Pathology Flashcards
Enzymatic necrosis comes from?
Zenker’s (waxy) necrosis
Hyaline. Most common in skeletal muscle. Muscle replaced with hyaline
Nuclear rupture
Nuclear Swelling
Nuclear condensation
Absence of an organ (usually paired organ)
Type 1 collagen
Bone, muscle, tendons & ligaments
Type 2 collagen
Disc (nucleus pulposis)
Type 3 collagen
Reticular collagen (found in spleen & lymph nodes. Also seen in early wound healing)
Type 4 collagen
Basement membrane
Iron Dust
Cotton dust (brown lung)
Black lung disease from miners “Caplan’s Syndrome” = anthracosis + RA
Endemic fungus around Mississippi or Ohio valleys
Endemic fungus in deserts of southwest
Endemic fungus on Eastern Seaboard
Asthma (sputum contains?)
Sputum analysis yields “Curschmann’s Spirals” or “charcot Leyden crystals”
Pulmonary fibrosis
Honeycomb lungs
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Vasculitis of the lung and kidney
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
Most cmommonly caused by prostate problems or ureter stones
Nephritic syndrome
RBCs & small amounts of protein in the urine (ie: acute glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic syndrome
"Pre-ecclampsia = HEP, hypertension, edema, proteinurea (massive) Ecclampsia = HEP + convulsions + coma = potentially fatal
Renal shock
Acute tubular necrosis
Nephroblastoma (mixed tumor of kiney in children (malignant)
XS aldosterone (hypertension, water retention)
decreased cortisol (low BP, Hyperpigmentation d/t XS ACTH -> increased MSH, Fatigue symptoms)
Hyperplasia of thyroid cells d/t lack of iodine
Graves disease
Hyperthyroidism (exophthalmoses, heat intolerance, weight loss, rapid HR, hair loss)
Autoimmune cause of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidsm. Cretinism in children. (Cold intolerance, weight gain, slow HR, loss of lateral 1/3 eyebrows, slow mental faculties
Urethra exits on the dorsal surface of the penis
Urethra opens on ventral surface of penis
Tumor of smooth muscle (fibroids of uterus)
Cancer of testes, most common cause of testicular cancer, mesenchymal/stem cells
Polycystic ovary disease
Anovulation, obesity, hirsuitism (XS hair on body and face)
Cervical cancer
HPV 16 virus
Increased HcG
Pregnancy or hydatidiform mole (non viable embryo)
Syphyilis (congenital) signs
1) Hutchinsons’s teeth - notched permanent upper incisors
2) Rhagades - fissures or cracks at edge of mouth
3) Saddle nose deformity (bridge of nose fattlened
4) Sabre blad tibia
5) Interstitial keratitis - produces visual changes.
(deafness can also be associated but not always
Syphilis (acquired) signs
Primary: hard singular painless nodule (chanchre) on perineum
Secondary: Maculopapular rash and condylomata lata (flat warts on vulva)
Tertiary: Tabes Dorsalis, aortic aneurysm, Gummas, inclusion body in CNS. Argyll Roberston pupuil (Prostitute’s pupil) = doesn’t react to light but constricts with accomodation
Adie’s pupil
Tonic pupil dilation (Mydriasis) d/t injury to CN III Edinger Westphal nucleus
Tonic pupil constriction d/t injury to sympathetic cervical ganglia
Soft painful chancroid caused by haemophilus ducreyi (gram -ve coccobacillus)
Gardnerella vaginalis
Similar to Trichomonas, except bacterial
Gram (-) diplococcus m/c with PID/Salpinitis. Burning urination. PUs in urine. May produce arthritis m/c DJD in knee
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Chlamydia = orgaism. Produces rectal strtures. Diagnose with Frei test
Purulent vaginal discharge. Gree and frothy, fish, foul. Protozoan
Occlusion of hepatic veins: Triad of abdominal pain, ascites and hepatomegaly.
Acute = rapid severe upper abdominal pain, jaudice, hepatomegaly, increase liver enzymes and eventual encephalopathy
Autoimmune. Seen in young people. Affects distal small intestine (ileum, cecum and ascending colon (right sided problem). Skip lesions, or cobblestone appearance. NO BLOODY diarrhea. leads to dehydration b/c most water reabsorbed in small intestine (AKA distal ileitis, regional enteritis, regional ileitis)
Congenital megacolon. Absence of myenteric plexus = parasympathetic motor plexus. (Meissner’s plexus detects chemicals)
Telescoping of intestine onto itself, can be caused by rotovirus vaccine
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
proximal stomachHematemisis d/t alcoholism. Lacerations of esophagus and
Polyposis characterized by polyps in the entire GI tract
Plummer Vinson syndrome
Iron deficiency anemia, cheilosis, esophageal webbing and glossitis
Ulcerative collitis
AKA toxic megacolon. Pathological intestinal changes, ulcers, BLOOD DIARRHEA, AFFECTS LEFT SIDE OF ABDOMEN (descending and sigmoid colon) “Lead Pipe rigidity
Zenker’s diverticulum
Outpouching of the esophagus
Diabetes insipidus
Decreased ADH d/t posterior pituitary problem (dehydration)
Calorie Malnutrition, includes protein
Inborn error of copper metabolism. Kayser Fleisher rings = Copper deposits in eye. Hepatolenticular degeneration
Brain Tumors
1) Atrocytoma (Type I and II) = m/c and best prognosis in CNS
2) Glioma’s = m/c in CNS
3) Gliobastoma mutliform = worst prognosis (affects cerbrum)
4) Medulloblastoma = m/c seen in cerebellar vermsi in children. m/c cerebellar tumor
5) Oligodendroglioma = slowest growing (affects cerebru)
6) Schwannoma = CN VII = acoustic neuroma. Onion bulb tumor (most common cause of unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
Friedreich’s ataxia
Lesions of sclerosis of the spinocerebellar tract (neurofibrillary tangles)
Horner’s syndrome
Interruption of cervical sympathetics (trauma, pancoast tumor) Symptoms = ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis, enophthalmosis
Von Recklinhausen’s disease. Cafe au lait spots “coast of california appearance
Onion Bulb Tumor
Schwann Cell tumor