pathology lower ext + spine Flashcards
Uric acid appears in excessive quantities in the blood and may be deposited in joint and tissues.
“Bone sofetening” A lack of bone mineralization. A deficiency in Calcium, Phosphorus, and vitamin D
Pagets Disease
A chronic skleletal disease thats starts by bone destruction, then an overproduction of dense soft bones.
Disorder that starts as a bone abscess thats travels through the medullary cavity and outward to lift the peristenum
Ewing Sarcoma
A malignant bone tumor in the bone marrow of children and young adults. Bone has Stratified new bone looks like an onion peel.
Tumor of the cartilage
Marble bone, hereditary abnormally dense bone.
aka Degenerative Joint disease a non inflammatory joint disease. A deterioration of joint’s cartilage with an overgrown bone formation
Osteomalacia (Rickets)
bone softening
A slow growing benign cartilaginous tumor
Joint effusions
accumulated fluid synovial or hemorrhagic in joint cavity signs of fx dislocation, and soft tissue damage.
break in the bone
A lateral curvature in the spine
multiple myeloma
cancerous bone tumors affect 40-70yr olds
labored breathing, harsh dry cough
inflammation of epiglottis from bacterial infection
An abnormal spinal curvature (humpback) (movie-Quasimodo)
Ankylosis spondylitis
inflammation begins in S.I Joints, the vertebral column. Spine is rigid as intervertebral foramen and costovertebral joints fuse.
Chance fx
Hyperflexion force; causes fx through vertebral body
exaggerative Convave curvature
spina bifida
congenital condition posterior aspects of the vertebra fail to develop exposing part of the spinal cord.
Dissolution of vertebra ( lack of development) of vertebral arch & separation of the pars interarticularis of vertebrae neck of scottie dog appears broken
dissolution of vertebrae aka lack of development of vertebral arch & separation of pars articularis . The scotty dog of neck appears broken L4/L5
Herniated nucleus polposus
Herniated lumbar disk due to improper lifting/trauma. Nucleus pulposus-soft inner part of the intervertebral disk protrudes through the spinal cord/ nerves. occurs in l4/l5 causing sciatica.