Passage Planning Flashcards
State information found in ALRS volumes
Vol 1: Coastal Radio Stations
Vol 2: Navigation Warnings and Navigation Aids
Vol 3: Maritime Safety Information
Vol 4: Met Stations
Vol 5: GMDSS
Vol 6: Port Information
State 10 items of information that may be requested by VTS reporting
Number of crew
Last port
Call sign
IMO number
State Official publication where VTS radio frequency can be found
ALRS Vol 6
4 examples of information which can be found in ALRS when planning a passage?
Pilots information and contact details
Port information and contact details
VTS information and contact details
Navtex information
4 Stages of passage planning
Appraisal - should be considered as the most important part of passage planning. It is here that all relevant information and factors of the intended voyage are gathered together, considered, evaluated and assessed.
Planning - Once approval has been given for the general plan, detailed Planning can commence. Berth to berth, waypoints, tracks, EDT, ETA, and all relevant navigational details.
Execution - The Master will coordinate all the yacht’s departments in order to implement the plan.
Monitoring - The vessels progress along the intended track needs to be continuously monitored. Practically this is achieved by the OOWs. Whenever there is any doubt as to the vessels position or the manner in which the voyage is proceeding, the Master is to be informed immediately.
List 10 publications for passage planning
Mariners Handbook
Ocean passages of the world
List of Lights
Admiralty Notice to mariners
Sailing Directions
Total Tide
Tidal Stream Atlas
Routing charts
ALRS Vol 1: Coastal Radio Stations
ALRS Vol 2: Navigation Wamings and Navigation Aids
ALRS Vol 3. Maritime Safety Information
ALRS Vol 4: Met Stations
ALRS Vol 6: Port Information
What information is contained on the wind rose?
A windrose diagram is a graphical tool used to visualize the distribution and frequency of wind directions at a specific location.
What information is contained on a routing chart
Wind roses
Ocean currents
Ice limits
Great circle shipping routes
What information is contained on a routing guide?
Provides mariner with special information required for planning a passage in the described area
General Rules and recommendations
Passage planning guide
Special rules and recomendations
Special classes of vessels
Marine pollution information
Radio reporting systems
Reporting to a port
Maritime radio services
Pilot services
Tidal information
Explain Mercator projection
Conformal map projection
All rhumb lines appear straight
Lines of latitude are parallel and becomes further apart as distance north and south increases
Lines of longitude are equally spaced and parallel
Define rhumb line and great circle
Rhumb line - is a course line, straight line on a mercator chart and cuts meridians at the same angle
Great circle - straight line on a gnomonic chart. Shortest distance between 2 points
List 5 sources of relevant information that may be used in the preparation of a voyage plan
Tide tables
Mariners handbook
Sailing directions
Admiralty List of Radio Signals VOL 6
Routeing Chart
When monitoring the voyage plan, explain why a single method of position fixing should not be relied upon, and list 6 possible methods available to fix a position.
If only one method is used and is incorrect your position fixing will be incorrect for the entire passage.
Methods to fix position
- Visual fix with 3 position lines
- Transit marks and radar range
- Celestial fix with sextant
- GPS position
- Running fix
- Echo sounder
Safety margin
The region on each side of the track which the vessel will always be safe.
With respect to a voyage plan, state the factors taken into account when deciding upon bridge manning requirements.
Expected visibility, weather, sea state
Traffic density expected
Activities occurring in area
Navigating near TSS
Experience of each OOW
Ship manoeuvring characteristics
Size of vessel and field of vision
Masters departure briefing and items included in briefing
Courses, alteration points and speed
Position fixing methods
Objects for position fixing
Fixing intervals
VHF call points
Areas of high traffic
Pilot arrangements
Expected weather
Number of crew required at various stations and their duties
Why is a passage plan from berth to berth?
The passage plan will include all three distinctive areas of navigation namely, Pilotage, Coastal and Offshore.
The bridge team will be familiar with the entire voyage and will be able to monitor the actions of the pilot.
Describe the circumstances or situations for which a contingency plan should be prepared
A Contingency plan should always be made in case of forced deviation from original plan.
For example emergencies, equipment failure or bad weather.
Master/ Pilot exchange
Pilot card handed to pilot
Wheelhouse poster available with manoeuvring characteristics
Any possible deviations from plan discussed
Update on traffic
Proposed plan explained by pilot and accepted by master
Progress of ship and pilot orders monitored
Pilot informed of LSA location
Formal confirmation of working language
Contingency plans discussed
Explain the instructions to the officer of the watch if there is any doubt as to the pilot’s directions.
Inform Master
Take any action to ensure safety of the vessel