place: 6-9
Hebrew Name: Samekh Prop
Number: 60
Demons of Hidden Paths: Saksaksalim
Angel: Adnachiel
Qlippoth (Demons): Necheshiron; Snaky Ones
Godforms: Forseti, Nephthys, Vishnu, Apollo the Hunter, Artemis, Diana the Huntress, Iris
Incense: Lignum Aloes
Animals: Horse, Dog
Legendary Beings: Centaurs
Stones: Jacinth
Plants: Rushes, Reeds, Wood Betony, Mallow
Tree: Oak
Zodiac/Element: Sagittarius
Tarot Card: Temperance, the Bringer Forth of LIfe
Correspondence to Human Body: Hips, Thighs
Disease: Apoplexy, Thrombosis
Magickal Powers: Transmutation
Magickal Symbols: Arrow for the Swiftness of Willed Force
Rituals Involving: Blending of the Conscious and Subconscious
Color Atziluth: Blue
Color Briah: Yellow
Color Yetzirah: Green
Color Assiah: Dark Vivid Blue
Title: The Erect and Glad
Intelligence: Renovating Intelligence
Place: 6-8
Hebrew Name: Ayin, Eye
Number: 70
Demons of Hidden Paths: A’ano’nin
Angel: Haniel
Qlippoth (Demons): Dagdagiron; Fishy Ones
Godforms: the Frost Giants, Set, Pan, Priapus, Bachus, Saturn
Incense: Musk, Civet
Animals: Goat, Ass
Legendary Beings: Satyrs, Fauns, Panic-Demons
Stones: Coal, Black Diamond
Plants: Thistle, Wormwood, Satyrion
Tree: Beech
Zodiac/Element: Capricorn
Tarot Card: Devil; Lord of the Gates of Matter
Correspondence to Human Body: Genital System
Disease: Arthritis
Magickal Powers: the Evil Eye, Black Magick, Evocation, Dialogue with Nature
Magickal Symbols: Elixir, Lamp
Rituals Involving: Working with the Dweller on the Threshold of the Mysteries, Working to Transfer at Will from Intellect to Intuition
Color Atziluth: Indigo
Color Briah: Black
Color Yetzirah: Blue-Black
Color Assiah: Cold Dark Grey
Title: The Conquering Child
Intelligence: Exciting Intelligence
Place: 7-8
Hebrew Name: Peh; Mouth
Number: 80;800
Demons of Hidden Paths: Parfaxitas
Angel: Camael
Qlippoth (Demons): Golachab
Godforms: Thorr, Odhinn, Horus, Menthu, Krishna, Ares, Mars
Incense: Pepper, Tobacco, Dragons Blood
Animals: Horse, Bear, Wolf
Legendary Beings: Furies, Chimaeras, Boars
Stones: Ruby, Garnet
Plants: Wormwood, Rue, Absinthe
Tree: Oak
Zodiac/Element: Mars
Tarot Card: the Tower; Lord of the Mighty Hosts
Correspondence to Human Body: Muscular Syste
Disease: Inflammation
Magickal Powers: Control of Temporal Imbalance, Defense
Magickal Symbols: Sword
Rituals Involving: Working to Access Flashes of Inspiration, Creating Needed Changes of Mind
Color Atziluth: Scarlet
Color Briah: Red
Color Yetzirah: Venetian Red
Color Assiah: Bright Red Rayed with Azure
Title: The Ruler Intelligence: Constituting Intelligence Place: 7-9 Hebrew Name: Tzaddi; Fish-Hook Number: 90,900 Demons of Hidden Paths: Hemethterith Angel: Malkiel Qlippoth (Demons): Ba'airiron; the Flock Godforms: Aphrodite, Nut, Athene, Juno, Venus Incense: Galbanum Animals: Man, Eagle, Peacock Legendary Beings: Water nymphs, Sirens, Lorelei, Mermaids Stones: Glass, Chalcedony Plants: Olive, Coconut Tree: Elder Zodiac/Element: Aquarius Tarot Card: the Star; Daughter of the firmament Correspondence to Human Body: Kidneys, Bladder Disease: Apoplexy Magickal Powers: Astrology Magickal Symbols: Censer Rituals Involving: Study of the Emotional Polarities of Sex, Meditation on Astrology and Charts Color Atziluth: Violet Color Briah: Sky Blue Color Yetzirah: Bluish-Mauve Color Assiah: White Tinged with Purple
Title: the Elder Witch
Intelligence: Corporeal Intelligence
Place: 7-9
Hebrew Name: Qoph; Back of Head
Number: 100
Demons of Hidden Paths: Qulielfi
Angel: Barakiel
Qlippoth (Demons): Nashimiron; the Malignant Ones
Godforms: Odhinn, Freyja, Anubis, Vishnu, Poseidon, Neptune, Diana the Archer, Black Isis
Incense: Ambergris
Animals: Fishes, Dolphin
Legendary Beings: Phantoms, Werewolves
Stones: Pearl
Plants: Poppy, Raspberry Leaf
Tree: Ash, Elm
Zodiac/Element: Pisces
Tarot Card: the Moon; Child of the Sons of the Mighty
Correspondence to Human Body: Legs, Feet
Disease: Gout, VD
Magickal Powers: Bewitchents, Casting Illusions
Magickal Symbols: Magick Mirror
Rituals Involving: Recognizing and understanding the Primitive Instincts
Color Atziluth: Ultra-Violet
Color Briah: Buff Flecked with Silver White
Color Yetzirah: Light Pinkish Brown
Color Assiah: Stone Color
Title: the Playing Sun Intelligence: Collecting Intelligence Place: Path Join 8-9 Hebrew Name: Resh;Head Number: 200 Demons of Hidden Paths: Raflifu Angel: Raphael Qlippoth (Demons): Thagirion Godforms: Ra, Helios, Apollo Incense: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Kyphi Animals: Lion, Birds of Prey Legendary Beings: Will-O'-Wisps Stones: Crysoleth, Yellow Jacinth Plants: Sunflower, Heartsease, Laurel, Heliotrope Tree: Bay Zodiac/Element: the Sun Tarot Card: the Sun; Lord of the Fire of the World Correspondence to Human Body: Circulatory System Disease: Repletion Magickal Powers: Power of Acquiring Wealth Magickal Symbols: Lamen, Talismans Rituals Involving: Study of the Personality Color Atziluth: Orange Color Briah: Gold-Yellow Color Yetzirah: Rich Amber Color Assiah: Amber Rayed with Red
Title: The Emerging Goddess
Intelligence: Perpetual Intelligence
Place: Path Joins 8-10
Hebrew Name: Shin; Tooth
Number: 300
Demons of Hidden Paths: Shalicu
Angel: Michael
Qlippoth (Demons): Paimon; Fire Demons
Godforms: Freyr, Freyja, Horus, Agni, Yama, Prometheus, Vulcan, Pluto, Hades, Vesta
Incense: Olibanum
Animals: Lion
Legendary Beings: Salamanders, Sphinx
Stones: Fire Opal
Plants: Hibiscus, Nettle, Self-Heal
Tree: Apple, Oak
Zodiac/Element: Fire
Tarot Card: Judgement; Spirit of the Primal Fire
Correspondence to Human Body: Organs of Circulation
Disease: Fevers, Death, Insanity
Magickal Powers: Evocation, Pyromancy, Transformation
Magickal Symbols: Wand, Lamp, Pyramid, Cloak
Rituals Involving: Reincarnation, Cultural Evolution, Influence of Temperament on Previous Incarnations
Color Atziluth: Glowing Orange-Scarlet
Color Briah: Vermilion
Color Yetzirah: Scarlet Flecked with Gold
Color Assiah: Vermilion Flecked with Crimson and Emerald
Title: The Pentacle of the Whole
Intelligence: Administrative Intelligence
Place: Path Joins 9-10
Hebrew Name: Tau; Cross
Number: 400
Demons of Hidden Paths: Thantifaxath
Angel: Tzaphkiel
Qlippoth (Demons): Satariel; the Concealers; Lilith; Earth Demons
Godforms: Odhinn, Sebek, Nepthys, Osiris, Brahma, Athene, Demeter, Persephone, Ceres, Gaea, Saturn, the sorrowing Isis
Incense: Storax, Meadowsweet
Animals: Crocodile, Bull
Legendary Beings: Gnomes, Mother Nature, Dweller on the Threshold
Stones: Onyx, Salt, Star Sapphire
Plants: Ivy, Rue, Cypress
Tree: Beech, Ash, Hawthorn
Zodiac/Element: Saturn
Tarot Card: The Universe or World; Great One of the Night of Time
Correspondence to Human Body: Excretory System; Skeleton
Disease: Arteriosclerosis, Sluggishness
Magickal Powers: Astral Vision, Manipulation, Dialogue with Plants
Magickal Symbols: Sickle, Shadow, Pentacle
Rituals Involving: Communication with the Dweller on the Threshold, Initiation, Descent to the Underworld, Meditation of Death of the Physical Body
Color Atziluth: Indigo
Color Briah: Black
Color Yetzirah: Blue-Black
Color Assiah: Black Rayed with Blue
Title: the Crown; First Mover; First Cause; Life Principle; the Divine Plane; Supreme Emanation; Ancient of Ancients; Ancient of Days
Intelligence: Admirable or Hidden
Place: First Plane, Middle Pillar, Supernal Triangle
Hebrew Name: Kether
Number: 1
God-Name: Eheieh, Ehyeh
Angel: Metatron, World-Prince, Angel of the Presence
Order of Angels: Chaioth; or Chayoth, ha Qadesh; Holy Living Creatures
Qlippoth (Demons): Thaumiel; the Twins of God
Arch-Demon: Moloch and Satan
Virtue: Completion of the Great Work
Vice: To High to Have any Vice
Godforms: Creator God/Goddesses-Ymir, Odhinn, Audhumla, Freyja, Gaea, Cronus, Ptah, Brahma, Shiva, Gaea, Jumala, Cagn, Zeus, Ra, Iaccus, Jupiter
Incense: Ambergris
Animals: Swan, Hawk
Legendary Beings: Spirit
Stones: Diamond
Plants: Almond in Flower, Chamomile
Tree: Almond
Zodiac/Element: Pluto, Primum Mobile
Tarot Card: the Four Aces
Symbols: A Brilliant Glowing Crown
Correspondence to Human Body: the Self
Consciousness: Spiritual
Power: Incarnate Will
Disease: Death
Magickal Powers: Union with Self, Union with God
Magickal Symbols: Crown, Head-Band, Headdress
Rituals Involving: Divine Conciousness; Illumination; Enlightenment; Spiritual Development and Attainment; Finding your Karmic Purpose
Color Atziluth: Brilliance
Color Briah: Pure White Swirling
Color Yetzirah: Pure White Brilliance
Color Assiah: White Flecked with Gold
Title: Wisdom; Crown of Creation; the Second Glory; Theoretical Wisdom; the Supernal Father; the Great Stimulator; the Idea of Spiritual Force
Intelligence: Illuminating
Place: Second Plane, Right Pillar, Supernal Triangle
Hebrew Name: HOKE-muh
Number: 2
God-Name: Yah, Jehovah
Angel: Ratziel
Order of Angels: Auphanim/Ophanim; the Wheels of Whirling Forces
Qlippoth (Demons): Ogiel/Ghagiel/Chaigidel/Chaigidiel; Hinderers
Arch-Demon: Samael, Beelzebub
Virtue: Devotion
Vice: To High to Have a Vice
Godforms: All-Father Deities, Priapic Gods — Amen, Thoth, Isis, Odhinn, Uranus, Njord, Freyr, Zeus, Jupiter, Pan, Athene, Posedon, Osiris, the Dagda, Cernunnos, Nuada, Asshur, Olorun, Deus Pater, Shiva, Janus
Incense: Musk
Animals: Human
Legendary Beings: Spirit
Stones: Star Ruby, Turquoise
Plants: Amaranth, Solomon’s Seal
Tree: Beech
Zodiac/Element: the Zodiac and Neptune
Tarot Card: the Four Knights and the four Twos
Symbols:Phallus; Standing Stones; Towers; Straightline
Correspondence to Human Body: Spiritual Will or Purpose
Consciousness: Spiritual
Power Purposeful Will
Disease: Insanity
Magickal Powers: Vison of the Self, Vision of God Face to Face
Magickal Symbols: Inner Robe
Rituals Involving: Achieving Equilibrium; Spiritual Manifestations; Creative Force; Divine Inspiration
Color Atziluth: Soft Pure Blue
Color Briah: Grey
Color Yetzirah: Iridescent Blue-Grey
Color Assiah: White Flecked with Red, Blue, and Yellow
Titles: Understanding; the Dark Sterile Mother; the Bright Fertile Mother; the Creator of Faith; the Great Sea; the Great Mother
Intelligence: Sanctifying
Place: 2nd Plane, Left Pillar, Supernal Triangle
Hebrew Name: BEE-nuh
Number: 3
God-Name: Yahveh, or Yahweh, Elohim
Angel: Tzaphkiel
Order of Angels: Aralim; the Thrones, the Mighty Ones
Qlippoth (Demons): Satariel; the Concealers
Arch-Demons: Lucifuge
Virtue: Silence
Vice: Avarice, Wrong Idea of Self
