Rubella in pregnancy - non immune ?
-Advise to keep away from people with rubella
-Offer MMR vaccination postnatal period
Down syndrome combined test?
- Decrease PAPPA-A
- Increase in beta-hCG
-Thickened nuchal translucency
RCOG guidance development DVT?
If clinical suspicion of DVT or PE - LWMH commenced
What women on LWMH should be monitored with a specific blood test?
-Women at extreme of body weight <50 or >90
-Complicating factors (renal impairment or recurrent VTE)
What is used to monitor women on LMWH?
Anti-Xa factor
What should be used to monitor women with unfractioned heparin?
How long to wait after taking ulipristal?
5 days - this is because ulipristal acetate may reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraception - barrier methods should be used
When can women continue taking the combined pill?
-Must be on established on COCP
-COCP restarted after a pill-free interval
-The missed pill must be later than the first week o fill taking
When refer to midwife led breastfeeding clinic?
If breastfed baby looses >10% birth weight in 1st week life - refer
In preterm rupture of membranes what medication should be given to reduce the risk of RDS?
Corticosteriods such as dexamethasone
(<37 weeks)
-IM dexamethasone
What weeks should magnesium sulphate be given if PPROM?
Women who are less than 34 weeks - foetal neuroprotection
What are results in downs syndrome quadruple test?
-Decreased AFP
-Decreased oestridol
-Increase hCG
-Increase Inhibit A
Combined test vs quadruple test?
-Combined test (11-13+6 weeks)
-Quadruple test (15-20 weeks)
What is measured in combined test?
-HCG -increase
-PAPPA-A - decrease
-Nuchal translucency - thickened
-Edwards (18) and patau (13) syndrome - similar result but HcG tends to be lower
What do results of combined and quadruple test show?
-Lower chance e.g. 1 in 300
-higher chance 1 in 100
If woman has higher chance then what should be offered?
NIPT (screening test) or CVS (diagnostic)
Sensitivity and specificity for NIPT?
very high for trisomy 21 (>99%)
-Measures cell free fetal DNA
Fetus in OP position during labour?
-Delievry possible may be longer and more painful
-Fetal head may rotate spontaneously to OA position
-Augmentation offered if process is slow
-Kielland forceps are associated with most successful outcome - require expertise
-Women will experience an early urge to push in OP than OA
3 types of placenta accreta
-accreta: chorionic villi attachment to myometrium
-Increta: chorionic villi into myometrium
-Percreta: chorionic villi invade through he perimetrium
Breech baby prolonged vaginal delivery?
-Caesaran section
1st line investigation for premature rupture of membranes?
-Careful speculum examination to look for amniotic fluid in posterior vaginal vault
-avoid bimanual risk of infection
When can IUS be inserted after?
within 48 hours of childbirth or 4 weeks after
-4 week after is due to increased rusk of expulsion and lacking data surrounding uterine perforation
What form of contraception should be discontinued >50?
Injectable contraceptives - Depo-provera - associated with loss in bone mineral density
-COCP should also be stopped
What presentation has greatest mortality and morbidity risk?
Footling presentation
-5-20% risk of cord prolapse
What should women with high or moderate risk of preeclampsia take?
75-150mg of aspirin from 12 weeks until brith
When can you take COCP post part?
-wait 21 days risk of venous thromboembolism
When is anomaly scan?
18-20+6 weeks
Medical for PPH?
-IV oxytocin: slow IV injection followed by an IV infusion -syntometrine
-Ergometrine slow IV or IM (unless there is a history of hypertension)
-Carboprost IM (unless there is a history of asthma)
misoprostol sublingual
there is also interest in the role tranexamic acid may play in PPH