Patents Act Flashcards
Surrender of Patents
The proprietor may offer to surrender their patent
In writing
At any time
Stating that there is no pending action for revocation or infringement or where an action is pending, full details of the action
A third party may oppose the surrender
If surrender is accepted, has effect from date of notification in the OJ
Cannot sue afterwards for prior infringements
Unlikely to be accepted if pending action for revocation or infringement which can result it retroactive loss of a patent.
Non-prejudicial disclosures
A disclosure is not part of the state of the art of the disclosure occurred during a 6 month period preceding the filing date in the UK and…
The disclosure was due to the invention being obtained unlawfully or in breach of confidence
Or the disclosure was due to the inventor or proprietor displaying the invention at an officially recognised international exhibition, the inventor states this on filing and supplies evidence within 4 months of filing.
What types of applications are s2(3) prior art
(Not PCTs not entering GB or EP)
For EPs even if GB designation is withdrawn before publication, publication is still s2(3) prior art
PCTs are treated as EPs in the EP regional phase
Methods of Treatment and Diagnosis
Methods of treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy
Methods of diagnosis practices on the human or animal body
Substances and compositions for use in such methods are allowed.
A new use of a known substance is new
Treatment is of the human or animal body - purification of a patient’s blood through a dialysis machine is not excluded
Purely cosmetic treatments are not excluded
Cosmetic surgeries are excluded
Therapy assumes relief of a medical condition
Diagnosis includes a medical decision phase
Diagnosis is: the i. Collection and II. Comparison of date to iii. Identify any deviation from the norm and iv. Attributing that to a particular clinical picture.
Diagnosis assumes medical condition, pregnancy tests are not diagnoses
For patents and published UK applications register assignments and licences at the UKIPO within 6 months or as soon as practical after date of assignment/licence otherwise costs or expensive for infringement proceedings will not be awarded to the assignees or exclusive licensees.
For unpublished UK applications, notify the Comptroller of any registerable event.
For EP(GB)s register at the EPO
The PCT does not have a register so licences etc. cannot be registered. Notify the IB of assignments and licences during the international phase
Later/Earlier Transactions/Events
An earlier transaction/event has entitlement over an earlier transaction or event if:
a) the earlier transaction/event was not registered
b) if transaction/event occurred before publication, notification was not given to the Comptroller
the later transacting party did not know about the earlier transaction.
This also applies where a second right is incompatible with a first right arising from an unregistered transaction or event.
A transaction is not valid if not done with the correct owner
What is the default arrangement for co-ownership?
Equal undivided share
subject to agreements to the contrary
What rights do co-owners have by default?
Each is entitled to work the invention independently and source essential means for it.
All parties must agree to:
amend, revoke, licence, assign or mortgage the patent.
Applies to patents and applications
Any of the above may be altered by agreement
Each owner can sue for infringement without asking for permission of the others. The other parties are automatically brought into proceedings but are only liable for costs if they take an active part in them
Transactions in patents and patent applications if the owner is overseas
A UK representative is required to transfer rights
Original proprietor and licensee rights when application/patent is transferred to completely new proprietor
Licence lapse upon registration of new owner.
Old proprietor and existing licensees are entitled to continue working the invention or begin if serious and effective preparations have been made in good faith to work the invention in the UK.
They have up to 2 months of the order of the transfer to request a new licence.
Licence must be for reasonable period and on reasonable terms.
When can you declare priority if you file an application within 12 months from the earliest priority?
At the same time as filing the application (within 12 months)
Up to 16 months from the earliest priority provided no request has been made for early publication of the application claiming priority, or that such a request is withdrawn in time to prevent publication.
Pay fee, file form
What can you do if you miss the 12 month convention deadline? (priority)
If one unintentionally misses the 12 month deadline when filing, can request a late filing of the application up to 14 months from filing
Provided no request has been made for early publication of the application claiming priority or such a request is withdrawn in time to prevent publication.
