Past Papers Flashcards


What is induced pluripotent stem cells and why are they inefficient to use them?


Induced pluripotent stem cells are a type of stem cells are generated by reprogramming adult cells into a pluripotent state. IPSC have remarkable ability to differentiate into any cell type found in the human body. Process: involves introducing specific genes, known as reprogramming factors, into adult cells. Such as OCT4: This gene plays a crucial role in maintaining pluripotency and self-renewal in embryonic stem cells. These reprogramming factors can activate or deactivate certain genes in the cells DNA, effectively reprogramming the cell and resetting it to an embryonic-like state. By doing so, we have pluripotent stem cells.

They are generally inefficient due to:

1.	Epigenetic Barriers: Stable epigenetic marks in somatic cells resist reprogramming, making it difficult to revert them to a pluripotent state.
2.	Variable Transcription Factor Expression: Inconsistent or insufficient expression of reprogramming factors (e.g., Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) leads to failed or incomplete reprogramming.
3.	Cellular Senescence and Apoptosis: Cells may undergo senescence or programmed cell death due to the stress of reprogramming, reducing the number of successfully reprogrammed cells.
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Describe how SMAD works. TGF-B pathway


SMAD proteins are used in TGF-B signaling pathway. Molecules that play a crucial role in transmitting signals from the cell membrane to nucleus. Brief explanation of TGF-B signaling pathway:
1- Ligand binding: When the ligand is available in the extracellular space, it binds to the receptor and two receptors get close to each other (dimerization) and R2 phosphorylates R1. After phosphorylation receptor type-1’s binding site become unmasked.
2- Activated R1 then phosphorylates specific SMAD proteins known as R-SMAD
3- R-SMADs find a partner in the cytoplasm called Co-SMAD and together they migrate to the nucleus.
4- Bind DNA directly and to promote the transcription of the target gene.
5- Anti-proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle arrest happen.

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List and describe the components of PCR


PCR is widely used technique that amplifies specific DNA sequences. Here is the list of components
of PCR:
1- DNA template: which contains the region of interest
2- Primers: short DNA sequences that are designed to bind to the regions flanking target DNA
3- DNA Polymerase: Enzyme responsible for synthesizing new DNA strands from the given DNA
strands or probes.
4- Nucleotides(dNTPs): building blocks of DNA that are required for synthesis of the new strands
5- Buffer solution: provides necessary pH and ionic conditions for the reaction
6- MgCl2: an essential cofactor for DNA Polymerase activity
7- Thermal cycler: laboratory instrument that carries out the temperature cycling required for

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What is pre-microRNA


Refers to the precursor form of a microRNA molecule. MicroRNAs play an important role in gene
regulation. They are involved in the post-transcriptional regulation by binding to mRNA molecules, leading to their degradation or inhibition of translation. (22 nts in length). Pre-miRNAs are longer RNA molecules that undergo processing steps to generate mature miRNAs. Here is the steps:
1- pri-miRNA is transcribed by enzyme RNAP2.
2- Drosha processing: In the nucleus the pri-miRNAs recognized and cleaved by an enzyme called Drosha to generate hairpin shaped miRNA molecules known as pre-miRNA (70-100).
3- The pre-miRNA then exported into the cytoplasm.
4- Dicer processing: In the cytoplasm, a cleave enzyme called DICER cleaves the pre-miRNA,
removing the loop region, and generates a short RNA duplex with double strand.
5- Strand selection: One of the strands of RNA duplex is preferentially selected as mature miRNA
while other strand degraded.
6- Loading into RNA-Induced Silencing complex (RISC): The mature miRNA is incorporated into a
multi protein complex called RISC and miRNA guides RISC to bind complementary sequences on the target mRNA molecules.
7- Once bound to its target mRNA, miRNA can induce mRNA degradation or inhibit translation.

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Deletion of the donor site


Refers to the removal or alteration of the sequence that serves as the donor site during a process
such as splicing or recombination. In context of splicing the donor site typically found in the 5’ end of an intron that helps in its recognition and removal during the splicing of pre-mRNA. Deletion of the donor site can lead to alteration in the splicing process thus can cause altered or non-functional protein. In recombination, the donor site is the region from which DNA segments are transferred or exchanged. Deletion of the donor site can disrupt the recombination process affecting the exchange of genetic material.

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Explain the LAC operon agents such as promoter, operator, and terminator and how the operon works


LAC operon is the well-known example of gene regulation in prokaryotes. It is a negative inducible operon. LAC operon modulates the Lactose metabolism. Here is some agents of LAC operon:
1- Promoter: A DNA sequence located upstream of the genes in the operon. It serves as a
binding site for RNAP, the enzyme responsible for initiating transcription.
2- Operator: Is a DNA sequence situated between the promoter and structural genes of the operon. It acts as a regulatory switch, controlling gene expression. It serves as a binding site for a protein called the lac repressor. When the lac repressor binds to the operator, it physically blocks RNA polymerase from transcribing the structural genes, leading to the repression of the genes.
3- Terminator: Is a DNA sequence located at the end of the structural genes in the operon. It acts as a signal for RNAP to stop transcription, ensuring that RNA polymerase releases from the DNA after transcribing the structural genes.

