Insufficient O2 carrying capacity due to decrease Hb concentrations
Why is there not enough haemoglobin
Bone marrow doesn’t produce enough Hb - hypoproliferation - not enough ingredients or incorrect instructions.
Shortened survival - blood loss, haemolysis
Iron absorption
Absorbed from duodenum.
Regulated by negative feedback of hepcidin - regulates ferroportin receptors on enterocytes, duodenum and proximal jejunum.
Transferred into plasma and bind to transferrin - transport protein.
Absorption depends on hepcidin, activity of ferroportin and type of iron available.
Iron transport and storage
Iron transported from enterocytes to plasma or excess Iron stored as ferritin.
In plasma - attach to transferrin and transported to bone marrow or RBCs.
Where is folate and B12 absrobed from
Folate = duodenum and jejunum B12 = ileum via intrinsic factor
Function of folate and B12
Folate = necessary for synthesis of DNA B12 = co-factor for methylation in DNA and cell metabolism - intracellular conversion to 2 active co-enzymes necessary for homeostasis of methylmalonic acid & homocysteine
Mechanism of absorbing B12
Require intrinsic factors made in parietal cells of stomach
Transcobalamin II and transcobalamin I transport vit B12 to tissues
Pernicious anaemia
Autoimmune disorder - lack intrinsic factor - decrease B12 absorption.
Antibodies against gastric parietal cells or intrinsic factor
Macrocytic anaemia
Low Hb
High MCV
Norm. MCHC
Haemolytic anaemia
Anaemia due to shortened RBC survival
- Shortened red cell survival
- Bone marrow compensates - increase RBC production
- increase young cells in circulation
Compensated haemolysis
RBC production able to compensate for decrease RBC life span = norm Hb
Incompletely compensated haemolysis
RBC production unable to keep up with decrease RBC life span = decrease Hb
Clinical findings of haemolytic anaemia
Jaundice, pallor/fatigue, splenomegaly
Haemolytic crises - increase anaemia and jaundice with infections.
Aplastic crises - anaemia, reticulocytopenia
Chronic clinical findings of haemolytic anaemia
Gallstones - pigment due to bilirubin
Folate deficiency - increase synthesis for cells, increase demand because more broken down
Haemolytic anaemia - laboratory findings
Increased reticulocyte count Increased unconjugated bilirubin Increased LDH Low serum haptoglobin proteins that binds free haemoglobin Increased urobilinogen Increased urinary haemosiderin Abnormal blood film
Red cell membrane disorders examples
Hereditary spherocytosis
Hereditary elliptocytosis
Red cell enzymopathies examples
G6PD deficiency
PK deficiency
Hereditary spherocytosis
Common haemolytic anaemia - inherited autosomal dominant fashion
defect in protein in vertical interaction between membrane skeleton and lipid bilayer
Decrease membrane deformability - membrane lose shape = RBC spherical
Clinical features of Hereditary spherocytosis
Asymptomatic to severe haemolysis, neonatal jaundice, pigment gallstones.
Decrease eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) binding - binds to band 3
Glucose 6 phosphate deficiency
hereditary, X-linked - protection from oxidative stress
Effects of oxidative stress on Hb and membrane proteins
Hb - denatured Hb - heinz bodies - bind to membrane
Membrane proteins - decrease RBC deformability
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Autosomal recessive
Required to generate ATP - essential for memrbane cation pumps.
Lose K+ and H2O = dehydrated and rigid
Imbalanced alpha and beta chain production - excess unpaired globin chains = unstable.
Precipitate and adamage RBC - ineffective erythropoiesis in bone marrow
Beta thalassaemia major - if transfusion does not occur
Failure to thrive, progressive hepatosplenomegaly, bone arrow expansion - skeletal abnormalities.
