Pathogenesis of sepsis Flashcards
What is sepsis (general)
Sepsis is defined as SIRS in response to an infectious process
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
Fever - >38 degrees or <36 degrees
Tachypnoea - > 20 rpm or PaCO2 <32mmHG
Tachycardia - >90bpm
Leucocytosis/leucopenia - >12000 ul^-1 or <4000 ul^-1
> or equal to 2 out of 4 required
- Infection (proven or probable)
Problems with SIRS criteria
Too sensitive - may represent a healthy response to infective process
Too non-specific - many SIRS patients have non-infective process
- ‘Infection’ (proven or probable) - too nebulous. Patients with sepsis easily missed
Sepsis 3 criteria
- Organ dysfunction
- Dysregulated host response
- Infection
Immunopathology of sepsis - the endotoxin paradigm
Sepsis begins with wide-spread recognition of generic microbial elements (eg lipopolysaccharide)
- gram negative LPS binding protein (endotoxin)
- CD14
- Toll like receptors (monocyte/macrophage, endothelium) - tLR4
- Receptor associated kinases
- Regulation of cytokine gene transcription
Pathophysiology of sepsis
Pro-inflammatory cytokines
- Increase in vascular permeability
- Decrease in vascular resistance
- Decrease in cardiac contractility
- Fever, diarrhoea
- Metabolic changes (insulin resistance, protein catabolism)
- increase in neutrophil migration, adhesion
- Increase in coagulation
Cardiovascular changes in sepsis
Early distributive shock(warm peipheries) - peripheral vasodilatation
Then hypovolaemic shock(cold peropheries) - capillary leak, peripheral and pulmonary oedema, low filling pressure(fluid responsive)
Late cardiogenic shock(cold peripheries) - cardiac myocyte suppression, high filling pressure (not fluid responsive)
Coagulation response in sepsis
Coagulation homeostasis disrupted early and profoundly in sepsis
- Platelet activation
- Activation of coagulation cascades
- Down-regulation of anticoagulant mediators
- Consumption of coagulation factors
- Coagulation and inflammation closely linked
Coagulation factors –> pro-inflammatory activity
Anticoagulation factors –> anti-inflammatory activity
Coagulopathy in sepsis
Intrinsic ‘contact activation’ pathway
Loss of endothelial integrity –> VIII –> thrombin –> fibrin clot
Extrinsic ‘tissue factor’ pathway
Monocyte –> IL1, TNF-alpha –> TF-VII–. Thrombin –> fibrin clot
What is consumption coagulopathy (disseminated intravascular coagulation)
- Acquired disturbance of blood clotting leading to an increased turnover of coagulation factors and platelets by which the production sites are being exhausted
Metabolic changes in sepsis
- Protein catabolism
- Insulin resistance
- Decrease in tissue oxygen uptake (altered mitochondrial function)
What do circulatory changes, coagulation and metabolic changes in sepsis lead to
Tissue hypoxia –> lactic acidosis
Other examples of PAMPS in sepsis
- Lipopeptides
- Peptidoglycans
- Flagellin
- Microbial DNA/RNA
Other examples of PRRs in sepsis
- TLRs1-11
- CD14
- NOD1 and 2
- Beta integrins
- Mannose binding lectin
Sepsis aetiology
- Constantly changes
- 1980s predominantly gram negative
- 1990s-2000s emergence of gram positives
- 2010s emergence of yeasts, re-emergence of gram negatives - Varies geographically
e. g. case mix - Major changes in paediatrics with vaccination - disappearance of meningococcus, hemophilus, pneumococcus
Gram positive sepsis
Gram positive bacteria - no LPS Activation of innate immune processes - peptidoglycans - lipotechoic acid In vitro less potent than LPS But same fundamental mchanisms apply
Superantigen exotoxins
- Staph aureus
- Strep pyogenes
Specific form of sepsis ‘toxic shock syndrome’
Presentation of toxic shock syndrome
- Fever
- Confusion, diarrhiea
- Generalised erythema
- Fulminant hypotension
