Patho slides cases Flashcards
A 60 yr old man, chronic alcoholic with right hypochondrial mass
Fatty liver
A 70 yr old lady hysterectomy specimen
Dystrophic calcification
A 35 yr old female dysmenorrhea and DUB
Hyaline degeneration
A section from kidney with the h o road traffic accident and hemorragic shock
Coagulative necrosis
Swelling in the neck with evening rise of temperature
Caseous necrosis
A 10 yr old male with fever pain in right illiac fossa
Acute appendicitis
A 39 yr old female h o cough and fever and breathlessness
Lobar pneumonia
History of sports injury on the leg biopsy from the ulcer
Granulation tissue
Swelling in the neck with evening rise of temperature
A 40 yrs old male with discharging sinuses on the foot
A 30 yr old female mulberry like nasal lesion
Lung biospy from a 40 yr old male with mitral stenosis and rhd
Cvc lung
Cvc liver cvc spleen infarct spleen
No questions given check record once
A 6 months old child with lesion in the skin
Capillary hemangioma
A 2yr old child lesion on right side of the face
Cavernous hemangioma
A painful swelling on the forearm
A 30 yr old man with swelling over the nape of the neck
A 52 yr female with ulceroproliferative lesion foot
Squamous cell carcinoma
Ulcero nodular lesion on the face, near canthus of the eye
Basal cell carcinoma
A 70 yr old male,colonic mass
A 10 yr old boy with generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
Hodgkins lymphoma
A 40 yr old male, parotid mass
Pleonorphic adenoma
Ca colon
Ca colon
A 30 yr old female loss of weight and ileocaecal mass
Tb intestine
A 40 yr old male chronic alcholic
A 30 yr old female history of colicky paiin in right hypochondrium
Chronic cholecystitis
A 70 yr old male hypertensive with history of hypercholestrolemia
A 60 yr old male sudden death autopsy findings in heart
A 30 yr old male history of cough and hemoptysis
Patient suffering from chronic renal disease
Chronic pyelonephritis
A 50 yr male,retroperitoneal tumor
Renal cell carcinoma
A 40 yr old male history of undescended testis
Seminoma testis
A 65yr old male with difficulty in micturition
A 35yr old female dysmenorrhea and DUB
A 40 yr old female pelvic mass
Mucinous cystadenoma
A 40 yr old female pelvic mass
Serous cystadenoma
36 year old female,3 months old amenorrhea with bleeding PV with history of passing grape like structure
Hydatiform mole
A 25 year old female with lump in breast
A 25 year old lady nodular swelling in the midline of neck
Multinodular goitre
A 35 year old female painful mass in the neck
Hashimotos thyroiditis
A 35 year old lady with cystic thyroid lesion
Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
30 year old male lytic lesion in the lower end of femur