Side effects = Iron overload - heart failure, liver cirrhosis, endocrinopathoes
Confirming diagnosis of sickle cell anaemia
Solubility test - expose blood to reducing agent - HbS precipitate = + trait and disease
Steps for Primary haemostasis
- Endothelium release small amount of von Willebrand factor
- Collagen exposed to blood – von Willebrand factor binds to it
- Platelets express receptors for both collagen and von Willebrand factor is then active when bound and then express functional fibrinogen receptors – NEEDED for aggregation
Steps for secondary haemostasis
- Platelet is activated
- Tissue factor expressed by many sub-endothelial cells activate coagulation cascade to initiate increase of thrombin
- Factor FVIIa binds to tissue factor – prothrombin into thrombin - Thrombin activates receptors on platelets and endothelium - increase platelet aggregation and initiate release of stored von Willebrand factor from endothelial cells
Steps for amplification stage in blood coagulation
- Thrombin activates 2 cofactors - factor 8a and 5a
- Form Ca2+ dependent complexes on surface of platelets with factor IXa and factor Xa - accelerate production of factor Xa and thrombin = amplification stage
- Increase production of thrombin via tenase and prothrombinase - thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin mesh
Steps of fibrinolysis
Plasminogen activated to plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)
Plasmin degrades the fibrin mesh to fibrin degradation products which can be cleared.
What is antithrombin
Serpin = serine protease inhibitor
Activity increases by binding to heparan binding sites on endothelial cells
Protein C
Activated by thrombin + thrombomodulin on endothelial cells = APC
then works with protein S
Protein S
APC cofactor
Help bind to cell surface - APC degrades cofactor FVa and FVIIIa
Molecular basis of Haemophlia
Failure to clot leading to haemorrhage.
Mutation in cogaultion factors - haemophilia A and B
Platelet disorder - von Willebrand disease
Collagen abnormalities - fragile blood vessels and bruising
Molecular basis of thrombophilia
Excessive clotting leading to thrombosis
Inherited = mutation in coagulation factors (DVT)
Acquired = malignancy increase clotting factors (DVT)
Molecular basis of DIC
Whole body clots
Infection - sepsis
Depletion of clotting factors and platelets leading to bleeding
Chromosome number is not an exact multiple of haploid number
Extra or missing chromosomes - trisomy or monosomy
How does aneuploid chromosomes occur
Error in segregation of pair of homologous chromosomes in meiosis I
Or when there is an error in segregation of chromatids - meiosis II = imbalance of chromosomes in zygote
Trisomy 13
Pataus syndrome
complications of heart abdominal wall and brain
Trisomy 18
Edwards syndromes
complex heart and brain abnormalities
Trisomy 21
Down syndrome
High chance of health problems - congenital heart problems, disorders of digestive tract, visiom and increased risk of leukaemia
Mitotic non-disjunction
Post zygotic non-disjunction - affect only a proportion of cells = mosaicism
Individual has a mixture of cell types
Trisomy rescue/anaphase lag
Mechanism in cell recognise there is a wrong number of chromosomes and throws out one of the chromosomes to become disomic.
Could have both maternal chromosomes - clinical impact
Philadelphia chromosome
Translocation between chromosome 9 and 22.
ABL on chromosome 9 = proto-oncogene
BCR on chromosome 22 = prone to ds DNA breaks.
Exchange material which can trigger oncogene potential in ABL. Can lead to types of leukaemia and myeloma
What occurs in Robertsonian translocation
Involves acrocentric chromosomes
Ds breaks p arm is cut off and lost - q arms stuck together around centromere
Detecting chromosomal abnormalities - what is FISH
Hybridisation - single strand nucleic acid strand binds to new single stranded nucleic acid strand - use metaphase chromosome
Detecting chromosomal abnormalities - steps in FISH
- Fluorescent probe
- Denature probe and target DNA
- Mix probe and target DNA
- Probe binds to target
Steps for array CGH
- Patient and control DNA labelled with fluorescent dyes and applied to microarray
- Patients and control DNA compete to attach or hybridise to the microarray
- The microarray scanner measures the dluorescent signals
- Computer software analyses the data and generates a plot
Looks for microdeletions and duplications
Uses microsatellites - isolate DNA from patient and make primers
PCR amplification
Gel electrophoresis
Genotype size of fragments
What are the effects of inborn errors of metabolism due to
Toxic accumulation of substrates
Intermediates from alternative metabolic pathways
