Passage Recognition Flashcards
How Men and Women Got Together
Two villages one had men the other women. Man chief discovers women and tells the men of their skills and women leader tracks the leader man back to the man village where she finds the men with different skills. She tells the women and they think men are cool. The men go to the women village and the lookout for the women sees them and tells the other women and the leader women are like we should look like the men so when the man come there like what the heck. Then the same thing happened but for the women coming to the men. And then the two leaders talked and they made a new village and had sex.
The Well Baked Man
The Magician (or Man Maker) feels as if the world is missing something so he begins creating shapes out of clay and putting them into his oven. Coyote messes up his shapes and the Magician accidentally makes a dog. The Magician then goes on to create humans to be companions with the dogs. The first batch of humans are too light (white people), the second, too dark (black people), and finally the third batch (Native Americans) was just right.
Pushing up the Sky
The Creator and Changer develop Earth. They settled in Puget Sound and for that reason did not want to leave so they spread their remaining languages there. The people here are not satisfied with how the world has been made. Their first task is to raise the sky because it makes life for taller people more difficult. They discover the term “ya-hoh” that means lift for all languages and decide to organize a plan where all communities will collaborate to push the sky. The people who did not know about the plan got caught in the act and were pushed into the sky and turned into constellations.
The Voice, the Flood and the Turtle
Once there were four monsters born.The elders told their mother to kill them before they bring misfortune. The mother refused but the monsters grew big until their heads touched the sky. They started eating the people of the village. A man who could see the future told a man to live in a reed with his wife and to be safe. It started raining but did not stop, the monsters with their backs to each other started to get weak and eventually drowned. The man and his wife survived with a few animals, and the whole world regrew in the next few days. The man who could see the future gave them a stalk of corn and said that it would be their holy food. They would eventually form a new generation and never heard that voice again.
What’s This, my Balls for Your Dinner?
Coyote and the spider are friends and the spider invites coyote over for dinner. His (the spider’s) wife makes buffalo livers and eats both of them. Spider leaves and coyote sexually assaults his wife and his wife threatens to cut off his balls to eat them for dinner. Spider comes back and his wife says coyote ate both livers so spider gets mad and starts chasing coyote too.
Coyote and Wasichu
Coyote and the white guy wasichu want to see who can scam each other the best and coyote says i need my cheating medicine and takes the white guys horse and clothes so he can go get it and then doesn’t come back so the white guy is left there naked and horseless.
How Beaver Stole Fire from the Pines
The pines trees have the secret fire that they use for warmth and beaver steals a live coal and runs away and the pine trees start chasing him but they get tired and the beaver gives fire to all the other trees and that is why other trees can produce fire today.
Adventures of Great Rabbit
Wildcat gets very hungry and decides to eat Great Rabbit who was plump and smart. Great Rabbit has powers and was able to hear Wildcat’s thoughts. He decided to use his magical powers against the cat’s strength.Wildcat swore on his tail he would eat rabbit. Everytime Great Rabbit got tired, he gave Wildcat several dreams that were so realistic that he fell for it again and again.Wildcat was never able to catch him and his tail fell off- the creation of the bobcat.
Coyote gets Rich off the White Man
Coyote and Bobcat are stealing Whiskey from the white man. Coyote and Bobcat then drink the whiskey till their drunk when one of white men they stole from catches the coyote and they throw the coyote in jail, while his friends escapes. In Jail coyote overhears the prison guarding talking about unbreakable horse, when he exclaims, “I could saddle that horse right away”. So the prison guards lets him try to break the horse and when he succeeds in breaking the horse he pretends as if he was unable to break the horse, wants claiming it wants a better saddle and food. Then the Coyote escape with horse and saddle. Though Prison guards continued to pursue him
Puts gold in the butt of the donkey and tapes it a tree; kicks the donkey and shakes the tree and says he gets today’s money but they can have every other day’s money if they let him go. They do!
Coyote Steals Sun’s Tobacco
The coyote goes to the Sun’s home and steals tobacco. He does this by tricking people into thinking he was the sun’s relative. When he found out that coyote had taken his tobacco, the Sun tried to pursue the coyote. However, he was unable to find the animal in the end, and just gave up. Coyote returned to his home, and the other villagers wanted the tobacco that he had brought with him. So they disguised a young boy to look like a girl and married him to the coyote i tricked him into giving them tobacco by giving him a “wife” who was actually a young boy dressed as a girl. He tricked coyote into giving him all of the tobacco and gave it to the rest of the village. Eventually, coyote found out and demands for his tobacco back, but the other villagers didn’t listen
The Great Race
The humans and animals decide to have a race to see which species has the right to eat the others. While lots of other animals race, the competition’s mainly between the humans and buffalo. The buffalo choose their fastest runner, and the humans choose four birds to race for them. The hummingbird, meadowlark, and hawk all drop out of the race, but magpie wins the race because of its endurance, and people agree to never eat magpies in return for winning them the race. The humans are then superior to the buffalos.
Origins of the Gnawing Beaver
The hunter decides to marry a woman and they move to a forest. He goes hunting more and more often and each time, he goes away for a longer time. When he’s gone, his wife amuses herself by going into the river and swimming and building dams. One day when he comes back, his wife turned into a beaver and had beaver kids. He was very sad and never saw her again.
Why the Owl has Big Eyes
Raweno was creating animals and the owl was requesting features that he wanted. Raweno is making the rabbit and the owl refuses to turn the other direction while Raweno was working because he liked to watch him create the animals. Raweno gets annoyed by and mad at owl and yells at him making his eyes big. He made his neck short so he couldn’t look over while he was not supposed to. He also made owls have ears that stick up and made owl nocturnal so that he could not see Raweno work during the day. As a result of Raweno’s yelling, the scared rabbit ran off while he was being made.
The Dogs Hold an Election
The dogs are deciding on who to elect for president. They are debating which dogs are the best. One dog says he nominates the dog that smells good underneath his tail. So all of the dogs start sniffing each other’s butts and they are still looking for a good leader today.
Snake Brothers
There are four brothers, they go to Soldiers Creek to get a winter coat.Kill a buffalo and Place down buffalo remains on the grass then it turns into a buffalo. For their punishment, the three older brothers turn into snakes, where as the youngest brother goes and tells the townspeople. They bring offerings such as tobacco and good red meat, so they could protect the people every time they go to war. That is why we never kill rattlesnakes.
The Meeting of the Wild Animals
All the animals of the forest have a meeting to discuss if they should ask the Him Who Made Us to make the winters longer to avoid hunters. All the big animals agree to this. The porcupine disagrees and says that if the winter are too long the big animals will die. At first the big animals disagree, then the porcupine bits off his thumb to show he’s serious. After that all the animals agree and the decide to ask for 6 months of winter and 6 months of spring and summer. That is why we have 6 months of cold weather and 6 months of warm weather. And why all the animals are scared of the porcupine.
The Neglectful Mother
Crow gets tired of sitting on her eggs so she flies away them for awhile. When she returns, she sees Hawk with her hatched eggs and gets angry. They fights over whose children the eggs are. They go to court and in the end, Crow loses her children to Hawk because hawk is the rightful mother.
The Story of King Shahrayar and Shahrazad, His Vizier’s Daughter
King Shahrayar misses his brother, King Shahzaman so he invites him to visit. While leaving for the visit, Shahzaman discovers his wife is cheating on him so he kills her. Shahzaman then discovers that Shahrayar’s wife is cheating on him as well. Shahrayar kills her and decides that he is going to marry a new woman every night and kill her before morning. Upon hearing this, Shahrazad, Shahrayar’s Vizier’s daughter, asks her father to let her marry the king to save these women. The Vizier responds with two stories:
The Tale of the Ox and the Donkey
A merchant who is able to talk to animals hears an ox complaining to a donkey about how much harder he has to work. The donkey responds by advising the ox that if he acts lazy, he will need to work less hard. The next day, the merchant forces the donkey to do the ox’s work.
The Tale of the Merchant and his Wife
The same merchant is laughing about tricking the animals and his wife overhears. She wants to hear the joke and he tells her that telling her will kill him. The merchant is conflicted as to what to do and overhears a rooster tell a dog that the merchant should beat his wife until she stops wanting to know his secret. The merchant takes the advice and it works.