Godforms: Great Mother Goddesses, God/Godesses of the Underworld-Frigg, Freyja, Isis, Nepthys, Taurt, Danu, Demeter, Maya, Kuan Yin, Branwen, Bran, Tiamat, Asherat, Gefion, Parvati, Maat, Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Hera, Juno, Saturn, Hecate
Incense: Myrrh, Civet
Animals: Bee, Woman, Crow, Raven
Legendary Beings: Spirit
Stones: Star Sapphire, Pearl, Onyx
Plants: Lotus, Lily, Comfrey, Thyme
Tree: Alder
Metal: Lead
Zodiac/Element: Saturn
Planetary Spirit: Arathron/Arathor
Tarot Card: The Four Queens and the four Threes
Symbols: Chalice, Cup, Triangle, Diamond, Circle, Oval, the Sea
Correspondence to Human Body: Spiritual Love and Awareness
Consciousness: Spiritual
Power: Collective Will
Disease: Amnesia
Magickal Powers: Vision of Wonder and Sorrow
Magickal Symbols: Outer Robe
Rituals Involving: Stabilization of thought and life; help with groups; comfort in sorrow; contact with the Goddess; developing power of faith
Color Atziluth: Crimson
Color Briah: Black
Color Yetzirah: Dark Brown
Color Assiah: Grey Flecked with Pink
Greek Zodiac
Ares Aries Aphrodite Taurus Hermes Gemini Demeter Cancer Apollo Leo Hestia Virgo Hera Libra Artemis Scorpio Athene Sagittarius Hephaestus Capricorn Poseidon Aquarius Zeus Pisces
Hermes Mercury Aphrodite Venus Ares Mars Zeus Jupiter Cronus Saturn
A list of the zodiac signs as set up by Marduk
The Chaldean astrologers (Magi)
The Laborer Aries The Star and the Bull of Heaven Taurus The Faithful Shepherd of Heaven Gemini Tortoise Cancer Great Dog (Lion) Leo Virgin with Ear of Corn Virgo Balance Scales Libra The Scorpion Scorpio The God Enurta Sagittarius The Goat-Fish Capricorn The Great Star Aquarius The Star and the Band of Fishes Pisces
Title: Mercy; Greatness; Love; Pity; Majesty; Glory
Intelligence: Cohesive or Measuring
Place: Third plane, right pillar, Ethical Triangle
Hebrew Name: HAY-sed
Number: Fourth Sephirah
God-Name: El
Archangel: Tzadquiel, God’s Justice or Prince of Mercy
Order of Angels: Chasmalim; the Brilliant Ones, Minions or Dominations
Qlippoth (Demons): Gha’ahsheblah/ Gashekiah; the Breakers in Pieces, Disturbers of All Things, the Smiters
Arch-Demon: Ashtaroth
Virtue: Obedience
Vice: Bigotry, Hypocrisy, Gluttony, Tyranny
Godforms: Benevolent Ruler Deities, Justice— Odhinn (as lawgiver), Forseti, Heimdall, Mimir, the Norns, Njord, Sin, Tyr, Zeus, Jupiter, Indra, Amen, Osiris, Poseidon, Brahma
Incense: Cedar
Animals: Unicorn
Legendary Beings: Unicorn
Stones: Amethyst
Plants: Olive, Poppy, Balm, Sage, Mint
Tree: Birch
Metal: Tin
Zodiac/Element: Jupiter
Planetary Spirit: Bethor
Tarot Card: the Four Fours
Symbols: Pyramid, Square, Orb, Wand, Scepter
Correspondence to Human Body: Love, Awareness
Consciousness: Archetypal
Power: Good Will
Disease: Dropsy
Magickal Powers: Vison of Love
Magickal Symbols: Wand, Scepter, Crook
Rituals Involving: Magick; Growth; Expansion; Help with Order and Neatness; Emotional Stability; Mental Creations; Seeing Truth Behind the Illusion; Raising of Consciousness
Color Atziluth: Deep Violet
Color Briah: Blue
Color Yetzirah: Deep Purple
Color Assiah: Deep Azure flecked with Yellow
Title: Might; Strength; Justice; Severity; Fear
Intelligence: Radical
Place: Third Plane, Left Pillar, Ethical Triangle
Hebrew Name: ge- BOOR-uh
Number: Fifth Sephira
God-Name: Elohim Gebor
Archangel: Khamael or Camael
Order of Angels: Seraphim; the Flaming or Fiery Serpents, Powers
Qlippoth (Demons): Golachab; the Burners
