Parts Of Speech Flashcards
word/s used to name people, animals, places, things, or ideas
noun in general form
First letter not capitalized
Noun for make and female
Common Noun
Noun for a specific person, place, animal thing or idea
First letter capitalized
Proper Noun
Noun that can be perceived using the 5 senses
Physically exists
Concrete Noun
Nouns that have no effect unkess acted upon
Concept; no physical manifestation
Abstract noun
Nouns that have no effect unless acted upon
Concept; no physical manifestation
Abstract noun
Noun that can be counted individually
Count Noun
Too small/ too much to count
To count, use quantifiers or determiners
Mass Noun
Noun for a group
Collective noun
Two nouns make up a new word
Closed, hyphenated, spaced
Conpound noun
Noun for the male kind
Masculine noun
Noun for the female kind
Feminine noun
Noun with no gender
Neuter noun
Pangngalang pangkalahatan
Partikular na pangngalan