Pat resp tutorial Flashcards
How many lobes does each lung have?
Right = 3
Left = 2
What is dichotomous branching?
Bronchioles continuously dividing into 2
What is the purpose of the cartilage in the airways?
Mechanical stability
What shape is the cartilage in the trachea and why?
due to oesophagus running behind it.
What are the 4 different cell types in the alveoli?
1) Type I cells
2) Type 2 cells
3) Macrophages
4) Fibroblasts
What do type I cells do?
very thin
facilitate gas exchange
What do type II cells do and secrete?
replicate to replace type I cells
secrete SURFACTANT and ANTIPROTEASES which accumulate on alveolar lumen surface
What do macrophages do?
phagocytose inhaled particulates/pathogens
What do fibroblasts do?
remodel ECM following lung injury
What does surfactant do?
reduces surface tension which prevent alveoli from collapsing inwards (making gas exchange possible)
What is the expulsion of mucus called by the movement of cilia?
mucociliary clearance
How do cilia beat?
What are the 2 types of cells that submucosal glands contain?
1) Mucous cells (secrete mucous)
2) Serous cells (secrete anti-bacterial enzymes that help protect the airways)
How do you calculate minute ventilation?
Minute ventilation = respiratory rate x tidal volume
What happens during inflammation?
1) Airway smooth muscle increases in size (hypertrophy and proliferation)
2) Airway contracts so there is less space for air to flow through
3) Increased secretion of inflammatory mediators