Must declare priority when filing the request
Provide evidence of why the late filing was unintentional
Pay late fee, declaration fee, file form
Who may a patent be granted to
The inventor(s)
or in preference a person entitled by agreement, law, or treaty (e.g. employer)
or a successor in title to either of the above
An applicant cannot be entitled via an unenforceable assignment, e.g. any assignment that diminishes an employee’s rights
Section 8 - Procedure to Resolve Entitlement before grant for a UK application
Any party may refer a question of entitlement to the Comptroller
The Comptroller can:
- Replace some or all applicant names with the new party/s
- Refuse to grant a patent
- Amend to excise contested elements of the patent application
- Order a licence or transfer of right in the application to the new party/s
If the new party’s elements of the application are excised or the application is refused or withdrawn, the Comptroller may order that the new part can file a new application for those elements (no added matter) within 3 months from the decision or end of the appeal (treated as having been filed on the date of the older application).
a) UK applications
b) UK patents
c) foreign applications
d) joint applicant disputes
e) joint applicant disputes when one applicant is not entitled
f) inventorship disputes
a) s8
b) s37
c) s12
d) s10
e) s10 and s8 in combination
f) s13 (but use s12 for foreign applications)
What to consider if joint applicants split
Likely to be a conflict of interest. Select which you will continue to represent and advise the other to seek a new representative.
Consequences of offering settlement
Party could bear costs if court if they reject a settlement offer
Section 12: Entitlement Disputes for Foreign Applications
Before grant of an overseas patent…
…any person may refer a question of entitlement to the Comptroller
If overseas app is EP, determination under S12 is typically that applicant is resident in the UK or that the employee is employed in the UK
Where a foreign application grants during s12 proceedings then proceedings can continue
s12 can be used to determine inventorship (unlike s8 which defers to s13)
The decision can affect granted sister cases overseas, thought it will only be guidance in their jurisdictions - not binding on parallel litigation overseas
For EP
Request suspension of EP proceedings, providing proof entitlement proceedings have begun in the UK
If successful, a UK decision can be used to transfer rights of an EP application
Cannot suspend proceedings but successful decision can be applied to the international application
Section 13: Declaration of Inventorship
Within 16 months from priority provide the UKIPO with:
- the identity of the inventors
- a derivation of rights if the applicant is not the inventors
A 2 month extension as of right is available under R108(2)
Failure to do so results in the application being deemed withdrawn
For PCT(GB) entering the national phase, have the later of 16 months from priority and 2 months from the start of the national phase to request a mention of the inventor.
The right of an inventor to be mentioned can be waived if requested before preparations for publication are complete. Must give reason why inventor does not want to be named.
Anyone can apply to have an alleged inventor mentioned in a patent or published application
When is the application fee due?
Within the later of 12 months from priority or 2 months from filing
The abstract…
Does not form part of the state of the art under s2(3)
It is citable as part of a published document under s2(2)
Withdrawal of applications…
cannot be reversed but the Comptroller can correct an error or mistake in the withdrawal of the application
If the applicant’s name and address is not provided…
…the Comptroller will request and the applicant has two months from the request to comply
Unity of Invention
Two or more inventions have unity when the share a technical relationship based on matching or complimentary special technical features that define a contribution of the prior art
Enabling Description
An enabling description provides enough information for the skilled person to work the invention across the whole scope of the claim
The test of whether the full scope of the invention as defined in the claims is clearly and completely disclosed by the description
Whether there is enough technical information in the application to support (provide basis for) the text of the claims
Date of Filing
The earliest date on which the following conditions are met:
a) an indication that a patent is sought
b) identifies the applicant or enables contact with them
c) something that appears to be a description of the invention or a reference to an earlier relevant application
When are the claims due?
Within 12 months
Or, if claiming priority:
The later of 12 months from priority or 2 months from filing
Can get a 2 month extension under Rule 108(2)
When is the abstract due?
Within 12 months
Or, if claiming priority:
The later of 12 months from priority or 2 months from filing
Can get a 2 month extension under Rule 108(2)
When does the description need to be filed if the earlier application is filed by reference?
Within 12 months
Or, if claiming priority:
The later of 12 months from priority or 2 months from filing
Can get a 2 month extension under Rule 108(2)
When does a certified copy of the referenced application need to be filed by? (For applications filed by reference)
Within 4 months of filing
Can get a 2 month extension under Rule 108(2)
When does a translation of the referenced application need to be filed by? (For applications filed by reference)
Within 4 months of filing
Can get a 2 month extension under Rule 108(2)
When is the search fee due?
Within 12 months
Or, if claiming priority:
The later of 12 months from priority or 2 months from filing
Can get a 2 month extension under Rule 108(2)
Or, for PCT(GB)s….
The later of the period above and 2 months from the start of the national phase
Missing Parts
Can add missing parts between the filing date and date of preliminary examination or within 2 months of notification by the preliminary examiner
Unless the applicant withdraws the missing parts in writing before the preliminary exam or before 2 months of notification by the preliminary examiner…
…the date of filing will be re-dated to when the missing part was filed….
On or before the initial filing date, a priority document is declared that contains the missing parts
a request is made not to re-date the application in writing….
…identifying the missing part in the priority application…
…before preliminary examination or within 2 months of notification by the preliminary examiner
The request fails if the priority document is missing any of the added material
A certified priority document needs to be filed within the earlier of 16 months from the priority date or 4 months from the date of the request to keep the filing date
A certified copy isn’t needed if the UKIPO already has a copy
Can only be filed while the parent is pending (the parent has not been terminated or withdrawn or not yet granted)
Must be filed before the last 3 months of the compliance period
The divisional application must include a statement that identifies it as a divisional
New applications following disputes…
can be filed within 3 months of the Comptroller’s order or within 3 months of the end of any appeal of that order
Deadlines for filing declaration of inventor and priority docs for divisionals and new applications following disputes
The later of 2 months from filing or the relevant dates…
…unless they are filed in the last 6 months of the compliance period, in which case they must comply on filing
Welsh texts…
…will be translated by the Comptroller
When is the national fee due for PCT(GB)s (which replaces the application fee)?
Must be paid to enter the national phase (at national phase entry)
Deadline for filing formal drawings
Typically around 15 months or within one month of notification
What happens if an application is withdrawn after preparations to publish are complete? (typically about five weeks before)
The application is published
The application counts as s2(2) prior art but does not count as s2(3) novelty only prior art
When is the deadline for correcting an erroneous priority date in the declaration
2 months from notification
When does substantive examination need to be requested?
*Six months from the publication date (as publicised in the OJ)
Pay exam fee
Together with any excess description page fee, for the 36th and subsequent pages
Otherwise the application will be deemed withdrawn
For applications under a s22 secrecy order
2 years from priority
For divisional applications or applications following a dispute
The later of the normal period for the parent application or 2 months from filing…
…unless within 6 months of the compliance period, in which case it needs to be requested on filing
For PCT(GB)s
The later of 33 months from priority or 2 months from entry into the national phase
The date to request exam can be extended as of right by 2 months under Rule 108(2) - file form, pay fee
The date can be further extended at the Comptroller’s discretion under Rule 108(3) providing a good reason why failure to request was out of the applicant and agent’s control - file form, pay fee
What happens if there are more than 25 claims?
Excess claims fees for the 26th and subsequent claims will need to be paid together with the **search fee
When do additional search fees need to be paid?
File the search request and pay the second search fee no later than 3 months before the end of the compliance period.
What happens if PF9A and PF10 are submitted together
A Combined Search and Examination Report is issued (unless it is specified that the applicant does not want this to happen)
When is voluntary amendment possible?
After the search report has issued
Accelerated Search
Can be requested with a reason (e.g. wanting to see the results before foreign filing)
Unsearched claims
Can be reconsidered during examination if a supplementary search is carried out (e.g. due to amendment) - requires payment of fee unless waived by Examiner. More lenient than the EPC which prevents amendments based on unsearched subject matter
What options does the applicant have if the Examiner requires a supplementary search (e.g. if there is non-unity or due to amendment following the search)
a) Pay the additional search fee
b) amend to render the search unnecessary
c) successfully argue otherwise
How many opportunities does the applicant have to comply with defects highlighted by the exam report and/or argue against them
When is the Compliance date (the period for putting the application in order for grant)?