Arch-Demons: Asmodeus
Virtue: Energy, Courage
Vice: Cruelty, Destruction
Godforms: War Deities, the Smith Gods, Avenger Deities—Odhinn, Thorr, Hel, Loki, Ran, Vulcan, Hephaestus, Mars, Ares, Minerva, Athene, Bran, Kali, Morrigu, Lugh, Perun, Indra, Horus, Nepthys, Hades, Vishnu, Varuna
Incense: Tobacco
Animals: Wolf, Horse, Bear
Legendary Beings: Basilisk
Stones: Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet, Red Topaz
Plants: Nettles, Basil, Tarragon
Tree: Holly, Oak
Zodiac/Element: Mars
Planetary Spirit: Phaleg
Tarot Card: the four Fives
Symbols: Pentagram, Sword, Spear, Scourge, Chains
Correspondence to Human Body: Will-Power
Being: Sould
Power: Strong Will
Disease: Fever
Magickal Powers: Vison of Power
Magickal Symbols: Sword, Spear, Scourge
Rituals Involving: Energy; Courage; Defense; Will Power; Self-Discipline; Ridding Oneself of Garbage in Order to Attain Higher Aspirations; Bringing Rhythm and Stability to Life
Color Atziluth: Orange
Color Briah: Scarlet Red
Color Yetzirah: Bright Scarlet
Color Assiah: Red Flecked with Black
Title: Beauty; Harmony; Majesty; Sovereignty; the Archetypal Man
Intelligence: Mediating
Place: Fourth Plane, Middle Pillar, Ethical Triangle
Hebrew Name: TIFF-uh-reth
Number: Sixth Sephirah
God-Name: Jehovah Eloah va Daath or Tetragrammaton Aloah Va Daath
Archangel: Raphael
Order of Angels: Melechim; the Kings, Virtues
Qlippoth (Demons): Thagirion; the Disputers
Arch-Demons: Belphegor
Virtue: Devotion to the Great Work
Vice: Pride
Godforms: Sun Deities, Holy Children, Healers, Sacrificed Deities, Illuminators—Osiris, Apollo, Helios, Adonis, Attis, Bran, Lugh, Dionysus, Ogma, Shamash, Surya, Amaterasu, Tezcatlipoca, Apu, Horus, Ra, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mithra, Vishnu
Incense: Frankincense, Cinnamon, Egyptian Kyphi
Animals: Lion, Child
Legendary Beings: Phoenix
Stones: Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Jacinth, Chrysoleth
Plants: Bay, Vine, Gorse, Rosemary, Laurel, Acacia, Coffee
Tree: Ash, Bay
Metal: Gold
Zodiac/Element: Sun
Planetary Spirit: Och
Tarot Card: The four Sixes and Pages or Princes
Symbols: Calvary-type Cross, Truncated Pyramid, Cube, Hexagram
Correspondence to Human Body: Personal Self
Consciousness: Archetypal
Power: Skillful Will
Disease: Heart Diseases
Magickal Powers: Vision of Harmony
Magickal Symbols: Lamen, Rosy Cross
Rituals Involving: Honor, Power Life, Growth, Money, Healing, Understanding the deep Mysteries, Building Intuition, Energy
Color Atziluth: Clear Rose-Pink
Color Briah: Yellow
Color Yetzirah: Rich Salmon-Pink
Color Assiah: Golden Amber
Title: Victory; Conquest; Permanence; Firmness
Intelligence: Occult
Place: Fifth Plane, Right Pillar, Astral Triangle
Hebrew Name: NET-zack
Number: Seventh Sephirah
God-Name: Yahveh Tzabaoth
Archangel: Haniel
Order of Angels: Elohim; Gods and Goddesses, Principalities
Qlippoth (Demons): A’arab Zaraq; the Dispersers
Arch-Demons: Baal
Virtue: Unselfishness
Vice: Sexual Immorality, Lust
Godforms: Love Deities—Freyja, Frigg, Venus, Aphrodite, Hathor, Rhiannon, Ishtar, Niamh, Cerridwen, Nike
Incense: Ambergris, Rose, Benzoin, Red Sandalwood
Animals: Lynx, Leopard, Cat, Dove,
Legendary Beings:
Stones: Emerald, Turquoise
Plants: Rose, Damiana, Birch, Catnip, Marijuana, Coltsfoot, Daffodil, Dittany of Crete, Foxglove, Mugwort, Strawberry, Thyme, Violet, Yarrow, Feverfew, Verbena, Tulip
Tree: Apple
Metal: Copper
Zodiac/Element: Venus
