Pathophysiology of Sodium Handling Flashcards
Effective arterial blood volume definition
- =volume of blood detected by volume sensors @ arteries
- arterial blood volume required to “fill” the capacity of arterial circulation
Types of volume sensors
- low-pressure baroreceptors
- high-pressure baroreceptors
- intrarenal sensors
- hepatic and CNS sensor
Characteristics of low-pressure baroreceptors
- include: cardiac atria receptors, left ventricular receptors, pulmonary vascular bed receptors
- located @ venous side of circulation
- protect against ECF volume expansion/contraction
- expansion stimulation ==> decreased renal sympathetic nerve activity ==> net loss of sodium and water
Characteristics of high-pressure baroreceptors
- carotid sinus body @ bifurcation of carotid
- aortic body @ aortic arch
- located @ arterial side + protect against volume contraction and expansion
- maintain MAP and protect vital organs from fluctuations
- volume contraction ==> increased renal sympathetic nerve activity ==> anti-natriuresis + anti-diuresis
Characteristics of intrarenal volumes sensors
- formed by renal JGA (<== releases renin)
- renin release influenced by:
- changes in renal perfusion pressure
- NaCl delivery to JGA
- renal sympathetic nerves
Kidney effectors of fluid volume homeostasis
- glomerular filtration
- physical forces @ proximal tubule
- humoral effectors
- AgII, aldosterone, catechlamines ==> salt retention
- Pgs, bradykinin, ANP ==> natriuresis
- renal sympathetic nerves
- innervate afferent & efferent arterioles
- stimulated in volume contract ==> sodium conservation
- enha
Regulatory mechanisms of glomerular filtration
- renal autoregulation
- tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) = NaCl ==> macula densa ==> increased afferent arteriolar tone
- glomerulo-tubular balance = GFR changes ==> proportional change in rate of proximal tubular sodium reabsorption
Major sodium transport channel/mechanism @ proximal tubule, TALH, Distal tubule, collecting duct
- proximal tubule = Na/K ATPase, Na/H Antiporter, Carbonic anhydrase
- TALH = Na/K/2Cl cotransporter
- Distal tubule = Na channels, Na/Cl co-transporter, Na/H antiport
- collecting duct = @ principal cells: via Na channels in exchange for K
Renal response to extracellular volume contraction
- Decreased GFR resulting in a smaller filtered load of sodium.
- Activation of the renal sympathetic nerves ==> vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole (decreases GFR) + increased tubular re-absorption of sodium.
- Decreased hydrostatic pressure and increased oncotic pressure in the peritubular capillaries = enhance fluid reabsorption into the peritubular capillaries.
- Stimulation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
- Increased secretion of ADH ==> increased water reabsorption @ collecting duct
- Inhibited secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) from the atrial myocytes.
Common signs/sx of volume contraction
- thirst, postural dizziness, weakness
- confusion, decreased urine output
- weight changes
- orthostatic hypotension**
- tachycardia
- decreased CVP, RA pressure, PCWP, CO + increased systemic vascular resistance
Serum indication of volemic contraction
- Increased BUN (comes w/Na reabsorb)
- Metabolic alkalosis = upper GI loss of fluid
- Metabolic acidosis = lower GI loss of fluid
- increased heatocrit + albumin
Tx of extracellular volume contraction
- acute hemorrhage = give blood or plasma volume expanders e.g. albumin or dextran ==> preferentially expand intravascular volume
- Isotonic normal saline (0.9% NaCl) ==> prefentially expands ECF (also expands IV volume)
- D5W ==> expands intracell and extracell fluids

Main types of pathophysiology ==> extravascular volume expansion
- distrubed starling forces ==> reduced effective arterial volume
- nephrotic syndrome
- cirrhosis
- primary hormone excess
- primary hyperaldosteronism
- cushing’s syndrome
- primary renal sodium retention
- acute glomerulonephritis
Formation/maintenance of edema
- decrease in capillary oncotic pressure and/or
- increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure ==.
- edema from fluid flowing out of capillaries and into ECF
- baroreceptors maintain edema via perceived reduced effective arterial circulating volume
- arterial underfilling ==> stimulates kidney to retain sodium + water
Pathogenesis of CHF
- edema due to increased filling pressures + reduced CO ==> decreased flow to arterial sensors

Pathogenesis of Nephrotic Syndrome
- hypoalbuminemia ==> fall in capillary oncotic pressure
- ==> edema + fall in effective arterial blood volume
- commonly leg and face swelling or diffuse
Pathogenesis of cirrhosis
- intrahepatic hypertension + portal hypertension + splachnic vasodilation + hypoalbuminemia ==> decreased effective arterial pressure

Tx of extracell volume expansion
- treat underlying condition
- salt restriction
- diuretics
Common diuretics @ proximal tubule
- acetazolamide ==> blocks carbonic anhydrase ==> wastage of bicarbonate in urine
- weak diuretic
- tx: metabolic alkalosis w/volume overload
Common diuretics @ LOH
- furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide
- inhibit Na/K/2Cl transport @ apical membrane
- potent diuretic
- side effects: met alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia
Common diuretics @ distal tubule
- thiazide diuretics
- inhibit NaCl transporter @ apical membrane
- side effects: met alk, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia
Common diuretics @ collecting duct
- tramterene, amiloride
- spironoactone = competitive inhibitor of aldosterone
- potassium-sparing diuretics (help prevent hypokalemia)