Past Boards Shuffled Flashcards
Number of carbon atoms in olvanil
C26 H43 NO3
Who discovered x ray?
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Method of oxidatively cleaning alkenes or alkynes using ozone, a reactive allotrope of oxygen
Center of atom
Blanket of pollutants
Primary, secondary
Note: BLANKET (Base-Line Network of the EPA Tasmania
Pollutant produced from coal and petroleum
CO2 and SO2
Nearest layer of atmosphere from earth’s surface
It is a method of N-terminal residue analysis of a peptide chain in which the terminal amino acid reacts with phenyl isothiocyanate to form a substituted thiourea which is then hydrolyzed mildly with acid to remove the N terminal residue as a phenylthiohydantoin for identification
Edman degradation
Chemical reaction of sunlight, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere
Photochemical Smog
Six Criteria Pollutants
POLSCN Particulate matter Ozone Lead Sulfur dioxide Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen Oxides
Chemical formula and molecular weight of 11 tetradecenyl Acetate
C16 H30 O2
MW 254.414
What is the product when ethanoyl chloride is reacted with propanol?
Propyl ethanoate
Reaction: Ethanoyl chloride + propanol-> propyl ethanoate + hydrogen chloride
What is the primary use of ethylene?
Ripening of fruits
What are the contaminants which BTEX refers to?
Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylene isomers
What is the heat of reaction when ethylene is hydrogenated to ethane?
🔼H=-296 kj
Where is an enzyme CAPSAICIN commonly found?
SHU (Scoville Heat Units)
What is the other name of bulk temperature?
Mixing up temperature
What is the method that Wolher do to break the vital force theory in nature?
Heating of NH4Cl with AgCN to form Urea(NH2)2CO
What law is the PRC Modernization Act?
RA 8981 -PRC Modernization Act of 2000 (Repealed PD 223)
Arrange the following substance in terms of increasing melting points
Oleic< Palmitic < Stearic
What is the common form of Nitro-glycerol?
Definition of Polar Bond
Bonding of heteronuclear molecules with UNEQUAL sharing of electrons
Which of the ff functional group is the most polar and least polar? ROH RNH2 RCOOH C TRIPLE BOND C C-C
Most Polar : ROH
Least Polar : C-C and C triple bond C
What is the range of melting point of fatty acids?
-11 to 70
What is true about alkyl halides and ordinary HC’s?
Higher boiling point, lower density of alkyl halides compared to ordinary
Dehydrogenation of propane
Base structure of aspirin is
Reaction of benzene where the product is phenol
Which of the following is used as sacrificial lamb for Fe?
A subatomic particle with the same mass as an electron but of a positive charge
Which is true about ionic radius of positively charged and negatively charged?
Positively charged ions : have SMALLER radius then neutral
Negatively charged ions : have longer radius then neutral
Which has larger Ionic radii , positively charged or negatively charged or neutral?
Constitutional isomers: which is a true statement?
Same MW, same molecular, same connectivity, same physical properties
A metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids
What can be formed from starch?
Cloth wrap in Jesus Christ, what happened after subjecting to C-H dating?
There is a result and the cloth seemed to be younger
Use of zinc oxide
Who discovered radioactivity?
Henri Becquerel
Property exhibited by certain types of matter of emitting energy and subatomic particles spontaneously. It is the essence, an attribute of individual nuclei.
Who discovered vulcanized rubber?
Charles Goodyear
What is the common characteristic of Citric Acid and Malic Acid?
- Both are intermediate of the Citric Acid Cycle (Kreb’s Cycle)
- Both are responsible for sour taste of some fruits
Effect in mass number and atomic number of alpha emission
Nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts. Produces free neutrons and gamma photons and releases a very large amount of energy
Nuclear fission
Isotopes have
- similar chemical properties (same no of electrons)
- different physical properties (different no of neutrons)
- different radioactive properties (depending on nuclear structure)
Atomic mass unit is defined as
Exactly 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
What is the common use of EDTA (Ethylenediamene tetraacetic acid)?
Chelating or sequestering agent for metal cations
Also known as sodium calcium edetate
Is it possible to have a pH equal to 0?
Chemical formula of Aspirin
In handbook : CH3CO2C6H4CO2H(C9H8O4)
What element has the symbol Tb?
