Pathology Flashcards
Mucosal Immunologic Diseases
Aphthous Ulcers erythema Multiforme Angioedema Wegners Granulomatosis Lichen Planus (Reticular, Erosive) Lupus Erythematosus ( Discoid chronic, systemic acute) Scleroderma Pemphigus Vulgaris Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Mucosal Infections
HSV Varicella Zoster Virus Coxackie (Hand foot mouth, herpangina) Measles Papilloma (Wart) Condyloma Acuminatum Hecks Disease Oral Hairy Leukoplakia Syphyllis TB Actinomycosis Scarlett Fever Candidiasis
Bone Inflamm Lesions
Acute Osteomyelitis Chronic Osteomyelitis (Garre's) Focal Sclerosing Osteomyelitis Diffuse Sclerosing Osteomyelitis BRONJ
Bone Malig Lesions
Osteosarcoma (sunburst)
Metastatic Carcinoma
Ewings Sarcoma (swelling)
Chondrosarcoma (cartilage, affects condyle)
Central Giant Cell Lesions
Central GCG (fibroblasts + giant cells, ant mandible)
Peripheral GCG (purple/red gingival mass)
ABC (pseudocyst)
Hyperparathyroidism (excess PTH, brown tumors elsewhere, elevated alkaline phosphatase, Von Recklinghausens disease of BONE)
Langerhan’s Cell Dx (cancer, langerhan cells build up, cause damage –> floating teeth)
Pagets Dx (symmetrical bone enlargement, >50, elevated alkaline phosphatase, dentures/hats dont fit, cotton wool)
CT Benign Tumors
Fobroma Gingival Hyperplasia Traumatic Neuroma Pyogenic Granuloma Fibromatosis Granular Cell Tumor (schwann cell neplasm dorsum of tongue or congenital epulis of newborn) Neurofibroma (schwann cell + fibroblasts neoplasm, Neurofibromatosis type I/Von Reck Dx (multiple neurofibromas, cafe au lait spots, lisch spots)) Leiomyoma Rhabdomyoma Lipoma
CT Malig Tumors
Neurofibrosarcoma (malig prolif of schwann cells)
Kaposi’s Sarcoma (malig prolif endothelial cells, AIDs, purple lesion)
Fibro-osseous Lesions
Central Ossifying Fibroma (RL in bone w/ mineralized foci)
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma (gums)
Fibrous Dysplasia (ground glass, stops after puberty, McCune Albright Syndrome (polyostotic FD, cafe au lait, endocrine issues like precocious puberty)
Peripaical Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia (apex of mand teeth, RL + RO, middle aged black females, no tx)
Osteoblastoma (opaque mass of bone and osteoblasts, excise)
Hereditary Conditions
White Sponge Nevus(hyperkeratosis) Epidermolysis Bullosa (skin/mucosal blisters) Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (red macule, dilated/broken capillary on skin/mucosa, viscera, iron def anemia, nosebleeds) Cleidocranial Dysplasis (supernums, missing clavicles) Ectodermal Dysplasia (missing teeth, hypoplastic hair and nails) Osteopetrosis (no bone remodeling/resorption, stone bone) Amelogenesis Imperfecta (enamel thin to none, primary and perms, Type IV taurodontism, needs crowns) Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (short roots, bell crowns, obliterated pulps, primarys and perms, blue sclera, needs crowns) Dentin Dysplasia (chevron pulps type II, short roots type I, primarys and perms, not good for crowns) Regional Odontodysplasia (GHOST TEETH, quadrant of teeth have short roots, open apices, enlarged pulp chambers, primary and perms, ext) Fusion & Gemination
Lymphoid Neoplasms
Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (neoplasm B or T cells, Burkitt’s Lymphoma (B cells), tooth mobility, lip parasthesia, halts root development, chemo/rad)
Multiple Myeloma (neoplasm of B cells, punched out RLs in skull, amyloidosis, chemo)
Leukemia (neoplasm of bone marrow cells, ALL>CML>AML>CLL, bleeding, fatigue, infection)
Malignant Mucosal Lesions
Verrucous Carcinoma (Tobacco, HPV 16, 18, slow, excise)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (oncogenes, HPV 16, 18 association, excision + radiation)
Basal Cell Carcinoma (sun damage, rarely metastasis, excise)
Oral Melanoma (malig melanocytes, palate/gingiva, worse survival rates for oral than skin)
Mucosal Reactive Lesions
Linea Alba (focal hyperkeratosis from chronic friction) Tramatic Ulcer (complete break through epithelium) Traumatic Erosion (incomplete break through epi) Chemical Burn (white patch, apsirin, hydrogen peroxide) Amalgam Tattoo (implanted amalgam particles) Melanotic Macule (freckle, benign, Peutz Jeghers = freckles + intestinal polyps) Hairy Tongue (elongated filiform papillae) Toothpaste Associated Sloughing (sodium lauryl sulfate, try Toms) Submucosal Hemorrhage (no blanching, hemangiomas blanch, petechiae = 1mm (coughing, purpura = larger, ecchymosis = 1cm or larger, hematomas = mass of blood in tissue from trauma like needle, no tx
