Past continuous: I was cooking. / He was hiking. / They were watching movies. Flashcards
Talk about what you and others were doing at a specific time in the past.
What were you doing yesterday morning at 7:30?
I was getting up.
What was he doing Sunday morning at 8:00?
He was getting ready for work.
What was she doing this morning at 9:00 ?
She was doing the laundry.
What was he doing when he cut himself?
He was shaving.
What was he doing yesterday evening at 6?
He was helping his brother with his homework.
What were you doing last night when I called?
I was working out at home.
What were they doing when you arrived?
They were cooking dinner together.
What were they doing last night at midnight?
They were playing video games.
What were you doing when you hurt yourself?
I was snowboarding.
What was he doing when he fell?
He was going for a run.
What were you doing when you lost your camera?
We were camping.
What was he doing when he got sick?
He was hiking.
What was she doing when she broke her foot?
She was skating.
What were you doing when she called?
I was watching a documentary.
What were they doing at 8pm?
They were watching movies.
What was she doing when her manager called her?
She was checking her email.
What was he doing at lunch time?
He was writing an email.
What was she doing when the meeting started?
She was doing research.
What was he doing this morning at 10:00?
He was attending a webinar.
What was she doing when she met her neighbour?
She was taking the dog for a walk.
What were you doing when she told you the news?
We were having coffee together.
What were you doing when you fell asleep?
I was reading at the park.
What were they doing when they had the accident?
They were going for a bike ride.
They were biking.
What were you doing when I called?
I was taking a nap.
What was she doing when the doorbell rang?
She was doing her hair.
What were you doing when you hurt your back?
I was sweeping the floor.
What was he doing last night at 8:00?
He was reading to his daughter.
What were they doing when they started fighting?
They were playing boardgames.
What were you doing when you got my message?
I was checking the weather forecast.
What were you doing when you found your phone?
I was packing my lunch.