Pathology Flashcards
Pernicious anaemia
- Auto immune condition affection stomach, B12 can’t bind to intrinsic factor (allowing B12 to be absorbed) and parietal cells affected ***
Sx - Tired all the time, confused, pins and needles often in feet
Ix - Anti intrinsic factor - moat specific and so first line (IFA) and anti parietal cell antibodies (PCA)
- microcytic anaemia
Mx - Intramuscular B12 and oral B12
Familial hypercholestrolaemia
**Autosomal dominant condition
Increased LDL In the blood, leading to cardiovascular disease
Due to:
- Faulty LDL receptor and so LDL can’t enter cell form the blood
- Faulty Apo B-100 (name badge) - LDL cells can’t interact with the receptor, increasing in the blood
- Increased PCSK9 function - Destroys LDL receptors, LDL increases in the blood
- Leads to atherosclerosis
- Genetic defect leading to an increase in APO B containing lipoproteins
Cx - mutation in APO E gene
- Triggered by diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity
Sx- Increased triglycerides and LDL, lipid deposits on skin, premature cardiovascular disease
Familial chylomicronaeima
- Too many chylomicrons in the blood leading to pancreatitis
- Chylomicrons take fat from food
- Due to deficiency in lipoprotein lipase enzyme which normally promotes uptake of chylomicrons in cells, leading to increased triglyceride levels
Abdominal aortic aneurysm + rupture
- Swelling in aorta running to stomach and and chest, usually just before bifurcation at L4 - loss of elastic fibres in tunica media
Complications - Infarction/ischemia in bowels, kidneys, lower limbs
Sx - Sudden severe pain in tummy (central), radiating to lower back or legs, dizziness, sweating, palpitations, nausea and vomiting
Ix - Abdominal ultrasound
- Screening offered to all men aged >65
Mx - surgery for grafting
Rupture - extreme central abdominal pain, massive internal bleeding, 80% don’t survive
Dissecting aortic aneurysm
- Most common in thoracic aorta
- Wall of the aorta (tunica intima) splits into 2 layers creating a cavity
- more common in men in 60s
Cx - hypertension, atherosclerosis, Marfan syndorme, aneurysms
Sx - sudden serve chest pain that can move to the back, loss of consciousness, SOB, weak pulse in a limb, leg pain, widened mediastinum
- weak carotid, brachial or femoral pulse
- variation in arm BP
Ix - CXR, ECG, FBC, BP of both arms
- CT thoracic aorta
Mx - ascending - labetalol and surgery (aortic root replacement) (if murmur = AR)
- aortic root replacement as surg
Mx - descending - lebatalol non surgery unless complications
Stable angina
- Chest pain caused by artery stenosis
- Stable - brought on during exercise
- Unstable - brought on at rest
Sx - Chest pain that is tight or crushing and either central or left sided, shortness of breath, fatigue, sweating, dizziness
Ix - ECG and coronary angiography
Mx - GTN acutely, aspirin and statin
- long term relief - CCB (non rate limiting) and BB
- lifestyle and secondary prevention
- BB or amplodapine 1st line to prevent attacks
- Isosorbide mononitrate if not fixed^
Unstable angina
Ix - ECG, angio, echo
- Sx of ACS, tropnons normal, ECG normal or ST depression or T wave inversion
Mx - Lifestyle, dual platelet, other BP meds
*BB or Verapamil 1st line to prevent attack
- Complete blockage of blood flow to heart leading to tissue necrosis
Sx - Starts off mild then gets worse (most common)
- sudden chest pain radiating from left arm to neck
- shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abnormal heart rhythm (DULL HEAVY CHEST PAIN)
Ix - positive torponin, ST elevation in ECG, increased resp rate (pain),
- RCA MI can cause arrhythmias
*Tropnin elevated for 10 days post
* CK MB elevated for 3-4 days post
Mx - Morphine, oxygen, nitroglycerin, aspirin (MONA)
- If first attender - Give aspirin, place in W position and give nitrate if prescribed
- Post MI - dual platelet, ACEi, BB and CCB
Heart failure
- More in, less out
- Affects hearts ability to pump blood to systemic circulation - Most commonly systolic failure of the left ventricle
Ix - Reduced LVEF - normally between 50-70% (stroke volume/end diastolic volume) - HR needs to be low enough to calculate
- ANP and BNP levels increased due to high ventricular filling pressure
- ECG and echo
Sx - Oedema, dyspnoea, fatigue, tahcycardia
Mx - ACEi/ARB or entresto (valsartan), beta blocker, spironolactone, SGLT2i
Acute pulmonary oedema - furosemide
- medications not working use CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)
- Increased pulmonary venous pressure causing pulmonary oedema (complaining of orthopnea)
- Left ventricle can’t pump blood to rest of the body, too much blood in the LA, pulmonary veins and lungs - fluid begins to leak into the surrounding tissues and lungs
Sx - SOB, looking and feeling unwell, cough with frothy sputum
Ix - increased resp rate, reduced O2 levels, tachycardia, displaced apex beat, crackles sounding wet on auscultation, increased BNP (overfilled heart)
Right sided HF
- Increased systemic venous pressure
Sx - Pleural effusions (fluid in lungs), ankle/peripheral oedema, enlarger liver, elevated JVP, ascites, SOB
*Enlargement of organs due to increased systemic pressure
Ix - ECG and Echo
Mitral stenosis
Cx - rheumatic heart disease (Most common), infective endocarditis, calcification,
Sx- Malar flush and atrial fibrillation
Ix - mid diastolic, low pitched rumbling murmur due to low velocity of blood flow
* Loudest during expiration
** Enlargement of the LA can compress the oesophagus causing difficulty swallowing
Mitral regurgitation
Cx - weakening of the valve with age, rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis, CT tissue disorders such as Marfan’s syndrome
Ix - Pan/holosystolic high pitched whistling murmur due to high velocity of blood,
* loudest with expiration
* Atrial fibrillation
Aortic stenosis
Cx - Age related calcification, rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis
- Leads to left ventricular hypertrophy
Ix - Ejection systolic high pitched murmur (due to high velocity of systole) with a crescendo - decrescendo character
Aortic regurgitation
Cx - Age related weakness, CT tissue disorders such as Marfan’s syndrome, rheumatic heart disease, endocarditis
- Causes left ventricular dilation
Ix - Early diastolic soft/blowing murmur
- decrescendo
- collapsing pulse
- Can be heard over mitral area
Infective endocarditis
- Infection in the inner lining of the heart (endocardium) caused by bacteria travelling in the blood - Strep viridisans by mouth most common (strep sanguinis) staph aureus from Injections.