The Story of the Merchant and the Demon
A different merchant stops to eat dates and an old demon appears, explaining he has to kill the merchant because the merchant’s date pit killed his son. The merchant asks for a year to say goodbye to his wife and children. When he returns, he meets three old men, one with a deer, one with two black hounds and a third without any animals. When the demon returns, the first old man asks to trade 1/3 of the merchant’s crime for a story about his life. The demon agrees.
The First Old Man’s Tale
The deer was his wife of 30 years; she didn’t bear him any children so the old man took a mistress. The mistress gives birth to his son and his wife gets jealous of her. So, when the man goes away, the wife turns his son into a bull and the mistress into a cow, subsequently telling the man that they both ran away. He ends up killing the cow and almost kills the bull before finding out that the bull is actually his son; the shepherd’s daughter who recognized him as such ends up changing him back into a man, marrying him and turning the wife into a deer.
The Second Old Man’s Tale
The two dogs are his brothers; their father left them each an equal sum of money but both of the brothers were terrible with their investments and kept coming back to the second old man to divide his earnings. He marries a girl and ends up traveling around and neglecting his brothers, leading them to retaliate by plotting to kill him and his wife. It turns out his wife is a demon and she turns them into dogs for ten years to learn their lesson.
The Tale of the King’s Son and the She-Ghoul
A prince is hunting for animals and his father’s vizier encourages him to chase after a wild beast by himself. He meets a girl and finds out that she is a she-ghoul who almost feeds him to her children but lets him go free; the son tells his father about how he almost died and the father kills the vizier.
The Story of the Two Viziers
There were two brothers in Egypt who got into a fight about what would happen in the future when thier children would marry. One of the brothers moved away, the brothers got married on the same day and had their children on the same day.
One has a boy Hasan and one has a girl Sit al-husn. A demon took Hasan to his cousin (Sit al-husn) and they had sex but was separated right after. Sit al-husn’s father finds out that his brother was dead. Ajib was born (son of Sit al-husn and Hasan) he was very beautiful.Finally, Shams al-Din, Sit al-Husn and ‘Ajib travel to Damascus to find out what has happened to the other half of their family. ‘Ajib and some servants wander by Hasan’s shop and the father and son share a weird connection. Hasan cooks for ‘Ajib but then also follows him, leading ‘Ajib to throw a rock at his head.
Eventually ‘Ajib feeds his grandmother some of Hasan’s cooking, leading her to realize who he is and leading to an elaborate, violent kidnapping plot which ends up with Badr al-Din and Sit al-Husn happily reunited.
The Tale of King Yunan and the Sage Duban
King Yunan has leprosy and the Sage Duban shows up and fixes it. The King decides to reward him for this by showering him with gifts and favors; the King’s vizier gets jealous and plots against Sage, telling the king that this is just like:
The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot
A husband trains a parrot to let him know if his wife cheats on him. She does, the parrot tells her and the husband beats the wife. The wife then realizes the parrot set her up and tricks the parrot into thinking there was a storm; the husband is so mad at the parrot’s false report that he kills the parrot, only finding out the whole story afterwards and regretting killing it.
Phaethon boasts about his family because he is the son of the Sun god. A man called Apathus confronts him and tells him that he is a liar.
As a result, Phaethon questions the truth to his mother. She tells him to visit the Sun God (Phoebus).
Sun’s palace is elegant. Phaethon asks his father for a chariot. Phoebus denies it because it is dangerous. Phoebus tells him even Jove (Zeus) cannot drive the chariot.
Phaethon does not listen and loses control. He crashes to earth and destroys many things. Deserts are formed and mother earth was destroyed.
Zeus sees the fire and gets angry. He kills Phaethon
Phaethon gets burned and buried. Phoebus was ashamed and his parents were sad.
Clytemnestra is the mother of Phaethon finds his bones to have a good funeral. The three sisters and his mother stay on the river bank and eventually turn into trees.
The Sun God wants to give up because he lost everything and hurts the horses who were involved with the chariot.
