Pathology - Cardio Flashcards
Factors affecting Preload (=left ventricual diastolic volume)
- Total volume
- Venous tone
- Body position
- Intrathoracic & i ntrapericardial pressure
- atrial contraction
- pump action of skeletal muscle
Factors incrising contractility (=cardiac performance independent of peload and afterload)
- Sympathetic nerve impulse
- Circulating catecholamines (=hormones/neurotranmetteur => regulate PA)
- Calcium, other inotropic agents
- HR incr. or post-extra systolic incr.
Factors decreasing contractility (=cardiac performance independent of peload and afterload)
- Aoxia, acidosis
- Pharmacologic depression
- Myocardial loss
- Intrinsic depression
Factors affecting HR
- Autonomous nervous system
- Temperature
- Metabolic rate
D: Presistent blood pressure increased in arteries
S : Symptom free -> decdes then : HD, Dizziness, ringing in ear, nosebleed, dyspnea, chest pain
C : 95% not identifable; medication, other disease, genetic, overuse salt, renal d, habitudes modifiables
D : Not enough blood flow in tissues of body => Systolic pressure < 90 mmHg or Diastolic pressure <60 mmHg
S : none, or dizzy, unconsiousness, fainting, orthostatic hypotension
C : Female +, pregnancy, PI, Hypovolemia (decr.blood volume), dehydration, CV disease, infections, immobilisation…
Orthostatic Hypotension
D : Drop of blood pressure in change of position
Hypovolemic shock
D: Severe hypotension = not enough blood flow in tissues of body
S : Confusion, Cold, Pale skin, Rapid & small breathing, weak & rapid pulse
C : Allergic reaction (anaphylactic), septic, cardiogenic..
Quelles sont les differentes ischemic heart diseases?
- Artheroscleoris = Athérosclérose
- Angina pectoris = angine de poitrine
- Myocardial infection = Infection du myocarde
Artheroscleoris = Athérosclérose
D: Chronic, progressive inflmmatory diease - degenerative changes of arterial endothelium - blood become thicker
S : blood clots/plaques, decr of diameter of arteries, trhombosus (=occlusionof vessels!!), stroke..
C : Unclear; habitudes modifiables; Genetic, Hommes ++, age ++
Angina pectoris = angine de poitrine
D : Level 0-4 => Retrosternal pain due to stenosis in blood vessels with perfusion disturbances and hypoxemia (NO NECROSIS)
S : Chest tightness, pressure pain, left arm pain, back, face, incr. in exertion, acute dyspnea
C : Atherosclerosis
Myocardial infection = Infection du myocarde
D : Necrosis of myocardium after a complete stenosis of 1 or several coronary arteries
S : VIOLENT retrosternal pain, RADIATING pain (belly, left arm, back, face); Dyspnea, Nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, fear of death, palness, rapid irregular HB
Heart failure
Def + types
= unable to pump enough blood to meet body’s demand
1. Systolic heart failure
2. Diastolic heart failure
3. Right/left or global HF
Systolic heart failure
EF < 40% = less blood ejected
Diastolic heart failure
EF normal
Ventricules fills w/less blood
Blood output reduced
ex : Ejected/Filled with=EF= 30mL/50mL! 60%EF =>Not enough blood ejected
Left-side heart failure
D : most common heart failure, LV not efficient, fluids in lungs = congestion
S : Fluid in lungs, Pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, Dyspnea, tachypnoea => can lead to total HF
C : Arterial hypertension, valve disease, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia