Pathology 3 Flashcards
REstrictive lung disease:
-expansion of lung is problem
Things in lung that cause restriction:
- edema,
- cells in interstitium
- inflammation
- tumor
- granuloma
- fibrosis
chronic diffuse interstitial disease defined:
- heterogeneous group of disorders characteried by inflammation and firosis of the pulm conncetive tissue
- principally the most peripheral and delicate interstitium in the alveolar walls
Hallmark of chronic diffuse interstitial disease?
-REDUCED COMPLIANCE (stiff lungs) –> dyspnea –> hypoxia
Interstitial lung diseases
1) capacity:
- dec total lung capacity
- FEV1 normal or dec proportionately
- FEV1:FVC ratio not reduced
2) presentation
- dyspnea
- hypoxia
- end-inspiratory crackles
- eventual cyanosis
3) x-rays
- diffuse bilateral infiltrative lesion by nodules, irregular lines, or ground glass shadows
4) clinical course
- may lead to pulm HTN or cor pulmonale == HONEY COMB LUNG AT ENDSTAGE
Endstage interstitial lung disease:
-HONEY COMB(a lot of fibrosis)
Types of interstitial lung disease:
1) acute:
- acute lung injury (ALI) or ARDS
2) Chronic
- environmental 25%
- sarcoidosis
- idiopathic pulm fibrosis
- collagen vascular
Acute lung injury (aka non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema)
-abrupt onset of significant hypoxemia and pulmonary infiltrates in absence of cardiac failure
Acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS-
severe acute lung injury with greater hypoxemia
Histologic manifestion of ALI and ARDS=
diffuse alveolar damage
ARDS cuased by:
diffuse alveolar capillary damage (DAD)
= rapid onset of life-threatening respiratory insufficiency - refractory to oxygen therapy
-may lead to multi-system organ failure
-usually severe pulm edema = most common cause of non-cardiogenic pulm edema
How does damage to capillary and alveolar membranes in ALI and ARDS happen?
1) direct injury from outside
- infectious agent (pneumonia)**
- aspiration**
- oxygen tox
2) indirect injury -systemic from inside
- shock (trauma, burns, surgery..)**
- sepsis**
- inhaled toxins
- transfusion related (TRALI)
Three main causes of ARDS/ALI?
ALI/ARDS characteristics:
-bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray
-PaO2(arterial)/Fi(environmental)O2 normally 375-400
in ALI ratio < 300
in ARDS raio <200
ARDS pathogenesis:
- uncontrolled activation of acute inflammatory system
- imbalance between proinflam and antiinflam mediation
- sequestration and activation of neutrophils
- diffuse damage to alveolar capillary walls
- inc vascular permeability and alveolar thickening
- loss of diffusion capacity
- widespread surfactant abnormalities bc of Pneumocte 1 and 2 damage
ARDS pathway in neonates:
occurs with deficiency in pulmonary surfactant
Symptoms of ARDS:
1) first dispnea and tachypnea
2) cyanosis and hypoxemia
What helps ARDS patients?
inhalation of nitric oxide - decreases PA pressure and arterial resistance
-ventilation perfusion mismathc-hypoxemia
Mortality of ALI/ARDS?
40%!! pretty high!
1) morphology:
- lung heavy, firm red and stiff
2) micro:
- congestion
- interstitial and alveolar edema
- fibrin deposition
* -alveolar hyaline membranes**
- proliferation of T2pneuomocytes
- phagocytosis of membranes
3) organization: of exudate can follow= interstitial fibrosis —> honey comb lung down he line
three phases of ARD
1) acute exudative (0-7 day)
2) proliferative phase (1-3 weeks)
3) fibrotic/healing phase (3-4 weeks)
What is TRALI
- trasfusion related ALI
- within 6 hours of transfusion
- due to anti HLA or anti HNA antibodies
- no pre-existing acute lung injury before transfusion
Major categories or interstital lung disease:
1) fibrosiing
2) granulomatous
3) eosinophilic
4) smoking related
Diffuse interstitial disease
- initially alveolitis in interstitium of alveoli (accumulation of inflammatory and immune effector cells within alveolar walls and spaces)
- heterogenous stimuli
- Leukocytes accumulate in the alveoli=distort normal alveolar structures; release damaging mediators; parenchyma injurred and fibrosis stimulated; MACROPHAGE PLAYS CENTRAL ROLE IN FIBROSIS
- final stage= end stage fibrotic lung (HONEYCOMB LUNG)***
honeycomb lung think:
- cor pulmonale
- R sided HF
- pulm htn
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
- unkn etiology
- characterized by diffuse interstitial fibrosis
- also called cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
- histology=”usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP)” but NOT specific for IPF
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) - clinical course:
- 2/3s of patients >60 yrs and M>F
- insidious onset of SOB (6 mo)
- nonproductive dry cough and inc dyspnea
- advanced cases=hypoxemia, cyanosis, clubbing
- severe pulmonary HTN, cor pulmonale, death
- mean survival 3 year
- only definitive tx = lung transplant
How to diagnose IPF=
diagnosis of exclusion
IPF - pathogenesis:
- IPF caused by repeated cycles of epihelial activation/injury by some unidentified agent = chronic inflammation–> fibrosis
- -> something regarding telomerase shortening and apoptosis leading to epithelial activation and injury
- inflammation and induction of TH2 T-cells with eosin, mast cells, IL4, IL5, IL13 in lesion
- abn wound healing = fibroblastic foci (crazy fibro prolif)
Early microscopic findings of IPF:
- alveolitis
- fibroblastic foci
- overtime get early and late lesions at the same time ** (temporal heterogeneity)
- dense fibrosis –> collapse of alveolar walls, formation of cystic spaces lined by hyperplastic type II pneumocytes (HONEYCOMB LUNG!)
Hallmark of UIP=
patchy interstital fibrosis varying in intensity and age
Causes of honeycomb lung:
- interstitial pneumonia
- diffuse alveolar damage DAD
- inorganic dust exposure
- interstital granulomatous diseases
- eosinophilic granuloma
- GE Reflux/aspiration