Pathology And Microbiology Flashcards
Early enamel demineralisation - presentation of this area?
White spot lesion
Dentine is the calcified tissue that forms the bulk of the tooth structure and composed of what?
Hollow tubes (containing the nerve fibrils of the pulp tissue)
What is the ideal concentration of flouride artificially added to a water supply?
1 part per million (1ppm)
Fungal infection that occurs in denture weares
Denture stomatitis (candida albicans)
Normal pH level of the oral cavity
pH 7.0
Criticial pH level of the oral cavity
pH 5.5
Medication that causes dry mouth (xerostomia)?
Diuretics ‘water tablets’
Patient suffers severe oral pain, halitosis and ulcerated gingivae (signs and symptoms of acute necrotising ulcerative gingitivis) An oral infection by which microorganisms is involved?
Borrelia vincenti
Scaler instrument for subgingival calculus
Curette and Hoe
Instrument used to clean off interdental calculus
Cushing scaler
Hand instrument to clean off supragingival calculus
Sickle scaler
Jaquette scaler
Push scaler
An infection not caused by a microorganism? (It is caused by specialised protein called a ‘prion’)
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease “mad cow disease”
Incisal edge and occlusal surface wear, habitual grinding their teeth (bruxism)
Cervical margin wear, result of vigorous toothbrushing
Palatal and labial surface loss due to acid attack
Surface loss due to tooth fracture usual affects the cervical areas of heavily loaded teeth
Oral cancer, a condition that has been linked to tobacco use and high alcohol intake. Where it is most likely to manifest?
Squamous cell carcinoma (especially sides of the tongue, and floor of the mouth)
Shallow break in the tissue surface, often painful, bleeds when touched
Abnormal overgrowth of tissue cells
Abnormal fluid-filled sacs within the tissues
Invasion of the tissues by microorganisms
Virus causes ‘cold sore’?
Herpes simplex
Virus causes glandular fever
Virus causes chickenpox and shingles
Herpes varicella and zoster
Virus causes mumps
Which microorganism that has been linked to acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (acute periodontal condition)?
Bacillus fusiformis and Borrelia vincenti
One of the bacteria associated with chronic periodontitis
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Initial microorganism that causes caries
Streptococcus mutans
Which analgesics should be avoided in asthmatic patients?
Signs of periodontitis
Furcation lesions
Subgingival calculus
Tooth mobility
True pockets
One of the sign of chronic gingivitis
Gingival hyperplasia (causes gums to overgrow)
Drug to treat denture stomatitis?
Slow-growing abnormal sac of fluid within the tissues
Term describes when pus manages to spread into the surrounding tissues
Medical term for white blood cells?
Medical term for red blood cells
Medical term for platelets
Leucocytes (white blood cells) are made and released from?
Bone marrow
Cell that transport oxygen around the body
Erythrocytes (red blood cell)
Blood cells that form platelets for blood clotting
Thrombocytes (platelets)
Bacteria that thrive in areas of low oxygen availability
Anaerobic bacteria
Bacteria that thrive in areas of high oxygen availability
Aerobic bacteria
Specific antibiotic used for many perio conditions
Bacteria that is shaped like round-ended rods?
Pointed rod-shaped bacteria
Circular shape arranged in chain
Circular shape arranged in grape-like cluster
Spiral-shaped bacteria
Patient are more at risk to develop perio disease because of prescribed drugs that cause gingival hyperplasia (which making plaque control difficult)
Nifedipine (medication for angina or hypertension)
When a sound tooth undergoes carious attack, which most likely point of the tooth the patient will begin to feel sensation?
At the amelodentinal junction
Microorganisms possesses “hyphae”
Bacteria linked to periodontal disease
Actinomyces Bacillus Porphyromonas Treponema Prevotella intermedia