Defects in energy production/use due to deficiency of products
Example of disease with autosomal recessive inheritance
Inborn errors of Metabolism
Example of disease with autosomal dominant inheritance
Inborn errors of Metabolism
acute intermittent porphyria
Example of disease with X-linked inheritance
Inborn errors of Metabolism
Fabry’s disease
Ornithine carbamoyl transferase deficiency
Example of disease with Mitochondrial inheritance
Inborn errors of Metabolism
MERFF - deafness, dementia, seizures
MELAS - lactic acidosis, stroke like episodes
Heteroplasmy - mitochondrial inheritance
Cell contains varying amounts of mtDNA and mutated mtDNA
Classification of IEM
Toxic accumulation
Deficiency in energy production
Disorders of complex molecules involving organelles
Clinical scenarios of neonatal presentation of IEM
Poor feeding, lethary, vomiting Epileptic encephalopathy Profound hypotonia organomegaly Sudden death in infancy
Biochemical abnormalities of neonatal presentation of IEM
unexplained metabolic acidosis/ketoacidosis
lactic acidosis
opening in anterior portion of neural tube
Complete opening of neural tube - 1st stage of closing foes not occur properly
Spina bifida
Opening at caudal end of neural tube
Steps for primary neurulation
- Shaped - will narrow along mediolateral axis and extend along rostral caudal axis
- Folding - occurs by establishing hinge points at different regions along neural plate
- Elevation - folding of lateral wings of neural plate
- Convergence - neural folds converge - form more hinge points in dorsal regions
- Closure - fuse with each other and complete closure of neural plate
How does Cell wedging occur
Change shape of cells in neural plate - apical side = narrow = work as hinge
Remodelling of microtubules and actin filaments - Wnt PCP - control actomyosin cytoskeleton at apical side - contracted along medial lateral axis
Wnt PCP pathways association with neural tube formation
Controls the remodelling of actomyosin cytoskeleton at apical side of cell - becomes contracted along medial lateral axis = change shape of epithelium = hinge
Mutations in pathway = no hinge = craniorachischisis
Proteinopathies involved in Alzheimer’s disease
- Amyloid plaques - extracellular protein aggregates. Enriched in Aβ peptides
- Neurofibrillary tangles - paired helical filaments - intracellular protein aggregates. Enriched in Tau protein.
How do amyloid plaques form
Aβ peptides cleaved from transmembrane protein called amyloid β precursor protein (APP) by proteases.
Cleavage by β secretase and then γ secretase – release Aβ fragment – accumulates leading to plaque
How do neurofibrillary tangles form
Tau binds microtubules in axons - hyperphosphorylated tau = displaced leading to tangles, destabilised.
Motor symptoms of parkinsons
Resting tremor
postural instability
Non-motor symptoms of parkinsons
Depression and anxiety
Loss of smell
Sleep disorders
Proteinopathy involved in parkinsons
Lewy bodies - intracellular protein aggregates. Enriched in in α-synuclein protein – not pathogenic but high levels of α-synuclein is pathogenic.
Causes of parkinson’s
- Early/juvenille onset recessive mitochondrial conditions
- Late/later onset (usually) autosomal dominant PD
- Mutations that cause ‘PD plus’ conditions
How does early onset mitochondrial PD occur
Loss of function - mutations in 2 proteins central to activating mitophagy - PINK1 and Parkin = cause early onset PD (EO PD)
Causes for late onset genetic PD
Mutation in SNCA (α-synuclein) gene amplification – confirm is pathogenic
Mutation in LRRK2 and VPS35 gain of function
GBA loss of function mutation
GBA and α-synuclein
GBA encode GCase = α lysosomal enzyme – α-synuclein is degraded in the lysosome
Unhealthy = low GCase = lysosome impaired = accumulate α-synuclein
Pathogenic feed forward loop of α-synuclein
Increase α-synuclein = decrease GCase = decrease lysosomal function
The effect of Neuroinflammation and association with PD
Neuroinflammation = activation of immune system within NS - microglia active Activation = neurotoxic factors = neuronal damage/death - neurotoxic insult = microglial activators - α-synuclein & other proteins
Neuroinflammation and association with Alzheimers
Many alzheimer’s risk factors cause high levels of circulating inflammatory cytokines
Increase BP, CVS, diabetes, smoking - increase inflammation
Major functional changes in cancers
- Increase growth – loss of growth regulation, stimulation of environment promoting growth
- Failure to undergo apoptosis or senescence
- Loss of differentiation – including alterations in cell migration and adhesion
- Failure to repair DNA damage – including chromosomal instability