- staph viridian post valave surgery
Sx - High temperature, chills, headache, joint and muscle pain, possible chest pain when you breathe, SOB, night sweats…
RF - valve replacement surgery, a prosthetic valve, congenital heart disease, hypertrophic cardio myopathy, previous damaged valves, IV drug user
Ix - Blood cultured x3 , ESR, CRP
- echo 1st line , ECG, ultrasound for spleen
- splinter haemorrhages (association)
Mx - IV antibiotics
- surgery to repair valves of heart if affected
** Damages heart valves due to endocarditis can increase stroke risk by embolism
*New piercing of nipples is risk factor
Pericarditis/Dressler’s syndrome
- Swelling and irritation of the pericardium that surrounds the heart (pericarditis) - can be viral (few weeks post upper resp infection)
- 2 weeks to few months after MI = Dressler’s syndrome
Sx - Sharp or stabbing chest paiN, a cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, cardiac tamponade , fever
- Spreads to left shoulder, gets worse when lying down, coughing or breathing in, alleviated when sitting forward
Ix - Bloods: Bacteria cultured, ESR and CRP, troponin
- ECG - widespread saddle shaped ST elevation, PR depression
- transthoracic echo given to all
Mx - anti inflammatory drugs, steroids and reduce activity,
- antibiotics if caused by bacteria
- SLE a risk factor
- In constrictive pericarditis, JVP can rise on inspiration Kassumals sign
Hypertrophic obstructive cardio myopathy
Cx - Post MI, infection, injury, heart valve problems, high BNP
- Septum between ventricles can become thick, preventing the blood from exiting the heart - Obstructive cardio myopathy
- ejection systolic murmur heard loudest after valsalva Manoeurvre
- Autosomal dominant
Sx - Chest pain (during exercise), fainting, palpitations, shortness of breath
Complications - Sudden death due to arrhythmia , HF, mitral valve problems, blocked BF, atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation
- Disordered electrical activity leads to rapid and uncoordinated atria contraction > leading to uncoordinated ventricular contractions
Cx - Sepsis, mitral valve problems, ischemic heart disease, hyperthyroidism, hypertension
Sx - Shortness of breath, palpations, syncope,
Ix - Irregularly irregular ventricular contractions, absence of p waves on ECG (due to lack of coordinated electrical activity)
- , beta blocker,Digoxin, CCB
- pace maker, ablation,
- If acute: Begin anticoagulation and DC cardio
Atrial flutter
Short circuit in the heart causes the atria to contract rapidly
Sx - Stroke, palpitations, dizziness, short of breath, fatigue
Caused by - prior cardiac surgery or prior ablation
Ix - sawtooth baseline on ECG
Mx - CCB, beta blocker
- electrical cardio version (if unstable)
patent ductus arteriosus
- Connection between the arch of the aorta and the pulmonary arteries that is open for a foetus but should close shortly after brith
- If it doesn’t close, too much blood can flow into the lungs and pressure can increase in the baby’s lungs, causing pulmonary hypertension and so a large heart
- Should close due to reduced level of prostaglandins
Sx - SOB
Ix - machine like murmur
Mx - indomethacin
- Fibrous remnant of this is the ligamentum arteriousum
- Reduced ability to clot (turn blood to gel)
Cx - thrombocytopenia, vonwilebrand disease, deficient in vitamin K, deficient in clotting factors
Acute coronary syndrome
3 types: unstable angina, STEMI or NSTEMI
Sx - nausea and vomiting, sweating, palpitations, SOB, pain radiation to jaw or arms
prevention - Dual paletlet, ACEi, Beta blcoker, statin