Path (from B&B) Flashcards
type I hypersensitivity reactions
-allergen activates B-lymphocytes and IgE
- HISTAMINE is the primary mediator
- these responses are FIRST and FAST
Type II hypersensitivity reactions
- antibodies against antigens absorbed on carious tissue components (cell surfaces)
- IgM and IgG
- Rh diseases
- rheumatic fever
type III hypersensitivity reactions
Immune-complex mediated
- Ag/Ab complexes
- activates the compliment response
Type IV hypersensitivity reactions
Delayed or cell mediated
-T lymphocytes encouter a pathagen an release leukokinin leading to a macrophage activation
disease affects multiple systems and includes butterfly (malar) rash
*90% have joint pain
destruction to the articular cartilage
most often in women
RHEUMATOID arthritis
disease marked by dry mouth, dry eyes, and arthritis
DECREASED exocrine functions
sjogren’s syndrome
disease induced by herpes simplex virus
-shows BULL’S EYES leasions
erythem multiforme
blistering of the skin that is a result of IgG antibodies directed against desmosomes
pemphigus vulgaris
blistering of the skin directed against HEMIdesmosomesal proteins
bullous pemphigoid
T cell mediated autoimmune disease with wickham’s striae
oral lichen planus
urate crystals in response to inc uric acid levels
HIV is what type of virus/
karposi’s sarcoma
hairy leukoplakia
tongue may exhibit herpetic leasions and ulcers
gram + infection with honey colored crusted lesions
recurrent oral aphthous ulcers
bechet’s disease
occurs with asymmetry, border irregularity, color differences, large diameter, and enlarging
malinant melanoma
*more common in women
type of melanoma that is LEAST LIKELY to metastisize
basal cell carcinoma
malignancy of the stratum spinosum and arises form actinic keratosis
squamous cell carcinoma
most common chromosomal disorder (extra 21rst)
that includes mental retardation, prominent epicanthal folds, congenital cataracts, glaucoma, and strabismus
down’s syndorme
extra X chromosome that presents with testicular atrophy, long extremities, gyneomastia, female hair distribution, and hypogonadism
klienfelter’s syndrome
absent X chromosome that presents with short stature, dysgenesis, webbing of the neck, and coarctation of the aorta
turner’s syndrome
associated with hamartomatous polyps in the GI tract and pigmented mucocutaneous lesions
peutz-jegher’s syndrome
classic triad of:
- cafe au lait spots
- neurogibromas
- lisch nodules
vonrecklinghausens disease
autosomal dominant disorder associated with chorea and demetia
huntington’s disease
associated with gardner’s syndrome and 100% of these pts will get colon cancer
Familial adenomatous polyposis
in SS anemia, what is teh amino acid exchange
valine substituted for glutamic acid
a disease that is a destruction of the nervous system found commonly in jews
tay-sachs disease
associated with abnormal collagen synthesis and includes:
- blue sclera
- malocclusion
- malformations of the teeth
osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease)
most common type of anemia that includes:
- GI blood loss
- malabsorption
- treated with oral iron
iron deficieny
pancytopenia characterized by:
- severe anemia
- neutropenia
- thrombocytopenia
aplastic anemia
caused by pernicious anemia which is autoantibodies against parietal cells
vitamin B12 deficiency
dietary deficiency that is especially common in alcoholics
folic acid deficiency
malignant clone of plasma cells in the bone marrow which causes skeletal bone destruction
Multiple myeloma
associated with reed sternberg cells and is associated with EBV
hodgkins lymphoma
associated with enlarged lymph nodes and GI tumors
non-hodgkins lymphoma
associated with philidelphia chromosome
what are the five non-inflammatory causes of anemia?
- inc organ pressure
- reduced plasma osmotic pressure
- lymphatic obstruction
- sodium retention
- inc capillary permiability
what are the two inflammatory causes of edema?
- acute and chronic inflammation
- angiogenesis
what are the three aspects of virchow’s triad?
- alterations in blood flow
- vascular endothelial injury
- alterations in the constituents of the blood
what are some aquired causes of hypercoagulable states?
- oral contraceptive use
- immobilization
- pregnancy
what is the number one cause of an emboli?
what are the four types of shock?
- cardiogenic
- hypovolemic (fluid loss)
- septic (microbial infection)
- anaphylactic (histamine)
total cholesterol should be what?
less than 200
HDL should be what?
40 or higher
LDL should be what?
less than 100
triglycerides should be what?
less than 150
what race has highest probability of HTN?
African American
inability to fill with or pump sufficient blood
heart failure
deals with pharyngeal infections with group A beta hemolytic strep and affects the mitral valve
rheumatic fever
account for 80% of all strokes and includes the occlusion of an artery
accumulation of blood within the brain causing stroke
type of hemorrhage that is the rupture of an intracranial aneurysm
subaracnoid hemorrage
affect all ages an often interupt sleep
brain tumors
often preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection that displays fever, headaches, and neck stiffness
most common primary malignant brain tumor
glioblastoma multiforme
most common benign brain tumor
results from recurrent inflammation of the nervous system which results in demyelination
multiple sclerosis
involves the demyleination of peripheral nerves
guillain-barre syndrome
autoantibodies against ACh and often is associated with thymic tumors
Myasthenia Gravis
most common form or dimentia that involves neurofibrillary triangles
occurs secondary to reduced cerebral blood flow
vascular ddementia
caused by deficiency of dopamine in the striatum and is associated with tremor, rigidity, akinesia, and postural instability
hematoma between the skull and dura, the middle meningeal artery is responsible
epidural hematoma
hematoma that is in between the dura and the arachnoid space
subdural hematoma
diabetic ketoacidosis and microangiopathy are associated with which type of diabetes?
type I
most common cause of hypothyroidism in iodine deficient parts of the world
hashimotos thyroiditis
autoimmune atrophy to the adrenal glands
addisons disease
central obesity, moon face, buffalo hump
cushing’s disease
excessive amounts of epi and norepi
nephritic syndrome
nephrotic syndrome
bacterial infection of the kidneys
“great mimic” disease
inc urinary frequency urgency nocturia weak stream hesitancy dribbling
benign prostatic hypertophy
prostate cancer generally metastasizes where?
type of ulcer that has worse pain when the stomach is empty?
type of ulcer that has worse pain when the stomach is full?
liver disease due to a failure of copper
wilsons disease
gall bladder diesease that is most common in overweight females of childbearing age. it is associated with murphys sign
always associated with nystagmus and can be associated with menieres disease
enlarged cervical nodes, sore throat, fever
associated with swelling and pain of the parotid or submandibular glands due to S aureus
acute bacterial sialadenitis
most common salivary neoplasm
benign mixed tumor
most common salivary malignancy
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
benign salivary tumore that is only on the parotid gland and is strongly associated to cigarrettes
warthlins tumor
enlargements of air spaces
hypertrophy of mucus secreting glands
benign epithelial tumors arising in glandular patterns
adenomas producing large cystic masses seen in fat
epithelial tumors that form microscopic fingerlike projections
tumor which extends from the mucosa into the lumen of a hollow organ
which type of tumors arise from epithelial cells?
which type of tumors arise from mesenchymal (connective) tissues?
when cancer shifts from its origin to another body site