Capture of c-src by retrovirus
Reverse transcription - dsDNA provirus, accidental integration of v-src next to c-src = fusion - packaged into capsid = oncogenic
4 types of proteins involved in transduction of growth signals
Growth factors – EGF
Growth factor receptors – ErbB
Intracellular signal transducers – Ras and Raf – activate the ERK MAP kinase pathway leading to induction of additional genes
Nuclear transcription factors – ERK from the kinase pathway
Codon mutations for bladder carcinoma
Glycine into valine
Codon mutation for lung cancer
Glycine into cysteine
RAS oncogene mechanism
- Binding of extracellular growth factor signal
- Promotes recruitment of RAS proteins to the receptor complex
- Recruitment promotes Ras to exchange GDP (inactive Ras) with GTP (active Ras)
- Activated Ras then initiates the remained of the signalling cascade (mitogen activated protein kinases)
- These kinases ultimately phosphorylate targets, such as transcription factor to promote expression of genes important for growth and survival
Mutated RAS
Hyperactive RAS - loss of GTPase
Activity of RAS protein no return to inactive RAS GDP - ALWAYS ON = TUMORIGENESIS
MYC oncogene mechanism
Encode helix loop helix leucine zipper transcriptionfactor - dimerises with partner protein Max = transactivate gene expression
MYC deregulation
chromosomal translocation
Under control of foreign transcriptional promoters = deregulation of oncogene - drive relentless proliferation
MYC activation in Burkitt’s lymphoma
Associated with EBV
Chromosomal translocation put mYC gene under regulation of Ig heavy chain - cmyc deregulated
Retinoblastoma cancer
Rare childhood cancer – immature retinoblasts grow quickly and do not turn into mature retinal cells
Reflect light back in white = leukocoria
Hereditary mutation on chromosome 13, retinoblastoma 1 gene
Retinoblastoma gene in cell cycle
Rb protein – regulate the cell cycle, inhibit G1 to S phase transition – regulate activity of E2F transcription factor
Cyclin D1 – 1st cyclin synthesised – drive progression into G1 with cdks4/6. Then arrest of cell cycle due to DNA damage
Substrate for cyclin D = RB protein – Cyclin D and E families phosphorylate RB – inactive
Active Rb = hypophosphorylated – bound to E2F – block progression to S phase
Regulation of P53
Usually p53 levels low due to MDM2 protein – ubiquitin ligase – + ubiquitin to lysine residues of molecule and targeted for proteasomal degradation.
Activation of P53
Stress signals can activate p53 - sensed by kinases = phosphorylate p53 - disrupt interaction with MDM2
ATM/ATR activate oncogenes - phosphorylate p53 directly/indirectly move back into nucleus to regulate process - DNA repair, apoptosis, cell cycle arrest
Therapeutic strategies to increase P53s life/activation
Refold P53 into wild or regulate regulators of P53
wild type = increase 1/2 life
Nutlin = MDM2 antagonist
CRM1 - nuclear export inhibitor - accumulate P53 in nucleus
malignant disorders of haematopoietic stem cells characteristically associated with increased WBC in bone marrow or/and peripheral blood
Clonal disease - all malignant cells derive from single mutant SC
Aetiology - genetic risk factors of leukaemia
Gene mutations involving oncogenes or tumour suppressors
Chromosome abberations - translocations and numerical disorders (BCR-ABL in CML)
Inherited immune system problems - ataxia telaniectasia, wiskott aldrich syndrome
Environmental risk factors for leukaemia
- Radiation exposure – acute radiation accidents or atomic bomb survivors
- Exposure to chemicals and chemotherapy - Cancer chemotherapy with alkylating agents – industrial exposure to benzene
- Immune system suppression – e.g. after organ transplant
Acute leukaemia
Undifferentiated leukaemia - characterised by uncontrolled clonal and accumulation of Immature WBC - lymphoblasts or myeloid blasts in bone marrow and blood
Symptoms of acute leukaemia
Thrombocytopenia - purpura, epistaxis, bleeding from gums
Neutropenia - recurrent infections, fever
Anaemia - lassitude, weakness, tiredness, shortness of breath
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Commonest cancer of childhood - cancer of immature lymphocytes - B cell and T cell leukaemia
Treat with chemotherapy
Acute myeoblastic leukaemia
Very rare cancer of immature myeloid WBC
Treat = chemotherapy, monoclonal antibodies +/- allogeneic bone marrow transplant
Chronic leukaemia
Differentiate leukaemia - characterised by uncontrolled clonal and accumulation of mature WBC - increase number of differentiated cells
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia symptoms
Large numbers of mature lymphocytes in bone marrow and peripheral blood.
