pathophysiology and treatment of T1DM Flashcards
what is the general phenotype of T1DM 8
lose weight
symptomatic from the high glcuose
insulin deficient
what is the general phenotype of type 2 dm *
insulin resistant
explain the ambiguity of the phenotypes *
older people (40) can present with insulin def - not have the penotype of type 1 - found to have ab to pancreas at late stage - were diagnosed with ‘latent aautoimmune diabetes in adults’ - now classify as t1dm
t2dm may present in childhood - increased prev of obesity
diabetic ketoacidosis can be seen in t2 - when they present, they’re insulin deficient because of irritation to panc - treat with insulin - then follow up with metformin to treat t2
genetic abnormlaity in B cells - monogenic dm presents as type 1 or 2 eg MODY and mitochondrial dm - strong FH at a young age
might be present following panc damage or other endocrine diseases eg pheaocytochroma or cusings, alcool damage panc = panc insufficiency
what is the prevalence of DM *
6-7% t2
in pop of lot of SA people - 10%
t1dm 0.25%
t2dm - majority of people with hyperglycaemia
describe the aetiology of t1dm *
environmental (incidence change through time of year - virus) and genetics (less than in t2)
these cause autoimmune destruction of the b cells - cause insuil deficiency
this causes yperglycaemia
describe the aetiology of t2 dm *
genetics and obesity
cause insulin resistance - at start a lot of insulin is produced then the b cells pack up
b cell failure
hyperglycaemia - need insulin in the end
describe the pathogenesis of t1dm *
may have period of high glucose but little bit of insulin still produced - then have severe insulin def happen very quickly - then have high glucose and low insulin (c-peptide measured - proetin that is bound to insulin)
b cell (immune) produce ab and ab attack the pancreas = b cell (panc) destruction = hyperglycaemia
suggestion that it is relapsing remitting - imbalance between effect t cells and those that control B cell proliferation - in lab big increase in b cells whic is what causses their destruction
wy is the immune basis of t1dm important
increased prev of other autoimmune conditions
risk of autoimmunity in relatives
if family as a lot of autoimmune conditions - individual is more at risk
more complete desctruction of b cells
auto-ab used clinically - measure ab - determine whether type 1 or type 2
immune modulation offers the potential of treatment - target the auto-ab - not happening now - b cells dont change therapy
how can you determine the genetic risk of t1dm *
look at the HLA markers - more done in research than practice
HLA-DR allelle on chromosome 6
DR3 and DR4 - significant risk of t1 dm
what can explain the seasonal prevalence in t1dm *
the env contribution to the aetiology - probably virus - incidence is higher in winter
what is suggested by the fact that there is different amounts of t1dm in differnet parts of the world *
there is environmental involvement
what are the places affected by t1dm *
sardinia in italy
what are the markers in t1dm *
islet cell ab (iCA) - group o human pancreas
isumin ab (IAA)
glutamic acid decarboxylase ab (gada) - widespread neurotransmitter
insulinoma-associated-2 autoab (IA-2A)- receptor like family
people with t1dm ave more of these ab than in normal pop or t2
symptoms of t1dm 8
blurring of vision
weight loss - make feeel ill
what are the signs of t1dm *
cachexia - if deficient for a while
hyperventialtion - kussmaul breathing - because of metabolic acidosis - try to blow off CO2
smell of ketones on breath
describe the effects of insulin def *
insulin reduces HGO - without iunsulin - glucose leaves liver
without glucose insulin acnt enter the muscle - so stays in the blood
insulin def also means aa are released from the muscle - enter the liver - turned into glucose = increased hgo
also TG broken down in adipose - insuin def mean glycerol and nefa leave adipose and enter liver
glycerol is converted to glucose = increase in HGO
without insulin fatty acids turned into ketone bodies (detect in circulation and urine) - enter muscle for energy - uptake not as good as glucose uptake
insulin inhibits all of these processes normally
what are the aims of treatment in t1dm *
reduce early mortalit
avoid acute metabolic decompensation
need exogenous insulin to live - maintain the metabolic imbalance
prevent long temr complications: retinopathy, nephropathym neuropathy, vascular disease (stroke/MI, peripheral arterial disease)