The regulation of LAC operon primarily controlled by lac repressor protein and the presence or absence of lactose. In the absence of lactose, the lac repressor binds to the operator thus inhibiting the transcription of the structural genes. Even if the lactose is present the lac repressor protein will bind to the operator region thus inhibiting the transcription because glucose is still present, and we do not need lactase enzyme. This can be called negative regulation of the lac operon because it kept the structural genes in an inhibited form in presence of glucose. On the contrary Positive regulation of lac operon means which gene expression is enhanced by a regulatory molecule in this case it is called cAMP. When glucose levels are high cAMP levels are low thus cannot enhance the activity transcription process. Then cAMP and CAP proteins forms a complex and bind to the operator region if the operon thus enhancing the transcription.

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What is an Attenuator?


Is a regulatory element found in operons that controls gene expression by modulating the termination of the transcription. It is typically found in operons that involved in the biosynthesis of amino acids and other metabolites such as Trp operon. The attenuator functions as a molecular switch that can terminate transcription prematurely under specific conditions. It enables the cell to fine-tune the expression of the operon’s genes based on the availability of the molecule that the operon is responsible for producing. The attenuator consists of specific DNA sequence within the leader region of the operon mRNA, like two tryptophan residues in a 14 aa peptide which is very high for normal cells. This peptide works as a sensor of amount of tryptophan available in the cell. This mechanism works only in the prokaryotic cells because transcription and translation occur simultaneously only in prokaryotic cells. The attenuation mechanism involves the formation of alternative stem-loops structures within the attenuator sequence, depending on the availability of the metabolite. Attenuation if there is high level of tryptophan anti-termination if there is low level of tryptophan in the cells.

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What is chromodomain?


It is a protein domain involved in binding to methylated lysine residues on histone proteins. It
recognizes specific methylated sites on histones and facilitates protein-protein interactions. Chromodomains play a crucial role in regulating chromatin structure, gene expression and other
chromatin-associated processes. They can interpret the histone code and contribute to the establishment of specific chromatin states. Proteins containing chromodomains have diverse function such as gene activation, repression, and chromatin remodeling.

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What is HOX genes what they do?


They encode for transcription factors. During embryonic development, HOX genes are expressed in a spatially and temporally specific manner along the body axis. The expression of different Hox genes is associated with different body regions. Homeobox sequence is highly conserved in animals because these genes regulate the TFs (master of masters). A subset of homeobox genes is hox genes are involved in the correct positioning of body parts in an organism. Several Hox genes are found next to each other on a chromosome, so they are arranged in clusters. The order of the genes on the chromosome matches the expression patterns along the embryo, showing spatial linearity. The genes that are expressed more posteriorly suppress the activation of genes that are expressed more anteriorly.

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What is sporulation?


Is a process by which certain bacteria transform into a dormant and highly resistant form called spore. It is a survival mechanism that occurs in response to unfavorable environmental conditions. During sporulation bacteria undergo some reactions such as asymmetric cell division, formation of a spore coat and dehydration of the spore. This process allows bacteria to protect its genetic material.

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What is WNT signaling pathway?


A highly conserved signaling pathway what plays a crucial role in embryonic development, tissue homeostasis and cell proliferation. WNT proteins bind to cell surface receptors known as Frizzled (FZZ) receptors and co-receptors such as LRP. This binding leads to inhibition of a protein complex called the B-catenin destruction complex, which normally promotes the degradation of B-catenin. When the destruction complex is inhibited B-catenin accumulates in the cytoplasm and translocate into nucleus. In the nucleus B-catenin interacts with TCF (T-cell factor) which is an repressive TF. This leads to activation of target gene. Functions: embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, cell fate determination, controls stem cells renewal and differentiation and contributes to tissue repair and regeneration.

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Sigma factor 32


Is a bacterial sigma factor that plays a role in the regulation of heat shock response. Sigma factors
are bacterial transcription factors. When the bacterium is exposed to high temperatures or other
stressful conditions the levels of sigma32 increase rapidly. Sigma32 factor is involved in the transcriptional activation of shock response genes. These genes encode for heat shock proteins
(HSPs) and chaperons which are responsible for protecting bacteria from environmental stress.

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Abortive initiation in eukaryotes/prokaryotes


Refers to the premature termination of transcription during the initiation phase. In prokaryotes, abortive initiation caused RNA polymerase stalling because sigma factor blocks the exit site of RNA polymerase so synthesized mRNA cannot go out of the RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase makes some unsuccessful attempts to initiate transcription. It repeatedly synthesizes and release short RNA fragments (2-10 nts). Abortive initiation in prokaryotes is believed to be a result of inefficient promoter clearance or inefficient transition from the closed complex to open complex.

In eukaryotes, RNAP synthesizes a short RNA fragment before transitioning into the elongation phase to produce full-length RNA transcript. Eukaryotic abortive initiation serves regulatory functions such as promoter clearance, facilitating the recruitment and positioning of transcription factors and co-regulators, and establishing transcription complexes for proper gene regulation.

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The role of histone tail methylation in regulation of gene expression?


Methylation of histone tails primarily occurs at lysine (K) residues. It can activate transcription like H3K4Me this methylation allows for the recruitment of transcriptional activators and facilitating gene expression. H3K27Me inactivates transcription so it is a transcriptional inactivation. Also histone tail modifications can contribute to the epigenetic memory. Methylation of histone tails can affect the structure and accessibility of chromatin.

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TBP unique feature?


TATA binding protein also called TBP is considered a TF. TBP recognize and bind to TATA BOX in the promoter region of the DNA. TBP is part of the pre-initiation complex in all promoters. TBP binds to the minor groove of the double helix which is very unusual. TBP bends DNA. TBP is also a core subunit of TFIID complex which is one of the basal transcription factors. Basal TFs provide a foundational machinery for gene transcription by ensuring the proper positioning and assembly of transcriptional machinery at the promoter.

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Examples of default transcriptional repression and how it works?


It refers to suppression of gene expression in the absence of specific regulatory signals or factors. One of the factors could be Histone Deacetylation, histone tail acetylation generally associated with activation of gene expression. DNA methylation involves addition of methyl residues to cytosine residues within CpG dinucleotides. Polycomb proteins are a family of transcriptional repressor involved in development and maintenance of cell identity. They act by modifying chromatin structure and maintaining gene repression throughout cellular division. Also certain transcription factors function as repressor by directly binding to the promoter region within DNA.

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SHH signaling pathway?


Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway, two receptors, Patched (PTCH) and Smoothened (SMO)

1- In the absence of hedgehog ligands, PTCH inhibits SMO, preventing its action. The pathway is inactive.
2- In the presence of hedgehog ligands, PTCH releases SMO and SMO becomes active. The pathway is active.
3- Activated SMO triggers a series of events, leading to activation of TFs called Gli proteins.
4- Activated Gli proteins translocate to the nucleus and regulate expression of genes. This genes are particularly important for cell proliferation, differentation and tissue patterning.

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iPSC with knock-out of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, what to expect in their reprogramming?


They are two important methyltransferase enzymes several outcomes can be expected but we are going to talk about only one of them about cell reprogramming: Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b play roles in epigenetic reprogramming of somatic cells into iPSC. Their absence could hinder the reprogramming process and reduce the efficiency of iPSC generation. The altered DNA methylation patterns resulting from the loss of these enzyme might affect the ability of cells to undergo the necessary reprogramming events and acquire pluripotency. Removal of methyltransferase enzyme alone from a cell would not result in the generation of iPSCs. DNA methylation is an essential component of reprogramming. To generate iPSCs we need specific transcription factors like OCT4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc.

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TRP Operon regulation mechanism?


A system found in bacteria that regulates the production of tryptophan. TRP operon primarily
regulated by attenuation. Here is the steps:
1- Leader peptide and attenuator region upstream from the genes contains to trp residues within 14 aa peptide which is very high ratio in normal cells. The regulation of TRP operon is based on the availability of tryptophan in the cell.
2- The attenuation mechanism: In bacterial cells transcription and translation events are
concurrent. So when a mRNA synthesizing also translation happens. If the cell can find 2 trp
aa in a small amount of time loops 1-2 and 3-4 happens and attenuation happens.
3- Antitermination: If tRNAs cannot found trp aa easily within the cell then ribosome wait for
tRNA proteins in leader region thus region 1-2 cannot pair because of ribosome. Regions 2-3
form a loop called anti-termination loop. After tRNAs find trp and added it to the peptide ribosome go on and synthesize the needed peptide. 2-3 loop cannot block the ribosome while 3-4 loop can because 3-4 loop have more stable stem-loop structure formed by C-G base pairing regions between 3-4.

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Prokaryotic termination?


In prokaryotic cells there are 2 distinct mechanism for termination of transcription:
1- Rho-dependent termination: Rho factor is an ATP dependent helicase protein. It recognizes specific termination signals in the nascent RNA and helps dissociation of RNAP from the DNA template. There is a special sequence G-C rich region called Rho-utilization site once it transcribed it recruits rho proteins and these proteins bind to the mRNA at the rut site. Rho protein utilizes its ATP-dependent helicase activity to move along the mRNA to catch up with RNAP when it catches up it releases the RNA transcript thereby terminating transcription.
2- Intrinsic termination: As the RNAP transcribes the DNA it encounters the termination signal. When hairpin structure forms due to the G-C rich palindromic sequence, it causes to the RNAP to pause and destabilizes the transcription complex. This pausing provides an opportunity to break DNA-RNAP hybrid. mRNA is released.


What is pribnow box element?


Also known as TATA box or the -10 element is highly conserved DNA sequence found in promoter
region of genes. TATA box located at 10 base pair upstream from the TSS that’s why it’s called -10
element. This site is crucial for the recognition and binding of RNA Polymerase during the initiation of transcription. In prokaryotes sigma factors binds to the Pribnow box and helps position the RNA polymerase at the correct site on the DNA template for the synthesis of RNA. In eukaryotes, the TATA box is located at the 25-30 bp located upstream from the TSS. It’s recognized by the protein complex called TBP (TATA-binding Protein) which is a component of TFIID complex. TBP binding to the TATA box helps initiate the assembly of the transcription initiation complex and subsequent RNA polymerase binding.


What is exon junction complex and what its functions?


Multiprotein complex that is formed during mRNA splicing in eukaryotic cells. It assembled upstream of exon-exon junctions, where the splicing machinery removes introns and joins exons together. It plays important roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation and mRNA processing.
1- MRNA export: It facilitates export of mature mRNA to cytoplasm.
2- Nonsense-mediated Decay
3- EJC can modulate alternative splicing.




CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology allows us to modify DNA with high precision and efficiency. CRISPR stands for “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats,” which are part of the bacterial immune system and acts as a defense mechanism against viral infections. The CRISPR-Cas9 system utilizes a Cas9 protein, which is an RNA-guided endonuclease, to target and cut specific DNA sequences in the genome. Cas9 protein induce double strand breaks, so it is super important for Homologous Recombination event in gene editing. Here are some definitions important for CRISPR:
- CAS: CRISPR associated sequence
- Spacer: In bacteria spacers are useful for recognizing viral DNA. Bacteria take a palindromic sequence from virus and integrate it to its genome so when bacteria came across with this sequence again it directly activates its immune system.
- Protospacer: Is the specific DNA sequence that is targeted by CRISPR for cleavage.
- PAM (Protospacer adjacent motifs): PAM recognized by the CAS protein and is necessary for target recognition and binding. So, when Cas9 enzyme recognize Spacer and PAM sequence (NGG) it induces DSB. PAM sequence is mainly used to prevent the CRISPR system from self-destruction.
Go back to the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing here is the steps:
1- Design guide RNA (gRNA): Scientists design a short RNA molecule that is complementary to
the target DNA sequence they want to modify. gRNA composed of two parts; crRNA that
contains target-specific sequence and trans-activating CRISPR RNA ALSO called tracrRNA that
helps functioning of Cas9.
2- Cas9 and-gRNA complex: They combine and forms a ribonucleotide complex. gRNA directs
the Cas9 protein to the specific target DNA sequence.
3- DNA binding and cleavage: Complex scans the genome and binds to the complementary
sequence. Once bound, Cas9 creates DSB at the target site.
4- DNA repair: After DSB, we can make our knock-out mice with HR.


Q: List the iPSC factors?


These factors also called Yamanaka Factors here all 4 of them:
1- Oct4
2- Sox2
3- Klf4
4- c-Myc
These 4 TFs play a key role in maintaining pluripotency, self-renewal, reprogramming, cell growth, proliferation and differentiation.


What is a General Transcription Factor? What is a Specific Transcription factor? List the similarities and differences between them.


Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that regulate the transcription of genes by binding to specific DNA sequences. They can be broadly categorized into general transcription factors and specific transcription factors, each with distinct roles in gene regulation.

General transcription factors (GTFs) are a group of proteins essential for the transcription of all protein-coding genes. They are involved in the formation of the preinitiation complex (PIC) and are required for the accurate initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II.

Key Characteristics:
• Universal Function: GTFs are required for the transcription of all genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II.
• Formation of Preinitiation Complex: They help in the assembly of the PIC at the promoter region of a gene.
• Promoter Recognition: They recognize and bind to the core promoter elements, such as the TATA box.
• Examples: TFIID (includes TATA-binding protein, TBP, and TBP-associated factors, TAFs), TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIIF, TFIIE, and TFIIH.

Specific transcription factors (STFs), also known as regulatory transcription factors, are proteins that regulate the expression of particular genes. They bind to specific DNA sequences called enhancers or silencers, which can be located near or far from the core promoter.

Key Characteristics:
• Selective Function: STFs regulate the transcription of specific genes, often in response to developmental cues, environmental signals, or cellular conditions.
• Binding to Distal Elements: They bind to regulatory elements such as enhancers, silencers, and other distal control elements.
• Modulation of Transcription: They can activate or repress transcription by interacting with the transcription machinery or modifying chromatin structure.
• Examples: Activators (e.g., CREB, NF-κB) and repressors (e.g., REST).

Similarities Between General and Specific Transcription Factors
1. DNA Binding:
• Both GTFs and STFs bind to specific DNA sequences, albeit different types of sequences (core promoter elements for GTFs and enhancers or silencers for STFs).
2. Regulation of Transcription:
• Both types of transcription factors are essential for regulating gene expression by influencing the transcription process.
3. Protein Interactions:
• Both GTFs and STFs interact with other proteins to exert their functions. For GTFs, these interactions are primarily with components of the transcription machinery, while STFs often interact with coactivators, corepressors, and chromatin remodeling complexes.
4. Modular Structure:
• Both types of transcription factors typically have a modular structure with distinct functional domains, such as DNA-binding domains and activation or repression domains.
5. Role in Transcription Initiation:
• Both GTFs and STFs play roles in the initiation phase of transcription, although GTFs are directly involved in assembling the preinitiation complex, while STFs help recruit the transcription machinery to specific genes.
6. Influence on Chromatin Structure:
• Both can influence chromatin structure. STFs often recruit chromatin-modifying enzymes, while GTFs can also interact with chromatin and nucleosome remodelers to facilitate transcription initiation.
7. Essential for Gene Regulation:
• Both types are crucial for proper gene regulation and cellular function. Disruption in either can lead to diseases, including cancer and developmental disorders.
8. Evolutionarily Conserved:
• Both GTFs and STFs are evolutionarily conserved across many species, reflecting their fundamental roles in gene expression and cellular function.
9. Involvement in Cellular Responses:
• Both can be involved in cellular responses to internal and external stimuli, though STFs are typically more directly responsive to specific signals.

Differences Between General and Specific Transcription Factors
1. Function:
• GTFs: Essential for the transcription of all genes by RNA polymerase II.
• STFs: Regulate the transcription of specific genes.
2. Binding Sites:
• GTFs: Bind to core promoter elements close to the transcription start site.
• STFs: Bind to enhancers, silencers, and other regulatory elements, which can be located at varying distances from the promoter.
3. Role in Transcription:
• GTFs: Necessary for the basic assembly of the transcription machinery and initiation of transcription.
• STFs: Fine-tune transcriptional responses to various signals by enhancing or repressing transcription.
4. Specificity:
• GTFs: Not gene-specific; they are involved in the transcription of all RNA polymerase II-transcribed genes.
• STFs: Gene-specific; they control the expression of particular sets of genes.
5. Response to Signals:
• GTFs: Generally not regulated by external signals; their function is relatively constant.
• STFs: Often regulated by developmental cues, environmental stimuli, and cellular signals.
6. Examples:
• STFs: Activators like CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein), NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells); Repressors like REST (RE1-silencing transcription factor).

In summary, while general transcription factors are essential for the basic transcriptional machinery and are required for the transcription of all genes by RNA polymerase II, specific transcription factors are involved in regulating the expression of particular genes in response to various signals, providing an additional layer of control in gene expression.


How can eukaryotic cells turn off their transcription?


They have several mechanisms here is a list some of them:
1- Transcriptional Repressors: Bind to the DNA and blocks general transcription factors or transcriptional activators.
2- Chromatin remodeling: Eukaryotic DNA is tightly packed into a complex structure called chromatin. Transcriptional repressor can affect chromatin structure making DNA less accessible for transcription machinery. Euchromatin is accessible whereas heterochromatin is not.
3- DNA methylation: Cells can inhibit transcription of genes by methylation of C residues within DNA. Transcription machinery cannot go over highly methylated DNA sequences due to steric hindrance. Methylated DNA can attract Transcriptional repressors.
4- RNA interference (RNAi): Is a post-transcriptional mechanism that can lead to degradation or
translational repression of specific mRNAs.


List all the enzymes that can cut RNAs?


1- Ribonucleases (RNases): Are group of enzymes that cleave RNA molecules at specific sites.
Different types of RNases exist such as; exonucleases, ribonucleases and endoribonucleases.
2- Drosha: Processes primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) transcripts into precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) in the nucleus.
3- Dicer: Cleaves double-stranded RNA and pre-miRNA into short double-stranded RNA fragments such as siRNA and miRNA.
4- Argonaute: RISC which is involved in RNAi and related pathways.
5- Exosome: Multi-subunit protein complex involved in RNA degradation. It acts as exonuclease
and can degrade RNA molecules from their ends. The exosome plays a crucial role in quality control.


You have cDNA probe of an oncogene, make a knock-in mouse with tissue specific (ex. In astrocytes) and time specific expression of the transgene.


Here is the steps:
1- Design targeting vector: Vector should contain cDNA probe of the oncogene along with appropriate regulatory elements for tissue-specific and time-specific expression. This may include promoter sequences that are active in astrocytes and regulatory elements that control the temporal expression of the transgene (TFs, promoters, enhancers, repressor etc.) The vector should contain selectable markers for positive selection. Also we need to add stop cassette flanked by LoxP sites.
2- Introduction of targeting vector to ESCs: Electroporation or other methods can be used.
3- Positive selection and screening: ESC that have successfully incorporated the targeting vector
through homologous recombination are selected using markers. For screening we can use PCR or Southern blotting
4- Chimeric mice: Targeted ESCs injected to early-stage mouse embryos to generate chimeric mice.
5- Germline transmission: Chimeric mice (LoxP) and WT (Cre) mouse is crossed, and we have heterozygous knock-in mice. This result in the excision of stop cassette flanked by loxP sites allowing the expression of the oncogene.
6- Time specific expression: Heterozygous knock-in mice can be crossed with mice expressing tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase, leading to excision of the stop cassette and induction of oncogene expression only when desired.


Illustrate the process from cDNA to homozygous knock-out mice?


Homozygous knock-out mice:
1- cDNA generation: Complementary DNA is synthesized from RNA reverse transcriptase.
2- Gene targeting and construct design: A vector designed to disrupt the specific gene of interest. Vector contains negative and positive selectable marker. Positive marker in between homologous arms whereas negative one out.
3- Injection to the ESCs culture and selection. Positive cells are identified through southern
blotting or PCR. These targeted cells are referred to as heterozygous knock-out cells.
4- Chimeric mice: Targeted cells injected to embryo. The resulting chimeric mice have a mixture of cells derived from the host embryo and the introduced ESCs.
5- Breeding and germline transmission: Chimeric mice bred with WT mice in order to get heterozygous offspring. Heterozygous knock-out mice are intercrossed to obtain mice that
homozygous for the disrupted gene.


List the epigenetic transcriptional silencing/repression mechanisms (draw)?

  1. DNA Methylation:
    •Addition of methyl groups to cytosine residues in CpG islands, often leading to gene silencing since methylation makes chromatin more condensed and thus less available for transcription. Heterochromatin
  2. Histone Modifications:
    •Histone Methylation: Methylation of histone tails (e.g., H3K9me3, H3K27me3) typically leads to a repressive chromatin state. Heterochromatin
    •Histone Deacetylation: Removal of acetyl groups from histones by histone deacetylases (HDACs), resulting in a more compact chromatin structure and reduced transcriptional activity. Euchromatin
  3. Chromatin Remodeling:
    •ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes (e.g., SWI/SNF, ISWI) alter nucleosome positioning to restrict access of transcription factors to DNA.
  4. Non-coding RNAs:
    •Long Non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs): Can recruit chromatin-modifying complexes to specific genomic loci to mediate gene silencing.
    •MicroRNAs (miRNAs): Can induce mRNA degradation or inhibit translation, indirectly reducing gene expression.
  5. Polycomb Group Proteins:
    •Polycomb repressive complexes (PRC1 and PRC2) modify histones and remodel chromatin to maintain long-term gene repression.

PAX genes?


The PAX gene family is highly conserved across species, and its members play a crucial role in
embryonic development, tissue differentiation, and organogenesis.
1- PAX6: Eye development. It is required for the formation of the lens, retina and other ocular
structures. TFs like Hox genes.
2- PAX3: Involved in the development of neural crest-derived structures, including the formation
of muscles, bones and certain parts of the CNS.
3- PAX7: For satellite cells in the muscle tissue. These cells are quiescent under normal conditions but become activated in response to muscle injury or exercise.


Transcription Initiation in eukaryotes and prokaryotes what is the differences and similarities?


1- Promoter: Both cell types require promoter regions to initiate transcription.
2- Transcription Factors: Both cell types use TFs to regulate gene expression. TFs bind to specific DNA sequences and help recruit RNA polymerase to the promoter region.
1- Eukaryotes have multiple RNA polymerases (RNA Pol I,II,III) that transcribe different types of genes while prokaryotes have a single RNA polymerase that transcribes all types of genes.
2- Transcription Machinery: In prokaryotes, transcription initiation requires the assembly of
transcription initiation complex consisting of the RNA polymerase, sigma factor, and other accessory proteins. In eukaryotes, the process is more complex and involves the assembly of a larger preinitiation complex (PIC) that includes RNAPII and numerous GTFs.
3- Promoter: Prokaryotic promoters typically consist of consensus sequence known as -10 and -35 element which help positioning of RNA Polymerase at the TSS. Eukaryotic promoters are more diverse and often include multiple regulatory elements such as TATA boxes, enhancer sequences, and binding sites for specific transcription factors.
4- Chromatin: Eukaryotic DNA wrapped around histone proteins to form a complex called
chromatin which can inhibit transcription by restricting access to the DNA. Prokaryotic DNA
lacks histones so chromatin structure is not a factor.
5- Transcription termination: Prokaryotic cells typically have specific termination sequences in
the DNA that cause RNAP to dissociate form the template. Eukaryotic transcription termination involves the recognition of termination signals and the subsequent cleavage of RNA transcript.


Different ways in the regulation of transcription factors: make some examples? (signaling


1-WNT signaling: Regulates gene expression through the activation of TFs such as B-catenin. In the absence of signal B-catenin is phosphorylated and degraded. Upon wnt activation B-catenin accumulates in the cytoplasm then translocate to the nucleus.
2- Notch signaling pathway: Controls gene expression through the activation of TF complex
known as Notch Intracellular Domain (NICD). Upon ligand binding (signaling occur only cells between direct contact) NICD releases and translocate into the nucleus.
3- TGF-B: Regulates gene expression through activation of SMAD family TFs. Binding of TGF-B
ligands to their receptors initiates a signaling cascade that leads to phosphorylation and
activation of SMAD proteins. Activated SMAD proteins translocate to the nucleus and interact
with other TFs to regulate target gene expression.
4- Hedgehog signaling: Regulates gene expression through the activation of TFs such as GLI proteins. Binding of hedgehog ligands to their receptors initiates a signaling cascade that leads to activation of GLI proteins which then translocate to the nucleus and modulate target gene expression.


You have some cancer cells in which, of treated with chemotherapy, cell death is induced, and they die in about 48 hours. You also have a cDNA library, made of a set of plasmids containing all the genes; you have to identify the gene that is able, if inserted in cancer cells, to allow their survival when treated with the chemotherapeutic drug.


To identify gene that confer survival to cancer cells when treated with the chemotherapeutic drug, you can perform a functional screening using cDNA library. Here is the steps:
1- Prepare cDNA library
2- Introduce the plasmids from cDNA library into cancer cells using transfection
3- Apply chemotherapeutic drug: Treat both control cancer cells and transfected cells with drug.
4- Compare the survival of the control cells with the transfected cells to identify any differences.
5- Identify the gene that confers resistance to cancer. This can be done by examining which
transfected cells show significantly higher viability compared to the control cells.
6- Perform additional experiments to confirm that identified gene is indeed responsible for the
survival of the phenotype.


What is the function of the LSL cassette?


The LSL (LoxP-Stop-LoxP) cassette, also known as floxed-stop cassette, is a genetic element commonly used in gene expression studies. The LoxP sites are recognition sequences for the Cre recombinase enzyme which can catalyze recombination events between these sites. LSL cassette very useful for conditional gene expression.


Epigenetic memory, role, how it is maintained and why it is important?


Epigenetic memory refers to the transmission of epigenetic information from parent cells to daughter cells from one generation to another. It involves stable and inheritable changes in gene expression patterns that are not caused by alterations in the DNA sequence itself.

The role of epigenetic memory is to maintain and regulate cellular identity and gene expression pattens throughout the development and in response to environmental cues. It allows cells to remember and maintain their specific gene expression profiles, which are essential for proper cell differentiation, tissue development, and overall organismal function. It is maintained through several mechanism such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNA molecules. This mechanism can lead to long-lasting changes in gene expression patterns.

During cell division, epigenetic marks are replicated and passed on daughter cells, ensuring the maintenance of gene expression patterns. For example, if you have a skin cell it’s daughter cells should be skin cells not cardiomyocytes.

Epigenetic memory is important because it provides a mechanism for cells to establish and maintain their specialized functions in different tissues and organs. It allows cellular diversity within an organism and ensures proper development and functioning of different cell types.


cGAS/STING mechanism and biological function?


Is an important cellular mechanism involved in innate immune response and the detection of
cytosolic DNA. Here is the mechanism;
1- DNA sensing: The cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) protein serves as a cytosolic DNA sensor. When it detects dsDNA in the cytoplasm, it binds to the DNA molecule.
2- cGAS activation: DNA binding to cGAS induces a conformational change in the protein, leading to its activation. cGAS produces a messenger molecule called cGAMP.
3- cGAMP recognition: cGAMP recognized by ER membrane protein called STING(Stimulator of
Interferon Genes) that translocate to the Golgi where it is activated.
4- Signaling cascade: Upon cGAMP binding, STING undergoes a conformational change that allows it to recruit TBK1 molecules.
5- IRF activation: TBK1 phosphorylates and activates the transcription factor Interferon Regulatory Factor which is present in an inactive state in the cytoplasm.
6- Activated IRF translocate to the nucleus and binds to specific DNA sequences, leading to the transcriptional activation of genes involved in the production of type I interferons.
Biological function: The cGAS/STING pathway serves as a critical mechanism for microbial DNA in the
cytoplasm. It activates immune response that helps to control viral infections and eliminate intracellular pathogens. It also offers potential therapeutic opportunities for modulating immune response and developing treatments for infectious diseases and autoimmune conditions.


What is a PAM sequence?


A PAM sequence, or Protospacer Adjacent Motif, is a short DNA sequence immediately following the DNA region targeted by the CRISPR-Cas9 system for cleavage. It is essential for the CRISPR-Cas9 system to recognize and bind to the target DNA. The PAM sequence varies depending on the type of Cas protein used. For the widely used Cas9 protein from Streptococcus pyogenes, the PAM sequence is typically “NGG,” where “N” can be any nucleotide followed by two guanine (G) nucleotides.

The presence of a PAM sequence is crucial because:

1. Target Recognition: The CRISPR-Cas9 complex scans the genome for the PAM sequence to initiate the binding process. Without the PAM, the system cannot bind to the DNA.
2. Avoiding Self-Targeting: In bacterial genomes, PAM sequences are absent in the CRISPR loci, which helps the bacteria to avoid cutting its own CRISPR array.

In summary, the PAM sequence is a critical element for the functionality of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, ensuring that the complex binds and cleaves the correct target DNA.


What is epistasis?


Epistasis refers to the interaction between different genes, where the effect of one gene masks or modifies the effect of another gene. The gene that masks or overrides the effect is called epistatic gene, while the gene whose effect is masked called hypostatic gene.
Let’s make an example: Gene A1 and A2 affect the hair color and gene B1 and B2 affects baldness. B1 normal hair whereas B2 bald. If you have B2 gene doesn’t matter the other A gene because you don’t have hair, so B gene is epistatic to gene A.


What kind of assay would you use to study the expression level of a gene?


Firstly, we can use RT-PCR: RT-PCR is a widely used technique that allows measurement of gene expression levels. It involves converting RNA molecules to cDNA using reverse transcriptase enzymes and them amplifying the cDNA using PCR. The resulting DNA can be quantified, providing information about the gene expression level.
Secondly, we can use qPCR: Is a variation of PCR that allows the real-time monitoring and quantification of DNA amplification. It uses fluorescent probes or DNA-binding dyes to measure the accumulation of PCR products during the amplification process. qPCR provides accurate and quantitative information about gene expression levels.
Thirdly, RNA Sequencing: Is a high-throughput sequencing-based technique used to analyze gene expression at a whole transcriptome level. It involves sequencing the entire RNA population in a sample and provides information about the types and quantities of RNA molecules present.


What would you do to perform a knockout of p53 in a conditional way?


To perform a conditional knockout of the p53 gene, I would design a vector that conditional knockout vector with loxP sites flanking our p53 gene. This vector than introduced to the ESC culture then cells containing our gene selected by targeting. Targeted cells then injected to a mouse blastocyst to make a chimeric mouse. Chimeric mice are then bred with a transgenic mouse that contains tissue-specific or inducible cre-recombinase. When the cre-recombinase is active, it recognizes the loxP sites and catalyzes recombination, leading to the specific inactivation of the p53 gene in the desired tissues or under specific conditions. We can make this mechanism time specific using drugs. When ligand is available cre recombinase is active and the absence not activated.


Bacterial conjugation


Bacterial conjugation is a process in which bacteria transfer genetic material, typically in the plasmid form, from a donor cell to recipient cell through direct physical contact. This physical contact achieved by “bridge” like structure called sex pili or pilus. The transferred genetic material can include genes for antibiotic resistance, virulence factors, or other beneficial traits.


Southern Blotting?


Is a powerful technique used in molecular biology and genetics research to detect and analyze specific DNA sequences. It is used in the fields such as genetic disease diagnosis, gene mapping, DNA fingerprinting, and gene expression analysis.
1- The Southern blotting process involves DNA digestion with a restriction enzyme to generate
smaller fragments.
2- Gel electrophoresis separates the DNA fragments by size, with smaller fragments migrating
3- DNA denaturation separates the double-stranded DNA into single-stranded fragments, typically through alkali treatment.
4- Blotting transfers the separated DNA fragments from the gel onto a solid membrane.
5- Hybridization involves incubating the membrane with a labeled DNA probe that is complementary to the target sequence.
6- Detection is done by visualizing the presence of specific DNA fragments using autoradiography or fluorescence imaging.


Give and describe examples of TFs with modular function in the signaling pathway?


SMADs: Are TFs that used in TGF-B signaling pathway. They are activated by receptor-mediated
phosphorylation and play a critical role in cell differentiation, growth, and development.
HIF-1: Is a transcription factor that responds to changes in oxygen levels. It is activated under hypoxic conditions and regulates genes involved in the oxygen homeostasis, angiogenesis, and energy metabolism.
c-Myc: A TF that plays a critical role in cell growth, proliferation and metabolism.


Name all the proteins with specific DNA binding?


Specific Transcription Factors such as p53, Oct4, B-catenin, R-SMAD & CO-SMAD, HOX, PAX etc.
General Transcription Factor - TATA Binding Protein (TBP)
DNA-binding proteins in chromatin structure and gene regulation such as Histones, chromatin remodelers, polycomb group proteins involved in epigenetic gene silencing and maintaining cellular identity.
DNA repair proteins; DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, DNA mismatch repair proteins that correct errors in DNA replication.
Transcriptional Co-regulators: Co-activators and Co-repressors proteins that interact with TFs to enhance or repress gene expression.
DNA-binding proteins in DNA replication: DNA helicase and Origin Recognition Complex.


What is promoter clearance?


Transition from initiation to elongation phase. It is called promoter clearance because RNA polymerase successfully clears promoter region and enter productive elongation phase.


What is a dominant negative mutant?


A dominant negative mutant is an altered form of a gene that produces a protein capable of interfering with the normal function of the wild-type gene product. Such as p53 mutant


Cellular response to oxygen levels: how does it work? Also provide some examples of biological
processes which are regulated by oxygen levels.


One of the key regulators HIFs (hypoxia inducible factors). Under normal oxygen conditions, HIF-alpha are continuously synthesized and degraded thanks to ubiquitination by VHL protein. This process is regulated by Prolyl-Hydroxylase domain proteins (PHD). However, under low oxygen conditions (hypoxic conditions) the activity of proteasomes are reduced due to absence of ubiquitination, this results in stabilization of HIF-alpha and HIF-beta, allowing them to accumulate and translocate into the nucleus. HIF-alpha and HIF-beta binds to specific DNA sequences called hypoxia response elements HREs within target genes. HIF act as a transcription factor, orchestrating the expression of various genes involved in adaptation to hypoxia. Examples of biological processes:
1- Erythropoiesis: HIF activates Erythropoietin hormone that stimulates the production of RBC.
2- Angiogenesis: HIF promotes the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
which stimulates the growth of new blood vessels.
3- Metabolism: HIF induces the expression of enzymes involved in glycolysis and glucose transporters to promote anerobic metabolism.


What is Agarose gel electrophoresis for?


It is a versatile method that allows researches to determine the size, quantity, and purity of DNA