Patho Exam Images Flashcards
LV Hypertrophy
Most common cause is systemic hypertension
of the cervical epithelium most likely from HPV
Partially degraded lipids/ proteins that liver cannot get rid of
Bacterial Pneumonia
These are neutrophils filling the area, a Hallmark of an ACUTE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE
Hypertrophic scars (keloid)
Complication of wound healing
This woman has psoriasis a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin
Scaly silver plaques–> epidermal hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis may have bleedin d/t capilary permeability
Squamous cell Carcinoma
Carcinoma in situAn early stage in the cancer spread (has not invaded the basement membrane)
Seeding of body cavities
White metastatic nodules of cancer in the peritoneal cavity. Wide spread distribution of cancer is called carcinomatosis
Down’s Syndrome/trisomy 21 (Maternal Nondisjunction)
3 copies of chromosome 21
Graves disease (Type 2 Hypersensitivity)
Over-active thyroid has Graves Disease. An Autoimmune disease associated with anti-TSH receptor antibodies (exophthalmos)
Coagulative Necrosis Pos MI
Herpes Simplex Skin Infection
Collagen scar tissue post MI
LV Hypertrophy d/s HTN
Fibrinous Pericarditis (bread and butter pericarditis)
Fibrin on the outside of the heart involved in coagulation.
Granuloma caused bt TB
Caseous Necrosis
Needle-like fibers of asbestos. Cause mesothelioma
Systemic Lubus Erythematosus (Type 3 Hypersensitivity Reaction)
Malignant Melanoma of the skin.