Path Pt 2: Vulva, Vagina, Cervix Flashcards
smears of the inflammatory exudate from the active lesions show characteristic cytopathic changes consisting of multi-nucleated squamous cells containing eosinophilic to basophilic viral inclusions with a “ground glass” appearance
the infection is marked by acute inflammation of involved mucosal surfaces
- smears of exudate disclose phagocytosed gram-negative diplococci within neutrophils
- definitive dx requires culture or detection of gonococcal RNA or DNA
what happens when gonorrhea reaches the fallopian tubes?
acute suppurative salpingitis
- tubal mucosa becomes congested and diffusely infiltrated by neutrophil, plasma cells, and lymphocytes, resulting in epithelial injuryand sloughing of the plicae
- the tubal lumen fills with purulent exudate that may leak out of the fimbriated end
what happens if the gonorrhea infection spreads to the ovary?
- collections of pus may accumulate within the ovary and tube (tubo-ovarian abscess) or tubal lumen (pyosalpinx)
what is chronic salpingitis?
scarring process that forms gland-like spaces and blind pouches
- the scarring of the tubal lumen and fimbriae may prevent the uptake and passage of oocytes, leading to infertility or ectopic pregnancy
this may develop as a consequence of the fusion of the fimbriae and the subsequent accumulation of the tubal secretions and tubal distention
compared to gonococcal infections, PID caused by what, tends to show less involvement of the mucosa and the tube lumen, and more inflammation within the deeper tissue layers
- these infections often spread throughout the wall to involve the serosa and the broad ligaments, pelvic structures and peritoneum
staph, strep and other puerperal invaders
what is a more frequent complication of strep or staph PID than of gonococcal infections?
presents either as a discrete white (hyperkeratotic) or a slightly raised, pigmented lesion
- microscopically: characterized by epidermal thickening, nuclear atypia, increased mitoses, and lack of cellular maturation
- analogous features to those seen in cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions
classic VIN
may be exophytic or indurated with central ulceration
- on histo: basaloid carcinoma consists of nests and cords of small, tightly packed cells that lack maturation and resemble the basal layer of the normal epithelium
- the tumor may have foci of central necrosis
what is characterized by exophytic, papillary architecture and prominent koilocytic atypia?
warty carcinoma
characterized by marked atypia of the basal layer of the squamous epithelium and normal-appearing differentiation of the more superficial layers
differentiated VIN
invasive what, that arise in differentiated VIN contain nests and tongues of malignant squamous epithelium with prominent central keratin pearls
keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas
distinctive intraepithelial proliferation of malignant cells
- these cells are larger than surrounding keratinocytes and are seen singly or in small clusters within the epidermis
- cells have pale cytoplasm containing mucopolysaccharide that stains with PAS, Alcian blue, or mucicarmine stains
Paget disease
what do Paget cells express?
cytokeratin 7
- they display apocrine, eccrine and keratinocyte differentiation and presumably arise from multi-potent cells found within the mammary-like gland ducts of the vulvar skin
approx 30% of vulvar cancers are caused by infection with high risk HPV’s, principally what strain?
- *16**
- these cancers develop from an in situ lesion termed classic vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (classic VIN)
most vulvar cancers are not related to what?
- they develop in a background of lichen sclerosis or squamous cell hyperplasia from the premalignant lesion called differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (differentiated VIN)
the diagnosis of what, is based on identification of nuclear atypia characterized by nuclear enlargement, hyperchromasia (dark staining), coarse chromatin granules, and variation in nuclear size and shape
squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL)