Past questions Flashcards
As Marek´s disease could be transmitted germinatively in breeding flocks even one
case can be significant
a. True
b. False
. In case of sale of a dangerous (aggressive) dog the warranty can be excluded in case
of mutual agreement
a. True
b. False
In case of defective performance, the buyer should prove the defect and the
significance and origin of the defect
a. True
b. False
In civil suit the relative of the plaintiff shall not be heard as witness
a. True
b. False
Ethical norms in the Ethical Code are written rules of the veterinary profession
a. True
b. False
Joint and several liability of the mandator and mandate means that the injured party
may demand the compensation from either of them
a. True
b. False
Traumatic reticulo-peritonitis in cattle is not significant in case of emergency
a. True
b. False
. The veterinary expert opinion may be presented only in written form within the
deadline set by the court
a. True
b. False
. Environmental manipulation and change in the husbandry routine could be used for
treating equine stereotypies (“stable vices”)
a. True
b. False
. Instructions for the use of pharmaceuticals and vaccines are written rules of the
veterinary profession
a. True
b. False
General limitation period for the validation of rights of warranty in case of sale of
animals is 60 days
a. True
b. False
. If following effective veterinary treatment, a pig recovers from the acute clinical signs
of erysipelas the disease is not significant
a. True
b. False
The veterinarians’ actions is not illegal if only unwritten rules of the profession were
a. True
b. False
If following effective veterinary treatment, a dog recovers from the acute clinical
signs of distemper the disease is not significant
a. True
b. False
. Fowl cholera cannot be diagnosed in live animals based only on peracute clinical
a. True
b. False
A tooth problem in horse is significant if it may alter efficient dental function and
consequent GI disease may develop
a. True
b. False
Minimum period for the manifestation of clinical signs of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in horse if the second heart sound is split is 6 weeks
a. True
b. False
Forgery of administrative document may be committed only by an official person
a. True
b. False
Definitive diagnosis of parvovirus enteritis in dogs should be based on laboratory
a. True
b. False
Fertility of the eggs is influences by the hatching technology
a. True
b. False
Brucellosis in cattle is significant only if there are clinical signs (e.g abortion)
a. True
b. False
Euthanasia is obligatory if the animal suffers of an incurable disease
a. True
b. False
In case of SMEDI in swine, the Thomsen rule means that later in pregnancy the
animal is infected – the sooner it aborts
a. True
b. False
An act of crime is committed by criminal negligence if the perpetrator does not
desire the consequences of his conduct, but acquires to the consequences
a. True
b. False
. Time limit for the validation of rights of torts is 5 years
a. True
b. False
Cruelty (abuse) to animals, criminal offence cannot be committed negligently
a. True
b. False
Minimum period for the manifestation of acute clinical signs of iridocyclochoriditis in
horse is 2 days
a. True
b. False
Consequences of windsucking (aerophagi) can be chronic catarrhal gastritis and
gastric dilation
a. True
b. False
The incubation period of avian leukosis is 1-4 weeks
a. True
b. False
Deaths due to fowl typhoid in poultry could be originated back to the hatchery
a. True
b. False
Any person who commits malpractice, criminal offence, intentionally is guilty of a
a. True
b. False
Minimum period between the infection and positive intradermal tuberculin test
results in cattle depends on the site of the tubercle
a. True
b. False
In case of general liability for damages the person causing the damage (tortfeasor)
can prove that his action was not illegal
a. True
b. False
Incomplete vaginal prolapse is not significant in cows for slaughter
a. True
b. False
Derzsy´s disease in broiler poultry is significant only if the loss is over 2%
a. True
b. false
Time limit for the validation of rights the of torts:
60 days
1 years
3 years
5 years
3 years
General limitation period for the validation of rights of warranty in case of sale of animals:
60 days
1 years
3 years
5 years
1 year
What should be proven by the buyer in case of defective performance?
Origin of the defect
All of the above
Origin of defect
Burden of proof (exclusion) of person causing damage (tortfeasor) in case of general liabillity of damage:
Lack of damage
His action was not illegal or was not negligent
Lack of connection between the illegal action and damage
All of the above
His action was not illegal or was not negligent
Which one is an unwritten (ethical) limit of the veterinary profession?
Prohibition of treatment
Lack of owner´s informed consent in case of first aid treatment
Obligatory vaccination
Use of non-conventional veterinary therapy whithout scientific basis (not sure)
Use of non- conventional veterinary therapy without scientific basis (not sure)
The seller is liable for the damages caused by breach of contract if
The performance was defective
He breached the written or unwritten rules of his profession
The warranty was excluded in the contract
The warranty was not excluded in the contract
The performance was defective
Which statement is true?