Zeus sees a beautiful woman and wants her for himself.
The women is a Diana follower. The only way to get her attention is to manipulate his appearance so that she does come over to him willingly.
Zeus morphs into Diana and tricks her (Callisto). Zeus takes her and rapes her.
She is very ashamed and wishes for the rape to be unheard of and not mentioned.
Diana does not wish to see a preg. women.
Juno believes that Callisto lured in Zeus. Juno knows the truth about C’s pregnancy. Juno turns Callisto into a bear.
Callisto and her son’s eyes meet but Zeus intervenes and turns them into constellations.
Jupiter and Europa
Jove fell in love with Europa, he morphed himself into a bull. There is already an existing herd of bulls that Europa plays with and he just included himself in that group and caught her attention. In the end, he morphs back into his original state. He takes her away.
Diana and Actaeon
While out hunting, Actaeon accidentally happens upon the secret bathing place of Diana, chaste goddess of the hunt. Titian explores the dramatic impact of his intrusion through a dynamic arrangement of figures, sparkling light, intense colour and animated brushwork.
Actaeon’s fate is foretold by the stag’s skull on the plinth and the skins of Diana’s former prey hanging above her head. The conclusion of the story is shown in the National Gallery’s painting The Death of Actaeon. The outraged goddess immediately avenges herself by transforming Actaeon into a stag to be devoured by his own hounds.
These pictures are part of a series of famous mythological paintings by Titian. They were painted for King Philip II of Spain when the artist was at the height of his powers. The subjects were based on the Roman poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses – Titian himself referred to them as ‘poesie’ (poems).
Narcissus and Echo
Echo is a “talkative nymph” whom the goddess Venus admires for her magnificent voice and song.
When she tricks Juno into believing that her husband, Jupiter, was in the city, Juno curses Echo by making her able to only finish a sentence not started, and unable to say anything on her own. “
This is the explanation of the aural effect which was named after her. She falls in love with Narcissus. Echo’s presence is revealed to Narcissus, who, after a comic, yet tragic scene, rejects her love.
Then, Narcissus falls deeply in love with”all the things for which he himself is admired.” He then wastes away with love for himself, echoing the manner in which Echo did earlier. A while later his body is gone, and in its place is a narcissus flower. The pale flower is still found near river banks so that it can be reflected in the water.
In this version, Arachne was a shepherd’s daughter who began weaving at an early age. She became a great weaver, boasted that her skill was greater than that of Athena, and refused to acknowledge that her skill came, in part at least, from the goddess. Athena took offense and set up a contest between them. Presenting herself as an old lady, she approached the boasting girl and warned her not to underestimate a goddesses power.
Arachne said that if athena is good enough then she should come and challenge her. Athena then revealed herself. The two began weaving straight away. Athena’s weaving represented four separate contests between mortals and the gods in which the gods punished mortals for setting themselves as equals of the gods. Arachne’s weaving depicted ways that the gods had misled and abused mortals, particularly Zeus, tricking and seducing many women. When Athena saw that Arachne had not only insulted the gods, but done so with a work far more beautiful than Athena’s own, she was enraged. She ripped Arachne’s work into shreds, and hit her on the head three times. Athena then morphed arachne into a spider. This showed how goddesses punished mortals who dared to insult them.
the odyssey ch 1
The story begins ten years after the end of the Trojan War. All of the Greek heroes except Odysseus have returned home.
Odysseus is on the remote island Ogygia with the goddess Calypso, who has fallen in love with him and refuses to let him leave.
Meanwhile, a mob of suitors is devouring his estate in Ithaca and courting his wife, Penelope.
With the consent of Zeus, Athena travels to Ithaca to speak with Telemachus. Assuming the form of Odysseus’s old friend Mentes, Athena predicts that Odysseus is still alive and that he will soon return to Ithaca.
Telemachus then gives the suitors notice that he will hold an assembly the next day at which they will be ordered to leave his father’s estate.
Although Telemachus suspects that his visitor was a goddess in disguise, he tells them only that the man was a friend of his father.
