Pasado 2; El tiempo pasado con "did" Flashcards
Ella no me escucho decir eso
She did not hear me say that
No vi a nadie
I did not see anybody
¿Por qué dije eso?
Why did I say that?
El niño no fue a la iglesia
The boy did not go to church
¿Dónde comimos el domingo?
Where did we eat on Sunday?
Que bebieron los estudiantes?
What did the students drink?
No lo vi esta semana, pero lo vi la semana pasada
I did not see him this week, but I saw him last week
Mi padre no bebió vino ayer
My father did not drink wine yesterday
Él no me respondió
He did not answer me
Ellos no hablaban ingles
They did not speak English
¿Hiciste algo hoy?
Did you do something today?
¿Por qué no me dijeron eso?
Why did you not tell me that?
Ella no habló con el maestro
She did not talk to the teacher.
Yo no seguí a la mujer
I did not follow the woman
Ella no supo el numero
She did not know the number
No lo queríamos
We did not want it
¿Cuándo querías ir?
When did you want to go?
¿Lo seguiste al edificio?
Did you follow him to the building?
Yo no sabía
I did not know
Nosotros no tocamos bien
We did not play well
Yo no solía beber cerveza cuando era niño
I did not use to drink beer when i was a child
¿Lo seguiste al edificio?
Did you follow it to the building?
¿Dejó la puerta abierta?
Did she leave the door open?
¿Cómo se sintió ella ayer?
How did she feel yesterday?
¿Vimos televisión anoche?
Did we watch TV last night?
¿Sucedió algo?
Did something happen?
¿Parecía profesional?
Did he seem professional?
It seemed professional?
Yo no lo recordaba
I did not remember it
I did not remember him
¿Cuándo escribieron una carta?
When did they write a letter?
¿La amabas o la odiabas?
Did you love her or hate her?
¿Por qué esto tuvo que pasar?
Why did this have to happen?
Yo no debía decir nada
I did not need to say anything