PASS 2 5 3 2023 Flashcards
Ultrasound image of the medial knee in the criminal plane is shown which site should be the best target for Pez and serene bursa injection
Answer on the test was three
Long and short access images of the supraspinatus are shown what is the best diagnosis
Is partial thickness tear bursal sided
Ultrasound image of the anterior hip and axial plane is shown during Valsalva which type a hernia does the arrow indicate
Ultrasound image of the proximal third metatarsal in the sagittal plane you shown what does the arrow indicate
A stress fracture
True or false common sites for tophaceous gout about the knee include the patellar and popliteal tendons
The answer is true
T or F the characteristic ultrasound findings of carpal tunnel syndrome include hypoechoic enlargement at and proximal to the compression of the palmar carpal ligament
The correct answer is true
The enhancement in the image below occurs when the sound beam travels through a region of blank then the surrounding tissue
The answer is lower attenuation I put higher attenuation
Ultrasound image of the calf in the sagittal plane is shown what does the arrow indicate
I put plantaris tear but the correct answer is medial gastroc tear
Ultrasound images of the palm are proximal phalanx the sagittal plane are shown what is the best diagnosis
Pully tear I put isolated Tenosyovitis
What is the order of structures of the anterior hip at the inguinal ligament from lateral to medial
The correct answer is for femoral nerve for femoral artery femoral vein lymphatics
Ultrasound image of the bull are wrist in the axial plane is shown what does the hero indicate
A ganglion I put joint effusion
What tendon inserts on the lesser trochanter
The correct answer is iliopsoas and I put gluteus minimus
Ultrasound images of the anterior hip are shown what do the arrows indicate
Lymph node enlargement and I put joint effusion
Ultrasound image of the volar wrist in the axial plane is shown what does the arrow indicate
I put flexor digitorum from the correct answers median nerve
Anisotropy is a common artifact seen in musculoskeletal ultrasound that occurs when the ultrasound beam encounters a structure at a non perpendicular angle true or false in the image below the heel toe maneuver to create a near 90 angle of incidence would be necessary on this image of the bicep tendon
The correct answer is false the bicep tendon is imaged at the appropriate angle and I put true
Dynamic evaluation of the thumb with the inter-balance heel joint flexion shows movement of which structure
I put flexor tendon the correct answer is adductor aponeurosis
Ulnar entrapment at the elbow most commonly occurs at what structure
I put the anconeus epitrochleearis the correct answer is the arcuate ligament
The power Doppler image below encodes the amplitude or power of the red blood cells making this method of analyzing flow less angle dependent pertaining to musculoskeletal ultrasound examinations this is an excellent technique when looking for small vessels and
The correct answer is mass vascularity and I put Achilles tendinosis
Ultrasound image of the lateral knee in the coronal oblique plane is shown what do the arrows indicate
the correct answer is the lateral collateral ligament and I put the iliotibial band
True or false long in the lateral heads of the tri-separate PI combined to form a tendon deep to the medial head at the lectern on attachment
The correct answer is false
Ultrasound image of the anterior hip Long access to the abductor longest origin is shown what does the arrow indicate
The correct answer is tendon gnosis and I put osteitis pubis
Ultrasound image of the anterior hip in the axial plane is shown which site could be a target for iliopsoas bursal injection
I put four but the correct answer was three
How often does the iliopsoas bursa communicate with the hip joint
I put most of the time but the correct answer is some of the time
Long access image of the subscapularis is shown what is the best diagnosis
The correct answer is calcific tendinitis and I put heterotorpic ossification
Ultrasound images of the posterior medial elbow in the axial and sagittal planes are shown what does the arrow indicate
The correct answer is cubital tunnel syndrome and I put on our ulnar nerve dislocation
Long axis color Doppler image of the supraspinatus is shown what is the best diagnosis
The answer is subacromial sub deltoid bursal thickening I put deltoid injury
Ultrasound image of lateral hip long access to the gluteus minimalists is shown what does the arrow indicate
The correct answer is tendinosis and I put bursitis
What term is used when the bicep brachii long head tendon is located medial to the lesser tuberosity
The correct answers biceps dislocation versus biceps subluxation
Which metatarsal head is most common site for erosion of the foot with rheumatoid arthritis
The correct answer is the fifth
Ultrasound image of the posterior elbow in the sagittal plane is shown what does the arrow indicate
The correct answer is joint effusion and I put a olecranan bursitis
What is the most common appearance of synovial hypertrophy in the setting of synovitis
The correct answer is hypoechoic
Ultrasound images of the dorsal wrists are shown what is the best diagnosis
I put joint effusion but the correct answer is Tenosynivitis
True or false soft tissue calcification can be differentiated from ossification by lacking of shadowing
The correct answer is false but I put true
Which dynamic evaluation of the cubital tunnel with elbow inflection the ulnar nerve is located anterior to the medial humoral epic condyle what is the diagnosis
The correct answer is owner nerve dislocation and I put on our nerves subluxation
What are the characteristic ultrasound features of the ganglion
Hypoechoic multilocular and noncompressible
Were faults for an ankle joint injection from the anterior port approach the needle tip must be positioned between the tibia and the talar dome
Answer if False
How many annular pulleys are present in the second through fifth digits of the hand
The correct answer is five and I put three