Book 3
Telemachus with Mentor (Athena) goes to Pylos to ask Nestor about his Father Odysseus. Nestor didnt have much information.
He recounts that after the fall of Troy a falling-out occurred between Agamemnon and Menelaus, the two Greek brothers who had led the expedition.
Telemachus asked about Agamemnon’s fate. Nestor explains that Agamemnon returned from Troy to find that Aegisthus had seduced and married his wife, Clytemnestra. With her approval, Aegisthus murdered Agamemnon. He would have then taken over Agamemnon’s kingdom had not Orestes, who was in exile in Athens, returned and killed Aegisthus and Clytemnestra. Nestor holds the courage of Orestes up as an example for Telemachus. He sends his own son Pisistratus along to accompany Telemachus to Sparta, and the two set out by land the next day.
the odyssey ch 5
Athena once again appeals to Zeus to assist Odysseus in the escape from Calypso’s island; Zeus gives in and sends Hermes to Ogygia to demand Calypso to release Odysseus. Hermes does so, and Calypso first claims that the Gods are jealous of her laying with a mortal man. She soon relents though, and Hermes leaves. Calypso tells Odysseus he can go, and advises him on his journey and how to make his raft. Odysseus spends 4 days creating his raft, then Calypso sends him off with a favoring wind. Odysseus floats at sea for 17 days until he catches sight of land; Scheria. Poseidon sees this and becomes very angry; although he cannot stop the journey, he does his best to hinder it with a wild storm. The mast of Odysseus’s raft breaks and he is thrown into the water. Ino, an ocean Goddess, takes pity on him and gives him her magical veil to protect him. He doesn’t use it, fearing a trick, and tosses about in the water for 2 more days. He finally catches sight of land again and sees the mouth of a river near rocky cliffs. He prays to the river God to make the waters calm for him, and the river God does so. He crawls ashore and hides under a thicket.
the odyssey ch 9
Odysseus tells the Phaeacians his tale. From Troy, the winds sweep him and his men to the city of the Cicones. The men plunder the land and stay until the reinforced ranks of the Cicones attack. Odysseus and his crew escape, having lost men. A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseus’s men the fruit of the lotus. As they eat this fruit, they long to stay there eating more fruit. Only by dragging his men back to the ship and locking them up can Odysseus get them off the island. Odysseus and his men sail through the night to the land of the Cyclopes. They then cross to the mainland, where they immediately come upon a cave full of sheep and crates of milk and cheese. The men advise Odysseus to snatch some of the food and hurry off but he decides to linger. The cave’s inhabitant soon returns; it is the Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon. Polyphemus devours two of Odysseus’s men on the spot and imprisons Odysseus and the rest in his cave. Odysseus devises a plan. The next day, while Polyphemus is outside with his sheep, Odysseus finds a wooden staff in the cave and hardens it in the fire. When Polyphemus returns, Odysseus gets him drunk on wine that he brought from the ship. Polyphemus asks Odysseus his name. Odysseus replies that his name is “Nobody”. Polyphemus collapses with intoxication and Odysseus, with a select group of his men, drive the staff into his eye. Polyphemus wakes with a scream, and his neighbors come to see what’s wrong, but they leave as soon as he calls out, “Nobody’s killing me”. Odysseus and his men escape from the cave, unseen by Polyphemus, by clinging to the bellies of the sheep. Safe on board their ships and with Polyphemus’s flock, Odysseus reveals his true identity. The giant prays to his father, Poseidon, calling for vengeance.
