Pathophysiology: Basics Flashcards
Cells form –> _____ –> _____ –> body systems
tissues; organs
Cells are composed of various structures called _____, each w/ specific functions.
What is the energy source that the cell utilizes to fuel its cellular activities?
Which organelle is known as the “powerhouse” of the cell that utilizes O2 in cellular aerobic metabolism to yield ATP?
_____ and the endoplasmic reticulum synthesize proteins and metabolize fats within the cell.
Which organelle is responsible for packaging and releasing proteins made by the cell?
Golgi apparatus
Lysosomes are organelles that contain _____ that break down cellular waste (cytoplasmic digestion)
Cell division occurs in two stages. In the first stage, _____ the nucleus and genetic material divide. The second stage, _____ the cytoplasm divides resulting in 2 genetically identically daughter cells.
mitosis; cytokinesis
If there are enough cellular reserve available and the body doesn’t detect abnormalities, the cells adapts by ____, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, _____, or dysplasia.
atrophy; metaplasia
Which adaptive cellular change is a reversible reduction in the size of the cell resulting from disuse, insufficient blood flow, malnutrition, denervation or reduced?
After stroke, the muscle cells in a paralyzed arm that has lost sensory and motor function will be diminished in size. This is an example of which adaptive cellular change?
Hypertrophy is an ↑ in the size of a cell d/t _____ workload. It can result from normal physiologic conditions or abnormal pathologic conditions.
In bodybuilding, an athlete lifts heavier and heavier weights to build the arm muscles; muscles cells ↑ in size, creating an enlarged biceps muscle. This is an example of which adaptive cellular change?
Hyperplasia is an ↑ in the _____ of cells and is caused by ↑ workload, hormonal stimulation or lack of degeneration of cells. (“Think crowded”
As the older adult male ages into his 60s and 70s, the prostate gland undergoes which adaptive change thereby inhibiting urinary flow?
_____ is the replacement of one adult cell w/ another type of adult cell that can better endure the stress or the change in the environment. It’s usually a response to chronic inflammation, or irritation.
In chronic gastroesophageal reflux of stomach acid into esophagus, the lower squamous-shaped esophageal epithelial cells can change to look more like columnar-shaped stomach cells – Barrett esophagus. This is what cellular adaptive change?
In dysplasia, deranged cell growth of specific tissue results in abnormal size, shape, and _____.