Planetary Spirit: Hagith
Tarot Card: the four Sevens
Symbols: Lamp, Candle, Rose, Seven Point Star
Correspondence to Human Body: Feelings
Consciousness: Astral
Power: Emotional Will
Disease: Skin Troubles
Magickal Powers: Vision of Triumphant Beauty
Magickal Symbols: Lamp, Girdle
Rituals Involving: Love; Pleasure; the Arts; Music; Writing; Creativity; Inspiration; Building the Intellect
Color Atziluth: Amber
Color Briah: Emerald
Color Yetzirah: Bright Yellowish Green
Color Assiah: Olive Flecked with Gold
Title: Splendor; Glory; Fame; the Well of Truth
Intelligence: Absolute or Perfect
Place: Fifth Plane, Left Pillar, Astral Triangle
Hebrew Name: Rhymes with load and Mode
Number: Eighth Sephirah
God-Name: Elohim Tzabaoth
Archangel: Michael
Order of Angels: Beni Elohim; Archangels, the Children or Sons of God
Qlippoth (Demons): Samael; the Decievers
Arch-Demons: Adrammelech
Virtue: Truthfulness
Vice: Falsehood, Dishonesty
Godforms: Messenger and Teacher Deities— Bragi, Odhinn, Mimir, the Norns, Thoth, Mercury, Hermes, Ogma, Anubis, Loki
Incense: Storax, Mastic, White Sandalwood
Animals: Jackal, Twin Serpents, Swallow, Ibis, Ape
Legendary Beings:
Stones: Opal, Fire Opal, Agate
Plants: Moly, Camphor, Cloves, Fern, Honeusuckle, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Myrtle, Oris, Savory, Valerian
Metal: Mercury or Quicksilver
Zodiac/Element: Mercury
Planetary Spirit: Ophiel
Tarot Card: the four Eights
Symbols: Eight Point Star, Caduceus, Mantra, Mandala
Correspondence to Human Body:
Magickal Powers:
Magickal Symbols:
Rituals Involving: Contacting Spiritual Masters; Business; Legal Problems; Travel; Information; Logic; Writing; Controlling Runaway Emotions; Organization; Learning; Locating the Proper Teachers
Color Atziluth: Violet Purple
Color Briah: Orange
Color Yetzirah: Red-Russet
Color Assiah: Yellow-Brown Flecked with White
Title: The Foundation; Base; the Sphere of Illusion; Treasurehouse of Visions
Intelligence: Pure or Clear
Place: Sixth Plane, Middle Pillar, Astral Triangle
Hebrew Name: YAY-sude
Number: Ninth Sephirah
God-Name: Shaddai el Chai
Archangel: Gabriel
Order of Angels: Kerubim; Angels, the Cherubs
Qlippoth (Demons): Gamaliel; the Obscene Ones
Arch-Demons: Lilith
Virtue: Independence
Vice: Idleness
Godforms: Moon Deities— Nana, Diana, Thoth, Ganesha, Hecate, Selene, Varuna, Soma, Ch’ang-o, Coyolxauhqui, Quilla, Hathor, Shu, Zeus, Vishnu
Incense: Jasmine, Ginseng, Aloe, Lotus
Animals: Elephant, Hare, Toad, Dog
Legendary Beings:
Stones: Quartz Crystal, Pearl, Moonstone
Plants: Mandrake, Orchid Root, Damiana, Clary,
Cucumber, Dogs Tooth Violet, Orris, Iris, Lily, Moonwort, Mugwort, White Rose, Water Lily, Purslane, Watercress
Tree: Willow
Metal: Silver
Zodiac/Element: Moon
Tarot Card: the four Nines
Symbols: Perfume, Nine-Point Star, Crescent Moon, Magick Mirror, Crystal Ball
Correspondence to Human Body: Subconscious, Sexuality
Consciousness: Astral
Power: Unconscious Will
Disease: Impotency
Magickal Powers: Vision of the Working of the Universe
Magickal Symbols: Perfumes, Sandals
Rituals Involving: Change; Divination; Fertility Intuition; Memory; Use of the Crystal Ball; Tarot Cards; or Other Divination Helps
Color Atziluth: Indigo
Color Briah: Violet
Color Yetzirah: Very Dark Purple
Color Assiah: Citrine Flecked with Azure
Title: The Kingdom; Kingship; the Gate; the Inferior Mother; the Bride; the Virgin; the Queen; the Sphere of Form; Malkah or the Queen; Kallah or the Bride; the Gate of the Shadow of Death
Intelligence: Resplendent
Place: Seventh Plane, Middle Pillar
Hebrew Name: MAHL-kooth
Number: Tenth Sephirah
God-Name: Adonai Malekh or Adonai ha Aretz
Archangel: Sandalphon
Order of Angels: Eshim; Souls of the Redeemed, the Flames
Qlippoth (Demons): Lilith; Evil Woman
Arch-Demons: Naamah
Virtue: Discrimination
Vice: Inertia
Godforms: Earth and Grain Deities— Nerthus, Audhumla, Freyja, Frigg, Ymir, Gefion, Pan, Ceres, Demeter, Marduk, Mati, Nokomis, Niamh, Cernunnos, Persephone, Osiris, Isis, Nepthys, Adonis, Lakshmi
Incense: Dittany of Crete
Animals: Cow, Bull, Snake, Dog
Legendary Beings:
Stones: Rock Crystal
Plants: Corn; Willow; Lily; Ivy; Cereals
Tree: Oak
Zodiac/Element: Earth
Tarot Card: The four Pages or Princesses and Tens
Symbols: Magick Circle, Altar, Temple, Equal-Armed Cross
Correspondence to Human Body: Body as a Whole
Consciousness: Etheric
Power: Manifesting Will
Magickal Powers: Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel
Magickal Symbols: Consecrated Circle, Triangle
Rituals Involving: Contacting the Guardian angel; organized material manifestations; healing mental and physical illnesses; seeing beauty and purpose in life; centering; healing plants and animals; trance; direct psychic contact with spirits
Color Atziluth: Yellow
Color Briah: Citrine, Russet, Black
Color Yetzirah: Citrine, Olive, Russet, and Black Flecked with Gold
Color Assiah: Black Rayed with Yellow
Nepthys, Childless by her husband Set, lay with her brother Osiris. The child Anubis was born from this union and abandoned at birth because Nepthys feared Set would kill him. Isis found the baby and raised him. This god, with black skin and the head of a jackal, was devoted to her. When grown, Anubis accompanied Osiris on many of his journeys.
She and Nephthys joined the body pieces together. With the help of her nephew Anubis, the grand Vizier Thoth, her young son Horus, and her sister Nephthys, Isis performed the first rites of embalming, thus giving Osiris eternal life. With Osiris ascended to the immortal world, Isis and her son hid from Set in the Swamps of Buto until Horus grew old enough and strong enough to avenge his father.
Messenger form the gods to humans. His cult was very ancient, probably older than that of osiris. He was pictured with the head of jackal or dog, or as a dark colored jackal. At the death of Osiris, Anubis invented embalming and funeral rites. To the Egyptians he was important as the god of embalming and tombs, protector of the dead, judge of the dead and god of the Underworld. He, with Maat, weighed human souls for truth. He was the guide to the soul-judges after death. His duties included making sure that the funerary offerings reached the deceased. God of wisdom, intelligence, death, embalming, endings, truth, justice, surgery, hospital stays, finding lost things, anesthetics, medicine, journeys, protection, boats, diplomacy, astral travel (voluntary or involuntary), cemeteries; guardian against lower astral entities.
Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Sumeria. Sky; Father God; King of Gods; Protector; Supreme God; God of Heaven. First God in the Sumerian pantheon; father of Enlil; son of Anshar and Kishar. Represented by a tiara on a throne, his symbols were a star, scepter, diadem, crown, and staff. Consort of the goddess Antu, he presided over the fate of the Universe. Power, Justice, Judgment, Fate.