the odyssey ch 10
The Achaeans sail from the land of the Cyclopes to the home of Aeolus, king of the winds. Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag containing all of the winds. Within ten days, they are in sight of Ithaca. Odysseus’s shipmates, who think that Aeolus has secretly given Odysseus a fortune, open the bag. The winds escape and bring Odysseus and his men back to Aeolia. This time, Aeolus refuses to help them, certain that the gods hate Odysseus. The Achaeans row to the land of the Laestrygonians, a race of powerful giants whose king, Antiphates, eats Odysseus’s scouts. Odysseus and his remaining men flee to their ships, but the Laestrygonians pelt the ships with boulders and sink them. Only Odysseus’s ship escapes. From there, Odysseus and his men travel to Aeaea, home of the witch-goddess Circe. Circe drugs a band of Odysseus’s men and turns them into pigs. Hermes approaches him in the form of a young man and he tells Odysseus to eat an herb called moly to protect himself from Circe’s drug, then lunge at her when she tries to strike him with her sword. Odysseus follows Hermes’ instructions and forces her to change his men back to their human forms. Odysseus becomes Circe’s lover, and he and his men live with her for a year. When his men persuade him to continue the voyage home, Odysseus asks Circe for the way back to Ithaca. She replies he must sail to the realm of the dead to speak with Tiresias, the blind Theban prophet who will tell him how to get home. The next morning, Odysseus departs. He discovers that the youngest man in his crew, Elpenor, had gotten drunk the previous night, fell from the roof and broke his neck. Odysseus explains to his men the course they must take.
the odyssey ch 11
Odysseus travels to the River of Ocean in the land of the Cimmerians. There he pours libations and does sacrifices as Circe instructed him to do to attract the souls of the dead. The first to appear is that of Elpenor. He begs Odysseus to return to Circe’s island and give his body a proper burial. Odysseus then speaks with Tiresias, who reveals that Poseidon is punishing the Achaeans for blinding Polyphemus. He foretells Odysseus’s fate; he will return home, reclaim his wife and palace from the wretched suitors, and then make another trip to a distant land to please Poseidon. He warns Odysseus not to touch the flocks of the Sun when he reaches the land of Thrinacia; if not, he won’t return home without more hardship and losing his crew. Odysseus calls other spirits over. He speaks with his mother, Anticleia; she updates him on Ithaca and how she died of grief waiting for his return. He then meets the spirits of various famous men and heroes and hears the stories of their lives and deaths. Odysseus now asks his Phaeacian hosts to allow him sleep, but the king and queen urge him to continue, asking if he met any of the Greeks who fell at Troy. He met Agamemnon, who tells him of his murder. Next he meets Achilles, who asks about his son. Odysseus tries to speak with Ajax, an Achaean who killed himself after he lost a contest with Odysseus over the armor of Achilles, but Ajax refuses to speak and slips away. He sees Heracles, King Minos, the hunter Orion, and others. He witnesses the punishment of Sisyphus, struggling eternally to push a boulder over a hill only to have it roll back down whenever it reaches the top. He then sees Tantalus, agonized by hunger and thirst. Odysseus finds himself mobbed by souls wishing to ask about their relatives in the world above. He gets frightened, runs back to his ship, and sails away.
the odyssey ch 16
Telemachus reaches Eumaeus’s hut and finds him talking with a stranger, who is Odysseus in disguise Eumaeus suggests that the stranger stays with Telemachus at the palace. But Telemachus is afraid of what the suitors might do to them. Eumaeus goes to the palace alone to tell Penelope that her son has returned. When father and son are alone in the hut, Athena appears to Odysseus and calls him outside. When Odysseus reenters the hut, his old-man disguise is gone. Telemachus cannot believe his eyes, but then the two embrace and weep. Odysseus tells about his trip to the Phaeacians and then begins plotting the overthrow of the suitors. He comes up with a plan to launch a surprise attack from in the palace. Odysseus will enter disguised as a beggar and Telemachus will hide the palace’s weapons where the suitors can’t reach them. The two of them will get the weapons and slaughter the suitors. The messenger from the ship arrives and informs the entire palace that Telemachus has returned before Eumaeus can. The suitors plan their next move. Antinous recommends putting Telemachus to death before he can call an assembly at which the suitors’ schemes will be revealed, but Amphinomus persuades the others to wait for a sign from the gods before doing anything. Penelope later finds Antinous in the palace and calls him out for the plot against her son, the details of which Medon had overheard and revealed to her earlier in the story. Eurymachus calms Penelope down with false concern for the safety of Telemachus.