The later of
4.5 years from the priority date
12 months from the first exam report
For new applications following a dispute
The later of the compliance period of the originating application or 18 months from the filing date of the new application
For divisionals
The compliance period is the compliance period of the parent application
What happens if the Examiner uses third-party observations within the last 3 months of the compliance period
The applicant has 3 months to respond
When does the grant fee need to be paid
If, when notified of the intent to grant under s18(4)…
the number of claims is greater than 25 and is greater than the number of claims when the search was requested
the number of pages of the description is greater than 35 and is greater than the number of pages of the description when the examination was requested
the applicant must pay a grant fee corresponding to the further additional claims fees and/or pages fees
within 2 months of the notification of intent to grant.
What happens if there are no objections before publication
The Examiner will wait until at least 3 months after publication before granting a patent to allow third-party observations
Consider requesting early publication of the application
When can voluntary amendments and divisionals be filed once a notice of intent to grant has issued?
Voluntary amendments and divisional filings are not possible between the administrative grant date and notification of grant in the OJ
To avoid this happening without warning, the UKIPO will issue a notification of intent to grant (under s18(4)) which indicates a later grant date.
The UKIPO will provide at least a one month window to file divisionals or to make voluntary amendments if the first exam communication is a s18(3)
or a 2 month to file divisionals or make voluntary amendments if the first exam communication is a s18(4)
Double Patenting
If an EP(GB) claiming priority from a corresponding GB case grants before the GB case, the GB case is likely to be revoked
If the GB patent grants first and then an EP(GB) grants with the same claims, the GB patent will be revoked
unless: the cases are amended to distinguish them
the GB designation of the EP is withdrawn before the EP(GB) grants
the EP(GB) is surrendered before the GB grants
The UKIPO will wait until the end of the EP opposition period/procedure in case a successful opposition removes the EP(GB) patent
When can you register a patent in Hong Kong based on a GB or EP(GB) or CN patent?
Within 6 months of grant providing the application was also recorded in Hong Kong within 6 months of publication.
Only formalities are examined before allowance
What happens if the first communication under s18(3) is more than 3.5 years after the priority date
the response time for the communication is 2 months, and only extendable to 4 months
What happens before loss
The applicant is entitled to a hearing, appeal to a patents court, then appeal (on facts and law) to the court of appeal
Accelerated examination
Can be requested if can demonstrate hardship (e.g. likely infringement or where grant is needed to secure investment)
Acceleration can be requested using the green channel for inventions with an environmental benefit
Pre-Grant Amendment
The applicant can voluntarily amend at any time before grant providing they do not add matter
To amend before grant:
Request amendment in writing
Identify amendment and provide a reason for it
Wait for search report to issue but can keep on amending until the first exam report is issued
if the first report is a s18(4) report, one voluntary amendment is allowed if it is within 2 months
if the first report is a s18(3) report, one voluntary amendment is allowed if it is part of a reply to the report
if the first report is a s18(3) report issued before publication, can keep on voluntary amending before actually replying to the report
The Comptroller may also consent to an amendment
For a PCT(GB), if it has already received its search report (ISR), voluntary amendments can be made upon or after national phase entry
What happens if an appeal is pending or the time to bring an appeal has not expired by the end of the compliance period?
The court determines an extended compliance period.
If no appeal is brought, the compliance period ends 28 days from the decision.
Time to bring an appeal = 28 days from a decision
What is the deadline for requesting an appeal (e.g. on a decision to refuse an application)
28 days from the decision
What should you do if it is close to the end of the compliance period?
Mark correspondence as urgent
When can you reinstate an application?
When an application has been refused or treated as withdrawn due to missing a deadline either set by the Comptroller or the Act…
If the failure to meet the deadline was unintentional
If an extension is not still available
cannot reinstate an application following a late declaration of priority with a late filing
Request reinstatement as soon as possible to prevent third party rights accruing.
What must you do to reinstate an application?