- Renal failure
- 5% mortality
- Desquamation of palms and soles
- S.aureus producing toxic shock syndrome toxin - 1 (TSST-1)
S.aureus toxic shock
New strains of S. aureus (TSST-1)
- Tampon shock still seen occasionally
- Burns patients - high rates of S. aureus
- ICU - especially neonatal ICU
- Nasal and surgical packs
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
S. pyogenes (group A streptococcus)
- Following deep seated S. pyogenes infections (necrotising fascitis, myositis, septic arthritis etc)
Strep toxic shock syndrome mortality rate
Immunopathogenesis of toxic shock
Protein exotoxins of certain bacteria
Function immunologically as superantigens
Antigens - trigger T cell responses in tiny proportions of resting T cells
Superantigens - trigger T cell responses in up to 20% of all resting T cells
Features of superantigen responses
- Not restricted by antigen specificity of cells
- Big
Conventional antigen presentation vs superantigen presentation
Conventional - 1/10^5 T cells activated. CD4 T cells
Superantigen - Up to 1/5 T cells activated CD4 and CD8 T cells
- IL2, IFNgamma - T cell
- TNFalpha, IL1beta - APC
Superantigen vs endotoxin mediated sepsis
Fundamental mechanisms different
- Initiated by T cell vs APC activation
Superantigen and endotoxin may act synergistically in clinical sepsis
Final end-points very similar
- Cytokine mediated
- Cellular damage, organ damage
- Death
What is SOFA score
The sequential organ failure assessment score (SOFA score), previously known as the sepsis-related organ failure assessment score, is used to track a person’s status during the stay in an intensive care unit
Life-threatening organ-dysfunction SOFA score
- Increase in SOFA of 2 or more from baseline
What does SOFA assess
- Assesses function of 6 organ systems
- Really designed for iCU-pronostication
- Outside ICU the qSOFA
- > 1 of tachypnoea: >22 GCS <15 SBP <100
Sepsis red flags
Responds only to voice or pain/unresponsive
Acute confusional state
Systolic BP < 90 mmHg for drop > 40 from normal
Heart rate > 130 per min
Respiratory rate > 25 per min
Needs oxygen to keep SpO2>92%
Non-blanching rash, mottled/ashen/cyanotic
Not passed urine in last 18h/UP<0.5ml/kg/hr
Lactate > 2 mmol/l
Recent chemotherapy
Indicators of clinical concern for sepsis
- Hypotensive systolic <90mmHg
- Altered mental state
- Tachypnoea RR>25 per min (or new need for 40% oxygen or more to maintain sats more than 92%)
- Not passed urine in previous 18 hrs or for catheterised patients passed less than 0.5ml/kg of urine per hr
- Lactate > 2 mmol/L
- Non-blanching rash/cyanotic
- Tachycardia >130 bpm
If one of these indicators of clinical concern are identified, then start sepsis 6 immediately
Sepsis 6
- O2
- Antibiotics
- Fluids
- Blood cultures
- Lactate
- Urine output
Right initial antibiotic treatment of sepsis
- Empiric broad-spectrum therapy with one or more antimicrobials…to cover all likely pathogens…as soon as possible (<1 hr)
Impact of time to effective antibiotic therapy
- Subsequent studies suggest that 1 hr time really applies to septic shock and esp patients on vasopressors
- Very little evidence that delays <3-6 hrs matter
- Large(>2600 pts) RCT of pre-hospital vs post triage antibiotics for sepsis - no survival benefit
Impact of in vitro antibiotic susceptibility
- No negative impact on outcome
CRP - sepsis
- Synthesised by hepatocytes
- Regulated by IL6
- Following stimulus - peak 48hrs, t1/2 19 hrs, clearance constant in renal disease
- Minimal genetic variation
- Production impaired in severe liver disease
Potential uses of biomarkers
- Excluding sepsis
- Monitoring response
- Identifying focus
- Identifying likely pathogen
- Predicting onset of sepsis/shock
- Predicting outcome
- Targeting interventions