Parts of Speech & Basic Grammar (The name word) Flashcards
Names a particular person, place, or thing. The first letter must me capitalized
Proper Noun
Does not denote anybody, anyplace or anything in particular
Common Noun
The speaker is talking about somebody, something or someplace specific
Proper Noun
Refers to anyone belonging to a class of persons, place, and things.
Common Noun
A word used for naming person, an animal, a place, a thing, or an idea
These two types of nouns usually belong to common nouns
Collective Noun
Abstract Noun
Refers to a collectivity or a group of persons, animals, or things that are counted or deemed as one.
Collective Noun
Denotes an intangible idea. It names a condition or a concept.
Abstract Noun
Anything that names a quality
Abstract noun
Singular when we think of it as a group and plural when we think of the individuals acting within the whole.
Collective Noun
It denotes the speaker
First Person
A noun may indicate the speaker, the one spoken to, or the one spoken about
It denotes the one spoken about
Third Person
It denotes the one spoken to
Second Person
What are the Modifications or Qualities of Nouns?
Refers to only one person, animal, thing, or place.
Singular Noun
A noun maybe singular or plural