Most stable isotope of Boron
Most penetrating radiation
Molecular formula of sucrose
Person behind carbon dating
Willard Libby
Which of the following decrease in entropy
Melting of ice
What is the solid part of the earth’s crust
In IR spectroscopic analysis of solids, the sample is mixed with special, inert mineral oil to have a very thick suspension before being placed in the spectrometer
Nujol mull process
What is the sign convention of enthalpy during endothermic reaction?
What is the polymer used for printing and coating?
Epoxy Polymer
Another name for taurine
2-aminoethanesulfonate acid (C2H7NO3S) pKa 9.06
Which float or sink in water? Balsa wood Ethelyne glycol Table salt Ethanol
3 alphe emissions and 2 beta emissions of Rn-222
It is the heterolytic reaction in which a nucleophile (basic, electron rich reagent) attacks the nucleus of a carbon in another molecule, resulting in substitution.
Nucleophilic substitution
Which of the following compounds is a synthetic dye?
At constant temperature, amount of gas dissolved in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid
Henry’s Law
In quantum mechanics, it is a principle which states that values of particular pairs of observables cannot be determined simultaneously with arbitrarily high precision.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Used for measuring the density of milk
What amino acid has sulfur containing group?
Methionine, cysteine, homocysteine, taurine
Product of distillation of coal tar?
Temperature on the moon
-183 C at night
106 C during day
What happens to the pH of carbonated drinks if it is open in atmospheric condition?
Breaking down of organic matter
Building up of components of the cell
Set of sustaining chemical transformations within the cell of an organism
Representation of nuclear fission
Deuterium tritium reaction
Artificial radioactivity
Induced radioactivity
Hydrogen fusion reaction
Natural radioactivity
What protein is capable of undergoing a reduction process?
Any non zero function in a space that returns from the operator exactly as is except for a multiplicative scaling factor
Eigen function
Notation of alkane containing Cl
Which of the following is not dependent of temperature? Grey body Black body White body Plasma
Black body
Determine the sign of charge carriers in a conductor
Hall effect
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Control industrial processes locally or at remote areas
Monitor, gathers, and process real-time data
Record events in a log file
Which generation? Monolithic Networked Internet of things Distributed
1st, 3rd, 4th, 2nd
Semi empirical system for the prediction of non-electrolyte activity in non ideal mixtures
UNIFAC method
Uses the functional groups present on the molecules that make up the liquid mixture to calculate activity coefficients
UNIFAC method
Simplest type of control commonly expressed as having an off-on or 2 position action
Bang bang
Type of ultrasonic flow meter that is counter propagating type
Thermodynamics liquid phase: which of the following is true
Volume expansivity is always less that 1
Occurs when the saturated vapor comes in contact with the surface whose temperature is below the saturation temperature
Process control
Linear programming
An instrument based upon the variable time delays received sound waves which arise when a flowing liquids rate of flow is varied
Ultrasonic flowmeters
Production of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4)
Hagreave’s process
Calculation of compressibility factor which applies for a high pressure condition
If the concentration of the reactant increases, the half life decreases, that order of reaction is this?
2nd order reaction
Which of the following is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant?
Zero order
How is the fluctuation in the process controlled?
Equipping instrument with integral controller
What do you call the temperature in which the reaction cannot be controlled?
Runaway temperature
Other term for earth wax
Other name for yamatake system
What is used in ultrasonic flow meters?
Electronic noise inside an electric conductor which is independent of applied voltage
Johnson’s noise
Difference between measured value and set value
Which of the ff industry generates its own electricity aside from its main product
Sugar industry
Instrument that is used for no contact between material or vessel and temperature measuring device
Pump that is used for zero leakage and for hazardous and radioactive materials
Given dV/V= Bdt -kdP, when will it become incompressible fluid?
Both B and K are zero
Industry that acts as a power plant itself
Sugar industry
First step of experimentation process for the determination of rate constant
Independence of concentration with time
Simplest type of pressure measuring device
Ultrasonic flowmeters are based on
In handbook - sound waves
Proportional controller, what additional controller is added?