Request reinstatement within 12 months of the date of termination of the application
File evidence that the failure was unintentional
Unintentional may include an isolated mistake, does not include changing one’s mind
Remedy to failure that caused the application to be deemed withdrawn within a period specified by the Comptroller - at least 2 months
Have one month to request a hearing if reinstatement is refused
What happens when reinstatement is requested?
Notice of the request will be given in the OJ.
A decision to reinstate is also published
What is the effect of reinstatement for 3rd parties
If the application has published, and a 3rd party carries out an infringing act during a potential as of right extension period it is still an infringement.
If the application has published, a potential extension period has passed but a 3rd party continues or repeats an earlier infringement, this is still an infringement.
If the application has published and between termination and notice of request of reinstatement, anyone who begins in ** good faith** to effectively infringe or makes serious and effective preparations to do so, they may continue. This right does not become exercisable until after any deadline by which an extension could have been requested.
“Continue” suggests that significant expansion or divergence from their original act is not allowed
This right also applies to partners in a business but can only be transferred as part of the business itself
Third Party Observations
Between publication and the administrative grant date any person may file third party observations
Relating to the application’s patentability
Filing observations does not make you a party to proceedings
*If the observations are within the last 3 months of the compliance period and result in a s18(3) exam report, the applicant is given a total of 3 months to put the application in order.
What happens if a GB, EPC or PCT relates to military technology?
Section 22: Information prejudicial to national security or public safety
A GB, EPC or PCT application must be first filed at the UKIPO where it is reviewed to see if it is prejudicial to national security
If so, the Comptroller may prohibit or restrict publication/distribution
For cases that may be prejudicial to the safety of the public the Comptroller can prevent or restrict any dissemination of the invention for up to 21 months
While the prevention is in force:
- Can still prosecute to readiness to grant in the UK
- The application is suspended and not published
- EPC applications are not sent to the EPO
- PCTs are not sent to the IB or ISA
Any application identified as prejudicial to national security or public safety is notified to the Secretary of State who:
- determines if publication of the application or invention would prejudice security or safety
- instructs the Comptroller to extend the period of prevented or restricted publication until instructed otherwise
- will review security / safety again within 9 months of filing and every 12 months thereafter
- lifts the restrictions if application is no longer prejudicial
If hardship due to the restriction is shown, the Government may make a hardship payment
The renewal fee is waived while the prevention is in force
Breaching the prevention makes one liable to:
i) a fine of up to £1000
ii) up to 2 years in prison
Can seek discretion to disclose to specified persons
If an EP is not received by the EPO within 14 months, conversion to designated states may be possible
A PCT designating GB may be converted to a GB national filing if it is not received by the IB within 14 months
Don’t cross reference to a secret application, or the second application will become secret too
When do restrictions to file overseas apply? (s23)
If an application relates to military technology, prejudices national security or public safety.
Unless the application was filed in the UK 6 or more weeks ago and there is no prevention order in force
The restrictions do not apply if a non-UK resident previously filed the application overseas anyway.
Can request foreign filing clearance from the UKIPO
What happens if someone breaches an s23 order? (i.e. first files an application relating to military technology, or that may prejudice public safety or national security)
Breaching the restriction on overseas filings makes one liable to:
a) a fine of up to £1000 or
b) up to 2 years in prison
but only if you knew that filing would contravene s23 or were reckless with the possibility that it would.
What happens if payment is not made within the renewal period?
The patent ceases to have effect at the end of the renewal date (the anniversary of filing, not the end of the month)
What can a proprietor do if they miss the renewal period?
Pay renewal fee with a surcharge within a 6 month grace period
(to the end of the month 6 months after the last month of the renewal period)
File form, pay fee
The surcharge is £0 in the first month and £24 for each succeeding month
When is the renewal fee due for a UK application when the grant date is earlier than 3 years 9 months from the filing date
At the end of the month of the 4th anniversary of the filing date.
The renewal period for paying is during the 3 calendar months preceding and including the anniversary
When is the renewal fee due for a UK application when the grant date is at or later than 3 years 9 months from the filing date?
At the end of the month 3 months after the grant date.
The renewal period for paying is from the grant date to the end of the month 3 months after the grant date.