Recurrent infections due to neutropenia, and suppression of normal lymphocyte function
Anaemia thrombocytopenia
Lymph node enlargement and hepatosplenomegaly
Chronic myeloid/granulocytic leukaemia - symptoms and diagnosis
Often asymptomatic and discovered through routine blood test
Increase WBC count in blood and bone marrow, presence of Philadelphia chromosome
Treatment = targeted therapy - IMATINIB
BCR-ABL unregulated tyrosine kinase effects
Proliferation of progenitor cell in absence of growth factors
decrease apoptosis
decrease adhesion to bone marrow stroma
Imatinib mechanism for targeted therapy
Small molecule inhibitor
targets Abl-CML treatment - 95% of CML have detectable philadelphia chromosome
Imatinib competes with ATP - tyrosine is not phosphorylated and cannot phosphorylate substrate
Cancer of WBC - affect mature blood cells - B and T cells
Lymph node functions
Blood filtration/purification
Absorption and transport of lipids
Removal of excess fluids from tissues
Immune system activation
Hodgkin lymphoma
17% of lymphomas
Clonal B cell malignancy - presentation = non-painful enlarged lymph node
Risk = 50% cases due to EBV
Diagnosis and treatment of hodgkin lymphoma
Diagnosis - Biopsy - find multinucleated reed sternberg cell
Treatment - chemotherapy, +/- radiotherapy. SC transplant
Non Hodgkin lymphoma
83% of lymphomas - incidence increases with age
Enlarged lymph nodes - some forms slow and the others fast - general lymphoma symptoms
Risk factors = virus infections, EBV in burkitt lymphoma. Human T cell leukaemia in adult T cell lymphoma
Causes of non hodgkin lymphoma
Chromosomal translocations
Tissue specific enhancer = activate promoter of rearranged segment of chromosomes - cases of follicular lymphoma - start to regulate and enhance transcription of genes located on other chromosome.
Example of chromosome translocation for non hodgkin lymphoma - follicular lymphoma
Chr 18 has BCL-2 gene
Enhancer in chr 14
BCL-2 = apoptosis inhibitor
Enhance transcription of apoptosis inhibitor = decreases apoptosis
Low grade lymphoma
Normal tissue architecture partially preserved - normal cell of origin recognisable
divide slowly
May be present for many months before diagnosis
behave in indolent fashion
High grade lymphoma
Loss of normal tissue architecture - normal cell of origin hard to determine
Divide rapidly
present for a matter of weeks before diagnosis
May be life threatening
Diagnosis and treatment of non hodgkin lymphoma
Diagnosis = immunophenotyping, cytogenetics, light chain restriction, PCR Treatment = chemotherapy, radiotherapy, SC transplant, monoclonal Ab therapy - RITUXIMAB
Multiple myeloma
Tumour of bone marrow that involves plasma cells
Presentation = absence of initial symptoms - later = bone pain, bleeding, freq infections and anaemia
Risk factors = obesity, radiation exposure, family history, and certain chemicals
3 aspects of myeloma
- Suppression of normal bone marrow, blood cell and immune cell function - anaemia, bleeding tendency and recurrent infections
- Bone resorption and release calcium
- Pathological effects of paraprotein
Bone resorption and release of calcium effects in myeloma
Myeloma produce cytokines (IL6) to bone marrow stromal cells to release RANKL to osteoclast activation and suppress OPG.
Ca2+ released from bone leads to hypercalcaemia leading to mental disturbance and multiple symptoms
Pathological effects of paraprotein
Single monoclonal Ig in serum - high levels - malignancy
Precipitate in kidney tubules leading to renal failure - deposited as amyloid in tissues.
2% of cases develop hypervisocosity syndrome
Increase viscosity of blood leading to stroke and heart failure
Diagnosis of myeloma
Serum electrophoresis for paraprotein
Bone marrow biopsy fo rhigh levels of plasma cells
Flow cytometry and cytogenetics to detect cause
Urine electrophoresis
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - increase staking RBC
Radiological investigation of skeleton for lytic lesions
Treatment for myeloma
Radiotherapy – localised bone pain
chemotherapy combinations (thalidomide, lenalidomide and bortezomib) – when there is dissemination
targeted therapies, immunotherapy (CAR-T), and allogenic haemopoietic SC transplantation in young patients.