The veterinary expert opinion may be presented only in written form within the deadline set by the court
The veterinary expert should be member of the Chamber of forensic experts and the chamber of the professional (e.g. veterinary) chamber
Both statements are true
None of the statements are true (not sure)
None of the statements are true ( Not sure)
Time limit for the validation of rights the of torts in case of strict liability:
60 days
1 years
3 years
5 years
3 years
In which case is the veterinarian´s action not illegal?
If he followed the legal rules
If only unwritten rules of the profession were breached
If only written rules of the profession were breached
If he acted as prudent person
If he acted as prudent person(not sure)
Which statement is true?
If an employee causes damage intentionally to a third party in connection with his employment, only the employee shall compensate the injured party
Joint and several liability of the mandator and mandate means that the injured party may demand the compensation from either of them
Both statements are true
None of the statements are true
Both statements are true
Which criminal offence can be committed negligently?
Giving false witness testimony
Giving false expert opinion
All of the above
Who is liable if the employed veterinarian causes damage negligently to the animal keeper (who will compensate the owner)?
Always the employed veterinarian
Always the employer
There is joint and several liability
The employed veterinarian but only if it was intentional
There is joint and several liability
Which statement is true?
Malpractice, criminal offence, can be commited only negligently
The expert giving false witness testimony commits the criminal offence, perjury
Both statements are true
None of the statements are true
Both statements are true
Can the warranty be excluded in case of sale of a dangerous (aggresive) dog?
Only in case of mutual agreement
If the seller informed correctly the buyer
If the buyer knew about the defect the seller is not responsible
The exclusion is not valid
Only in case of mutual agreement
Which criminal offence can not be committed negligently?
Cruelty to animals
Forgery of administrative documents
Forgery of administrative
When is it obligatory to test day-old chickens for fowl typhoid?
It is always obligatory
Only in breeding flocks
Only if the death-rate is over 2%
It is never obligatory only recommended if the buyer wants to validate rights of warranty
it always obligatory
Minimum period for the manifestation of clinical signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in horse if the second hears sound is split:
2 days
2 weeks
6 weeks
6 months
6 weeks
Which statement is true for behavioural problem in horse?
Consequence of windsucking (aerophagia) can be chronic catarrhal gastritis and gastric dilation
Environmental manipulation and change in the husbandry routine could be used for treating equine stereotypies (stable vices)
Both statement are true
None of the statement are true
Both statements are true
A developmental tooth problem in horse is significant because:
The buyer should know about a visible defect
The seller should know about a visible defect
It may alter efficient dental function and consequent GI disease may develop
In case of developmental anomaly the time limit for warranty is up to 5 years
it may alter efficient dental function and consequent GI disease may develop
Which disease is transmitted germinatively?
Derzsy´s disease
Fowl cholera
Acute form of Marek´s disease
Chronic form of Marek´s disease
Derzsys disease
Which statement is not true for Marek´s disease?
Chicken are susceptible untill 10 weeks of age
The infection can be originated back to the hatchery if the flock was isolated until the age of 6-8 weeks
The incubation period is 1-7 months
As it can be transmitted germinatively in breeding flocks even one case culd be significant
In case of advanced pregnancy what is the shortest incubation period of abortion in case of bovine brucellosis?
8 days
14 days
3 weeks
3 months
8 days
Which poultry disease is not transmitted germinatively?
Derzsy´s disease
Avian leukosis
Fowl cholera
Fowl typhoid
Fowl cholera
Minimum period for the manifestation of chronic clinical signs of iridocyclochorioiditis in horse:
2 days
2 weeks
30 days
6 months
30 days
Which statement is true?
If following effective veterinary treatment a pig recoveres from the acute clinical signs of erysipelas the disease is not significant (not sure)
In case of SMEDI the Thomsen rule means thet the later in the pregnancy is the animal infected, the sooner it aborts
Boths statements are true
None of the statements are true
Which statement is true for distemper?
If following affective veterinary treatment a dog recovers from the acute clinical signs the disease is not significant
Chronic form can be significant only in working dogs
Both statements are true
None of the statements are true
Which statement is true for bovine brucellosis?
The Thomsen rule means that the earlier in the pregnacy is the animalinfected, the sooner it will abort
If the positive cow is slaughtered after the test, the disease is not significant for the whole heard of origin
Both statements are true
None of the statements are true
Fertillity of eggs is in influenced by:
Sex-rate in the breeding flock
Temperature and humidity during storing the egg
Age of the egg
Hatching technology
Which statement is true?
Vaginal prolapse is very significant in old pregnant bovine animals and in animals for slaughter
Incompleate vaginal prolapse is significant in highly pregnant cows
Both statements are true (not sure)
None of the statements are true
Hatchabillity of the eggs is in influenced by
Sex-rate in the breeding flock
Age of the breeder flock
Feed toxicosis
Temperature and humidity during storing the egg
The veterinary expert should be a member of the chamber of forensic experts and the chamber of the professional (e.g. veterinary) chamber?
If the positive cow is slaughtered after the test (brucellosis), the disease is not significant for the whole herd of origin