the odyssey ch 19
When the suitors go to bed, Telemachus and Odysseus remove the weapons as planned. Telemachus tells Eurycleia that they are storing the arms to keep them from being damaged. After they have disposed of the arms, Telemachus goes to bed and Odysseus is joined by Penelope, who has come from the women’s quarters to question her visitor. He has claimed to have met Odysseus, and she tests his honesty by asking him to describe her husband. Odysseus describes himself, capturing each detail so perfectly that it reduces Penelope to tears. He tells Penelope that, essentially, Odysseus had a long ordeal but is alive and freely traveling the seas, and predicts that Odysseus will be back within the month. Penelope offers the beggar a bed to sleep in, but he declines. He reluctantly allows Eurycleia to wash his feet and she recognizes a scar on one of his feet. She immediately recognizes it as the scar that Odysseus had received boar hunting. She throws her arms around Odysseus, but he silences her while Athena keeps Penelope distracted. The faithful Eurycleia promises to keep his secret. Penelope describes to Odysseus a dream that she has had in which an eagle swoops down upon her twenty pet geese and kills them all; it then perches on her roof and, in a human voice, says that he is her husband who has just put her lovers to death. Penelope has no idea what this dream means. Odysseus explains it to her, but Penelope decides to finally choose a new husband; she will marry the first man who can shoot an arrow through the holes of twelve axes set in a line.
the odyssey ch 21
Penelope gets Odysseus’s bow out of the storeroom and says that she will marry the suitor who can string it and then shoot an arrow through a line of twelve axes. Telemachus sets up the axes and then tries at the bow, but can’t string it. One by one they all try and fail. Meanwhile, Odysseus follows Eumaeus, the swineherd, and Philoetius, the cowherd, outside. He establishes their loyalty and then reveals his identity to them by the scar on his foot. He promises to treat them as Telemachus’s brothers if they fight by his side against the suitors. When Odysseus returns, Eurymachus cannot string it. Antinous suggests that they stop until the next day, when they can sacrifice to Apollo before trying again. Disguised Odysseus asks for the bow. All of the suitors complain, fearing that he will succeed. Telemachus takes control and orders Eumaeus to give Odysseus the bow. Odysseus easily strings it and sends the first arrow he grabs through all twelve axes.
the odyssey ch 22
Odysseus shoots a second arrow through the throat of Antinous, who is the first to die. The suitors are confused and believe this shooting is an accident. Odysseus reveals himself, and the suitors are terrified. They have no way out, since Philoetius has locked the front door and Eumaeus has locked the doors to the women’s quarters. Eurymachus tries to calm Odysseus, but Odysseus announces that he will spare none of them. Eurymachus then charges Odysseus, but he is cut down by another arrow to the liver. Amphinomus is next, at the spear of Telemachus. Telemachus arms Eumaeus and Philoetius, but he forgets to lock the storeroom on his way out. Melanthius soon reaches the storeroom and gets out weapons for the suitors. On his second trip to the storeroom, however, Eumaeus and Philoetius find him there, tie him up, and lock him in. A full battle is raging in the palace hall. Athena appears disguised as Mentor and encourages Odysseus but doesn’t participate immediately, preferring instead to test Odysseus’s strength. Odysseus and his men kill several suitors while receiving only slight wounds themselves. Athena finally joins the battle, which then swiftly ends. Odysseus spares only the minstrel Phemius and the herald Medon. Odysseus has Eurycleia come out and she openly rejoices to see the suitors dead. She rounds up the disloyal servant women, who are first made to clear the corpses from the hall and wash the blood from the furniture; they are then sent outside and executed. Telemachus decides to hang them—a disgraceful death. Last of all, the traitor Melanthius is tortured and killed. After the bloodbath, Odysseus has the house fumigated.
the odyssey ch 23
In the morning, Eurycleia goes to Penelope, who slept through the entire battle; she tells her Odysseus has returned home, it was he who was the beggar all along, and that he has killed all the suitors.. Penelope doesn’t believe her and goes to look for herself; She recognises Odyssues, but still isn’t sure. She orders for their Olive wood bridal bed to be removed from their room, and Odysseus flares up in rage. He recounts all the details of the process of making the bed, and Penelope bursts into tears; She knows that this is the real Odysseus. They get reaquainted and tell eachother stories of what happened during his absense.