Pathology-Male Reproductive Path Flashcards
A boy is born and as you are about to perform the circumcision, you note that the urethra is on the inferior surface of the penis. What causes this condition?
He has hypospadias. This is due to failure of the urethral folds to close. Normally, the urethral folds (beneath the genital tubercle) grow outward and “zipper up” which closes the urethra of the penis.
A boy is born and as you are about to perform the circumcision, you note that the urethra is on the superior surface of the penis. What causes this condition?
He has epispadias. This is due to abnormal positioning of the genital tubercle.
A boy is born and as you are about to perform the circumcision, you note that the urethra is on the superior surface of the penis. What other condition is this condition associated with?
Epispadias is associated with bladder exstrophy (abnormal formation of the lower abdomen so bladder wall is exposed)
A 26 year old man presents with a warty growth on the skin of his genitalia. Biopsy of the growth is shown below. What is your diagnosis?
This patient has a condyloma acuminatum. This is due to HPV 6 or 11. Note the characteristic koilocytic change (nuclei appear like raisins)
What long term complication are patients at risk for who are infected with chlamydia trachomatis serotypes 1-3?
This bug can initially cause lymphogranuloma venereum (necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of inguinal lymphatics). Eventually this resolves and causes fibrosis and rectal strictures if the perianal region was involved.
How does chlamydia infection occur?
It enters mucosal surfaces as elementary bodies. It then replicates within cells as reticulate bodies, which are then released again as elementary bodies to infect further cells.
What are risk factors for squamous cell carcinoma of the penis?
2/3 of cases have high risk HPV (16, 18, 31, 33). Lack of circumcision.
Bowen disease
In situ carcinoma that presents as leukoplakia on the shaft of the penis. Precursor to squamous cell carcinoma.
Erythroplasia of Queyrat
In situ carcinoma that presents as erythroplakia on the glans of the penis. Precursor to squamous cell carcinoma.
Bownoid papulosis
In situ carcinoma that presents as reddish papules on the skin of the penis that do not usually invade.
What is the most common abnormality in the male reproductive system?
Cryptoorchidism. This is a failure of testicles to descend into the scrotal sac.
A mother is referred to you after she finds out that her newborn baby’s testicles failed to descend. How do you treat this child?
Most cases resolve spontaneously. If it is not resolved by the age of 2 you do surgery and bring them into the testicular sac. This will decrease the risk of testicular atrophy, infertility and risk of seminoma (germ cell tumor).
What microbes can cause orchitis in young adults? Kids > 10 years old?
Young adults: chlamydia trachomatis (D-K), neisseria gonorrhoeae. Older adults: E. coli, pseudomonas (both common UTIs). Kids > 10 years: mumps and autoimmune orchitis.
What organs are often targets of inflammation by the mumps virus?
Parotids, meningitis, pancreatitis and orchitis.
What things are on your differential if you see granulomas in the testicles? What further testing might you do?
Autoimmune orchitis and Tb. Look for acid-fast bacilli to rule out Tb. Look for necrotizing granulomas to rule out Tb.
A 14 year old boy presents with sudden testicular pain and an absent cremaster reflex. On physical exam you note increased swelling of the right testicle. What is causing his condition?
Testicular torsion. This leads to closure of the vein, so the artery is still pumping in blood and none is draining out, resulting in hemorrhagic infarction of the testicle. The torsion can occur because of a congenital failure of the testes to attach to the inner lining of the scrotum.
Why does the cremasteric reflex not work when someone has a testicular torsion?
The nerve and blood supply to the cremaster are twisted and no longer work.
A 67 year old man presents with scrotal swelling. On physical exam the scrotum looks like a bag of worms. What side is most likely affected and why?
The left side. On the left side, the spermatic vein first goes into the renal vein, then the renal vein drains into the inferior vena cava. On the right side, the spermatic vein goes directly into the inferior vena cava. This condition is associated with renal cell carcinoma because it likes to invade the renal vein, which can block off the left spermatic vein and present as a varicocele.
Why are varicoceles prevalent in infertile males?
Blood pooling up within the spermatic veins warms the testicles and impedes on the cooler environment requires for spermatogenesis.
A 5 month old boy presents with scrotal swelling. On physical exam you can transluminate the fluid in the scrotum. What is causing his condition? What if it was a 50 year old man?
Hydrocele. This is due to incomplete closure of the processus vaginalis and peritoneal fluid collection within the tunica vaginalis. In adults this is due to blockage of lymphatic drainage.