Pathophysiology of Liver Disease Flashcards
What vitamins and minerals are stored in the liver?
Vit A, D, B12
Ferritin-bound iron
What clotting factors are produced in the liver?
Factor VIII
Von Willebrand’s factor
Dual blood supply to the liver
~1.5L/min 80% from portal vein and 20% hepatic artery
50-55% O2 from portal vein and 45-50% from hepatic artery
Liver Histology
76% hepatocytes
Non-parenchymal cells include Kupffer cells (30%), sinusoidal endothelial cells (60%) and stellate AKA Ito cells (10%)
Other cell types include fat cells, cholangiocytes and immune cells
What are the zones of the liver acinus?
The liver acinus is the smallest physiological unit of the liver and is made of parenchyma.
Zone 1: blood from portal vein and hepatic artery enters acinus
Zone 2: hepatocytes
Zone 3: blood reaches terminal hepatic veins via sinusoids and these join to form the main hepatic vein
All acinus cells are totipotent!
Define: acute liver insult
Rapidly resolved on elimination of the injurious agents and the liver restores normal architecture and function completely.
Define: chronic liver injury
Continuous acute injury extended over time