Odontogenic Cysts
Radicular Cyst (periapical cyst, most common, RL at apex, nonvital tooth -- > PA inflamm and ERM form cyst lining (acute = abscess, chronic = granuloma), RCT or apico or ext) Dentigerous Cyst (eruption cyst if over erupting tooth, RL attached to CEJ of impacted tooth, fluid between crown and reduced enamel epi, canines and 3rd molars, excise, may --> future odontogenic tumor) Lateral Perio Cyst (vital tooth, mand premolar, excise) Gingival Cyst of Adult (soft tissue version of lateral perio cyst, excise) Gingival Cysts of Newborn (bohns nodules = lat palate, epsteins pearls = midline palate, dental lamina cysts = ridge, no tx) Primordial Cyst (where tooth would have formed, mandib 3rd molars, excise) OKC (Post ascending ramus of mand RL, aggressive, benign, recurrent, aggressive enucleation, Gorlin Syndrome = multiple OKCs, multiple BCCs, calcified falx cerebri, fatal) Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (RL w/ ROs, rare and unpredictable)
Odontogenic Tumors
Ameloblastoma (multilocular RL in post mandible, aggressive, benign, wide resection, high recurrence if too conservative) Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (CEOT, Pindborg Tumor) (RL w/ driven snow, excision, good prognosis) Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor (AOT) (ant maxilla impacted canine, epithelial duct like space, excision, good prognosis) Odontogenic Myxoma (messy RL, unclear borders, honeycomb, slimy stroma material, excision, moderate recurrence) Central Odontogenic Fibroma (COF) (well defined multilocular RL, dense collagen w/ epithelium) Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma (dense collagen w/ epithelium, gum) Cementoblastoma (well circumscribed RO mass, ball of cementum and cementoblasts at tooth apex, excision and ext) Ameloblastic Fibroma (children/teens, post mand, myxomatous CT, can be ameloblastic fibro-odontoma if odontoma present, excise) Odontoma (RO w/ dental hard tissue, blocks eruption, compound = ant, mini teeth, complex = post, conglomerate mass, Gardner syndrome = multiple odontomas and intestinal polyps)
Premalignant Mucosal Lesions
Leukoplakia (white patch, not a diagnosis, biopsy mandatory)
Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia (recurrent warts, HPV 16, 18, high risk of SCC or verrucous carcinoma)
Erythroplakia (not diagnosis, red patch, higher risk than leukoplakia, biopsy mandatory)
Actinic Cheilitis (sun damaged lip irritation)
Smokeless Tobacco Associated Lesion (white patch in vestibule)
Salivary Benign Tumors
Pleomorphic Adenoma (mixture of cell types, most common benign, salivary gland tumor, firm rubbery swelling, palate or ear) Monomorphic Adenoma (single cell type, excise) Warthins Tumor (parotid of older men, oncocytes and lymphoid cells)
Salivary Gland Reactive Diseases
Mucocele = mucous extravasation from trauma to salivary duct, lower lip, excise Ranula = mucous extravasation from trauma to salivary duct, floor of mouth, excise Mucous Retention Cyst (blockage of salivary duct by sialolith --> epithelial lined true cyst) Necrotizing Sialometaplasia (rapidly expanding ulcer due to ischemic necrosis of minor salivary glands in response to trauma or LA, resolves in 6-10 weeks) Sarcoidosis (pulmonary disease, hyperimmune response --> granulomas, xerostomia, corticosteroids) Sjogren's Syndrome - autoimmune, salivary and tear glands affects, primary = dry eyes + mouth, secondary = dry eyes and mouth and RA, tx symptoms)
Salivary Malignant Tumors
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma (most common salivary gland malignancy, mucous and epithelial cells, mass on palate)
Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma (second most common) mass on palate
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (low survival rate)
Generalized = downs, ectodermal dysplasia, pituitary dwarfism Localized = peg laterals
Apposition phase
Orofacial Granulomatosis
oral ulcers and soft tissue enlargement, possible relation to chron’s, sarcoidosis and melkerson rosenthal