Automatic reset
Hydrogen, suitable equipment to be used
Most important role of Boltzmann constant in physics and ideal gas
Part of turbulent velocity profile where velocity is constant
Viscous/ laminar sublayer
Operation of a transport system outside of timetable such that delays in arrival and departure from defined locations are present
Occurs when the same change in the controller output in both directions results in a different change in the process value
Mixture of CO, H2, N2, and CO2 made by the partial combustion of coal in air
Producer gas
Why is the groundwater not economical?
Scaling, pre-treatment, pumping cost
Trays used to guide liquid flow an upper tray to a lower tray
Downcomer trays
Mix and match :
1.Simply creating turbulence in the vessel
2. Thoroughly combining different materials to produce homogeneous product
3. Gentler process compared to mixing
1 Agitation
2 mixing
3 blending
Production of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4)
Hagreave’s process
Calculation of compressibility factor which applies for a high pressure condition
If the concentration of the reactant increases, the half life decreases, that order of reaction is this?
2nd order reaction
Which of the following is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactant?
Zero order
How is the fluctuation in the process controlled?
Equipping instrument with integral controller
What do you call the temperature in which the reaction cannot be controlled?
Runaway temperature
Other term for earth wax
Other name for yamatake system
What is used in ultrasonic flow meters?
Electronic noise inside an electric conductor which is independent of applied voltage
Johnson’s noise
Difference between measured value and set value
Which of the ff industry generates its own electricity aside from its main product
Sugar industry
Instrument that is used for no contact between material or vessel and temperature measuring device
Pump that is used for zero leakage and for hazardous and radioactive materials
Flowmeter not affected by radial velocity
Ultrasonic flowmeter
Reactor that the concentration changes at a certain point
Plug flow
Source of Potassium salt
Greatest influence for a chemical reaction
Slowed step
What concept is not directly or solved and there’s no exact definition
Internal energy
What process in Otto cycle is unique and not present in other cycles?
Constant volume heat addition
Component that contains kerogen
In handbook - oil shale
Number of gasified needed for natural gas 3 4 5 6
Difference between integral and differential control?
Integral is better
Proportional controller, what additional controller is added?
Automatic reset
Hydrogen, suitable equipment to be used
Most important role of Boltzmann constant in physics and ideal gas
Part of turbulent velocity profile where velocity is constant
Viscous/ laminar sublayer
Operation of a transport system outside of timetable such that delays in arrival and departure from defined locations are present
Occurs when the same change in the controller output in both directions results in a different change in the process value
Mixture of CO, H2, N2, and CO2 made by the partial combustion of coal in air
Producer gas
Why is the groundwater not economical?
Scaling, pre-treatment, pumping cost
Trays used to guide liquid flow an upper tray to a lower tray
Downcomer trays
Mix and match :
1.Simply creating turbulence in the vessel
2. Thoroughly combining different materials to produce homogeneous product
3. Gentler process compared to mixing
1 Agitation
2 mixing
3 blending
A vessel or stage in which two liquids of different densities are allowed to separate by gravity
Gravity decanter
Analysis of how successfully a project can be completed, accounting for economic, technological, pegal, and scheduling factor
Feasibility study
Determine how different values of an independent variable impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions
Sensibility analysis
Gas absorption packings
Intalox metal
What can be extracted from bauxite ore?
Process where an acetyl function is transferred from one molecule to another
Addition or removal of an acetyl group on lysine residues in N-terminal tail and on the surface of the nucleosome core of histone process
Histone acetylation
Flow per unit cross sectional area of a porous medium
Darcy velocity
Describes the flow of a fluid through a porous medium based on experiments kn the flow of water through beds of sand
Darcy’s law
Pioneered use of zeolite in water softening
Robert Gans
Gas molecules must diffuse from the main body of the gas phase to the gas-liquid interface then cross this interfere into the liquid side and finally diffuses from the interface into the main body of the liquid
Film theory
Allows estimation of saturated vapor pressure at a given temperature for all components for which the critical pressure l, the critical temperature and Accentric factor are known applicable any for non Polar and slightly polar
Lee-Kesler Method
Based on three assumptions of how ions act in solution
Linearized poisson-Boltzmann model
greater the charge on the ions, the larger the deviation from ideology
Debye Huxley theory
Spent shale which has been used in the production of cement
Oil shale